It was a rough week in our house in some ways and a great week in other ways. I don't post much about myself because this is really about the kids but this week deserves some coverage. My wonderful doctor - and everyone should have a general practitioner - no matter how great your other doctors are - figured out that the really awful flare up I have been experiencing for over 4 months now was actually something completely different and very curable. 4 specialists from the best hospitals in the state never did a test for Lyme's Disease because the symptoms were so similar to the ones that I always experience during a flare up that they assumed that was what was happening. My wonderful GP had the forsight to know that something may have changed and did the test - and it was positive. So now I am being treated with crazy amounts of antibiotics and will soon be back to normal - well, as normal as I get! The funniest part of the story is that each time someone new finds out their first and only question is how the heck I got a tick? Apparently people know that I am not the outdoorsy type! So the blessings keep coming - and for those who know us Lyme's Disease is, indeed, a blessing in this case!
Bob gets upset because I never post pictures of myself so I decided to put these up of the girls and I hamming it up for Daddy one night!
Check out Ann's one painted fingernail!
My girls are so beautiful!
Molly took this one of Annie and I kissing!
Lizzie loves her big sister and Molly is more than happy to carry her around and play with her anytime she wants!
Another picture by Molly-Girl!
My little princess!
A friend at work was kind enough to give me five tickets that she won on the radio to go see Disney's Princesses on Ice. So I gathered my princesses for an afternoon of fun. KK - wonderful Aunt and Cousin that she is agreed to come with us since I was feeling a little under the weather and needed some adult company - she secretly enjoyed it! How could you not with those little munchkins talking your ears off!
Annie practicing the princess wave that Abby taught her!
More waves for her adoring fans!
I love this one - big mouth with a crown!
The twins stayed home and bonded with Daddy and Uncle Ed while they watched the Patriots lose to Baltimore in the play-offs! Not sure the girls helped with the sting of the loss at all but Lizzie's REALLY BAD HAIR DAY must have provided some laughter at least.
Molly trying to get some hugs before she left - if Lizzie couldn't come she was not showing anyone any affection!
Playing Peek-a-boo with her big brother! Peter also stayed home to watch the game and then had a fun afternoon blowing with Uncle Pat and Tyler - he thought it was the greatest thing in the world to get time with his two favorite people and kept telling me that Uncle Pat was a "character".
Ellie learned to stand by herself but is not really interested in walking still. Peter carries her around everywhere anyways so she doesn't have any need to walk right now. Ