Saturday, May 10, 2008

Annie Bananie's latest acomplishment and my beautiful niece's big day!

It is no secret that Annie has the entire family enamored. It probably seems like there are 100 pictures a day of Ann but it is usually Molly or Peter who yell for me to get the camera because she is smiling or laughing or doing some other adorable thing. Today was no different as Molly just thought Annie was the cutest things ever this morning - and I do love her in this sleeper. But Annie also made great strides in the crawling department - check out the pictures!

My favorite Annie smile - I just want to eat her up!
Annie has officially discovered Elmo and she loves him! This book we found in the playroom was the one way we found to get her up on all fours!
Check out her feet - she got herself stuck in this position and could not move but she was perfectly happy!
And there she goes - finally up on all fours!
And she even moved a bit up there - look at the concentration on her face!
And then the belly flop onto her tummy - she thought it was hysterical!
Annie wanted nothing but to hang out with Molly this morning - here they are all cuddled up together watching a show while I got ready for Katie's baptism!
My girls all snuggled together!

I want Karla to see the pictures of Katie's christening before I post too many but I am giving you a peek. Here is Bob praying over his goddaughter during the christening. Bob could not have been more excited about being Katie's godfather - he got his suit cleaned, got a Red Sox tie for the big day and picked out the cross that she wore himself. Katie was perfect all day - she smiled and slept and let everyone hold her! She must know she is a catholic now!
Daddy and his baby girl - she looks so tiny with Patrick!
This is the whole Harding clan celebrating with Katie on her big day!

The day was wonderful and once I get Karla the pictures I promise a full recap.

Check out Brigid's blog for a video of Peter dancing - too cute - thanks Auntie Brigid!


Friday, May 9, 2008

Noah Webster Spring Songfest!

Today was the Noah Webster Spring Concert. Grades pre-k - through 6th grade played instruments and sang songs and I know its hard to believe but the 2 cutest kids there belonged to me (Annie was home with the babysitter). Molly got stuck in the last row behind the entire pre-k and kindergarten classes - poor Mrs. Nelson kept moving her around so I could see her better but for most of it she was blocked by the other kids. I did get a few waves and "I Love You"s in sign language. She is too cute! Both kids were slightly disappointed that I didn't bring Annie but I was trying to make it about them - that'll show me! As a special treat Auntie Meg came to see the kids in their concert - she thinks she was very subtle as she text messaged through every song but the ones our kids were singing in but she wasn't! The kids thought it was great either way so we'll forgive her her obsession with technology and appreciate her willingness to spend 2 hours at an elementary school. She was also sweet enough to bring the kids a special treat and spend ample time telling them how wonderful they each were in their performances etc. They felt very loved and appreciated - even if they didn't show it at that moment - I hope Auntie Meg realized that!
Only one month of school left - eeeeek!

My handsome son hamming it up for me as he waits for his turn to perform. He sings so enthusiastically at home but then when he gets to the concert he freezes up.
Molly - Girl waiting for her turn to perform. I stuck a big white bow in her hair so that I could find her easily - it worked and she was a very good sport about it.
Molly with one of her closest friends, Jocelyn, on her left. Jocelyn is the sweetest, most loveable little girl and she adores Molly so we LOVE her! Savannah is on the right!
My goddaugher - sitting very ladylike and playing with her lips as she waits for her turn to sing. It could be worse - she could be picking her nose or her butt!
I have no idea who this little boy is - just that he was adorable as he jumped around the gym engaging the kids during one of the songs. He was so confident and happy as he made a fool out of himself that I was amazed by him - he was a pleasure to watch!

Molly's class singing - they were very cute and again - I apologize for the poor visibility but my baby was in the back! She was still absolutely adorable and after a while I just turned off the camera and enjoyed her animated features and smile as she sang her songs.

Peter's class singing - Pete could be in the next state and we would still see him because he is so tall. He was less animated but as cute as they come none the less!

Today was also teacher appreciation day at our school. We gave the teachers a small token of our appreciation but it couldn't possibly reflect how grateful we are for their role in our kids lives. Peter especially has been divinely guided in his 2 years at Noah Webster to teachers who understand his unique personality and his need for affirmation. Mrs. Nelson recognized how special Peter was last year and made sure he knew it - she helped him succeed academically but also took special care of his fragile self esteem and most importantly made him feel safe and loved in his learning environment - laugh if you will, but I feel like all kids in kindergarten need to have a certain level of emotional comfort to be able to learn effectively. Mrs. Nelson hand picked Mrs. Greenberg for Peter and herself for Molly. (We actualy requested her for Molly) Mrs. Greenberg has been wonderful for Peter - she is strict and rigid with just enough humor and warmth to keep Pete engaged - and once again, she has taken a special interest in him - calling me weekly with updated progress reports and working with him individually as often as possible so that Peter has been able to pass his 1st grade reading tests with ease. Molly has Mrs. Nelson this year and is just in love with her. Mrs. Nelson gives Molly the confidence to show off her skills and engages Molly's intellectual side. Molly is my talker so I know everything that goes on in class and very rarely is it retold without large amounts of enthusiasm - she loves school and learning and experiencing new things! Getting the kids to Noah Webster every day and sacrificing time, work hours and money to do it is at times difficult for Bob and I - especially since Annie was born but it is something that I am incredibly proud of. This school has given Peter and Molly opporuntities that they would never have elsewhere - Peter has a clear sense of belonging after truly experiencing diversity in its truest form and both kids are getting the best education we could hope for with teachers who truly love what they do! I'm not sure if it is teacher appreciation week everywhere but if so - Thanks to all of the teachers out there who contribute in ways they will never know to the lives of our children!

That was longer than I intended - one little cute story about the kids and Mother's Day. Both kids were way too excited about what they made me in school to wait until Sunday to give it to me and everyone knows that one of my greatest weaknesses is my need for instant gratification so I opened their gifts today when they got home from school. Cute poems, cards and a potholder with her handprint from Molly (everyone knows how I LOVE handprints on anything) . They were so proud and sweet and about 5 minutes later they were upstairs playing and came running down the stairs to talk to Bob - apparently they are now concerned about what they will give me on Sunday and have convinced Bob to take them out tomorrow to get me another present. I'm not complaining! Tomorrow is Katie's christening - wait until you see those pictures tomorrow - I just saw her tonight and she is so different - so animated and smiley - she has a sweet little personality and, if I do say so myself, loves her Auntie Kasey best! Okay - I made that up but let a girl dream! I'm off to sleep late tomorrow - Hooray for Bob for believing that the most sleep possible is best for the baby in my tummy. He begs me to stay in bed and sleep so I feel better and who am I to refuse the poor man!


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Missing Marlin and Jamar!

I haven't been able to figure out why I have had such a heavy heart this month when I think of Marlin and Jamar. It finally ocurred to me today that both of their birthdays are this month. On May 7th Jamar turned 4 and on May 10th Marlin turns 8. Marlin and Jamar were with us from September 2005 through Septmeber 2006. We took them just months after Bob and I got married and only a month after moving into the house. They immediately fit in with the other kids and Bob and I fell in love with the two of them. Unfortunate circumstances led to their leaving our home and Marlin has really struggled since leaving. Both kids spent some time with their mother in New Britain but continued neglect and endangerment has forced them to be removed again. Today I went out on a limb out of frustration at not being able to get any information from their current social worker and asked a friend at DCF to look into how they were doing for me. Incidentally - this friend was the major force behind the agreement that Peter's birthmother and I came to for his adoption - she educated his birthmother and helped facilitate the entire adoption - you can imagine the important place she has in my heart!
Marlin and Jamar are not in their mom's home anymore and will most likely not be reunited with her again. Marlin is back in the residential facility after having a really difficult time in the last foster home he was placed in. Jamar has been with a family for 8 months and they may try to adopt him eventually. He has some learning disabilities identified through enrollment in headstart - he is happy, loving and affectionate according to the foster mom and he sees Marlin once a week. Marlin is doing great in school and doing as well as possible in the residential facility - he just went to a Red Sox game! I have to admit that it has been a hard day. It's hard not to imagine what we might have been able to do for them or what we should have done differently. In the end God had a plan and Marlin and Jamar are doing well for themselves - they will always be in our prayers!
Peter and Marlin were instant friends. This is a picture from the first night that Marlin and Jamar came to live with us. Peter was thrilled to have a playmate and a friend living in his own house.
Molly and Jamar - Molly was so excited to have a baby in the house. She led Jamar around the house and took care of him like a little mother. She does the same thing with Annie now and told me recently that she can't wait for the new baby to get here because when Annie gets a little bigger she is not going to want Molly to hold her anymore!
Sorry if this blog entry is a bit of a downer but it can't all be whipped cream covered babies and happy hugging kids!
I also wanted to bring up one more thing for all you Grey's Anatomy fans - on last week's episode there was a woman who was terrified of having a baby because she was HIV positive. There are alot of areas in the HIV field where little progress has been made but the area of maternal - fetal transmission is almost obsolete with one exception. Not every state has a law requiring HIV testing for pregnant mothers - this should be a federal law and I'll tell you why. In 2001 CT passed a law saying that every pregnant woman was required to have an HIV test - if she does not get one during prenatal care or does not get prenatal care than the hospital does one when she comes in to give birth. The result is that 0 babies have been born with HIV in CT since 2002. Amazing - not one baby born with HIV since the inception of this law and yet some states still have not passed it!
I'm off to work on another grant while Bob wins us some money at poker! Auntie Beth was nice enough not to berate us slackers for needing an extension on our taxes and then being procrastinators on getting all of our info in - she will be happy to know we are finally submitting electronically tomorrow - woohoo - bring on the big refund bucks!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Annie tries whipped cream!

I just got home from work and missed t-ball and never even saw Annie - she was already sound asleep when I got home. It didn't stop me from picking her up and kissing her until she whined to go back in her bed. The big kids don't care if I am late as long as I get to the concert on Friday at school. And, yes, there will be pictures and videos on the blog on Friday night!
So my WONDERFUL sister-in-law took the big kids to her house for dinner last night after basketball practice and so Bob and I were just left with Annie. First off there is absolutely nothing better than a little down time for Bob and I and kids coming home tired and showered - yes, you heard me right - showered, fed and tired! This, naturally, called for a treat for Annie so Bob and I sprayed whipped cream on her high chair tray and let her go nuts. She didn't know what to do at first but figured it out quickly!

Annie yelling to Daddy because she was so excited!
After a while it became a job - she was concentrating so hard!
"More, Daddy, more!"
And the priceless face of my little angel covered in whipped cream!
Bob and I had a great deal of fun watching Annie have a blast playing with the whipped cream - we know we are pathetic but its my blog! Auntie Kake and Meg also stopped over - I won't say they were disappointed that the big kids weren't here but Auntie Kake did forget her purse "accidentally" and have to come back later when the big kids were home! The big kids came home so happy - I think they enjoyed their break from Mommy and Daddy!
So I'm off to get in my pajamas and watch American Idol - I know one person won't get voted off tonight! How do I know, you ask? Because my beautiful, smart frugal mother voted 35 times for David Archuletta!
Check out this link - I thought it was sweet!

Monday, May 5, 2008

IT'S A............

We have NO idea! Not only was the gender not visable but what they were looking for - the nucal transluscent fluid - was almost indecipherable, too. Our precious little one was referred to as willfull, stubborn and obstinate by more than one person. Bob and I referred to her/him as adorable, sweet and playful. It is so odd to think that the baby is only 2 inches long but we could see it doing flips and waving its arms around. It kept its hands up by its face the entire time - just like Annie. The result was perfect - a perfect little baby. We are still waiting on the final blood work but they are fairly sure that everything looked normal and the baby is doing great. The due date is back to November 18th - yikes! They had moved it to the 6th and we were very excited! We remember what those last few weeks are like so an earlier due date is always better! As long as he/she comes out healthy I can handle it! Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts. The little peapod is very lucky to have so much love already!
Profile of the baby - look at the big belly! The little things on the end of the belly are its feet - they moved around the entire time we were there. So cute!
A closer up profile of the head - looks like a boy to me but we won't know until June 28th when we go for the anatomy ultrasound!
I was in bed most of the weekend with what I thought was a stomach bug. I couldn't stop getting sick and felt miserable. It turned out I had some fluid accumulation around my kidneys that was causing an infection. They wanted to admit me to the hospital but my docs are VERY considerate and as long as I let them monitor it closely in the office I am allowed to be home on limited activity. A step up from bed rest but I can't jog, jump rope or work out - darn it all - not sure how I am going to use my free time now! Yesterday when I was sick Molly Girl drew me this picture to make me feel better - it is me driving a submarine. I love her imagination. Am I allowed to brag for a moment???? My little artist also scored the highest you can score in kindergarten on her reading tests. Mrs. Nelson called me today to let me know. I am so happy for Molly - she reads incessantly and LOVES it. I was hoping that she would be good at it!
Molly also came home SO excited because she had Cinco De Mayo festivities at school - Mrs Nelson served chips and salsa and did the Mexican Hat dance with the kids - Molly had so much fun!
Annie gets dressed up by the kids yet again - this time in a Woody hat!
Annie with the Annie pillow. When I was pregnant my Mom bought me a travel pillow to stick under my tummy so that I could sleep more comfortably - so cute! Now Annie loves to play hide and seek with it - too bad I am going to need it again for the belly!
Annie and Daddy snuggling!
Molly helping Annie try Jax for the first time - she LOVED them!
Molly got all ready for breakfast on Sunday and she looked adorable. I love the weekends when she picks out her own clothes - she is truly her own fashion guru!

Tyler ready to bat!
Pete ready to bat!
Go Tyler!
Pete working hard to get to first base after he hit!
Playing in the outfield Pete was laughing and playing and Tyler was drawing pictures in the sand with his toe!
Molly was so good - taking Annie for walks to keep her occupied during the very long game. Luckily Grammy and Papa showed up soon after with Abby so Molly had someone to play with and so did Annie!
Tyler in his batting helmet - he can barely see!
Tyler was so excited to play catcher. Look how cute he looks!

So a great day - I feel better already with the medicine, the baby is healthy and happy and both kids did well at their various activities. I also love those nights when the kids just fall into bed exhausted - they barely made it to their beds tonight! I have some more Papa pictures to share tomorow so check the sides of the blog for updates tomorrow!
Goodnight, Mom - I Love You!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Papa's adventures with the kids!

Papa let me take his camera so I could download some pictures and videos of their trip to the beach with Abby and Annie last week. He ended up having 743 pictures on his camera and there were a few others that I couldn't resist. Not all of them are current but all are very cute! Other people get jeaous that when my Dad comes in the room all of his grandchildren drop everything to run to him for hugs and kisses. If given a choice between Papa and just about anything else the kids choose Papa. This gives you an idea of why...........When the kids go with Papa they never know where they might end up. Abby might end up on the Portland Bridge in the middle of a snow storm or Peter and Tyler might end up under a 2 ton house pretending to hold it up. Annie might end up at the top of a slide by herself and the girls may end up back at home with Grammy having their own special tea party. The key to enjoying the fun the kids have with Papa is for the Mom's to NEVER ask where, when, what or how when they get home. At this point most of the kids are smart enough to leave out certain details - especially the ones about bridges and ledges! So all of these pictures are courtesy of Papa and so are the beautiful smiles on the kids faces!
Annie and Abby at the top of the slide.
Annie wants to go down the slide like Abby!
My baby girl sitting on the porch at the beach house.

Abby took this one, I think, of Papa and Annie on the beach.

Annie Bananie looking lost on the beach!
Abby and Annie hanging out on the beach!
For Christmas Auntie Karla and Uncle Pat gave the boys tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters. When the time came for the game Auntie Karla was very pregnant and thought Katie might be coming that day (she ended up coming a week and a half later - poor Auntie!) so Papa took the boys to the game. Pete is still talking about it and when the boys get together they laugh incessantly about different things that happened at the game.
We prepped the boys to not ask for anything and to be thankful to Papa for taking them - as it turned out they were spoiled anyways - both had cotton candy and Papa's full attention!
Annie looking grumpy - I love this picture because this is my Mom's favorite position with Annie and she is usually singing her song to her, too.
Annie and Abby hanging with Katie!
Abby loves to help with tubby time!

The boys holding up the house that Papa moved! They put the house on a lift and moved it to another lot down the street! The boys thought it was cool! I don't know any other boys with a Papa who can move a house!

The boys love the beach - no matter how cold or how many layers they have to wear.
The boys at the beach park playing on the monkey bars.
Abby on the Portland bridge in the middle of a snowstorm! These are the types of outings that Karla and I are happy we find about AFTER!

I can not figure out how to get this video turned around so its kind of annoying but I thought it was adorable!
I got many e-mails and phone calls asking me about the lack of blogging. I hate to admit this to anyone but the pregnancy has gotten the best of me. I feel even sicker than with Annie and have had a sinus infection on top of it. We made it to week 13 so I am certainly not complaining but asking for patience! Tomorrow we go for an ultrasound after learning that our 1st trimester screening came back abnormal - Bob and I feel very confident that this little one is thriving and meant to be here but any prayers would be appreciated. We will have much more information tomorrow after our appointment with the maternal and fetal specialist so I'll keep you posted.
The big kids are off with Auntie Meg and Auntie Kake for a few hours - Bob is cleaning the bathroom and Annie just went in for a nap - I think I'll join her - anyone jealous???
Goodnight Mom, I Love You!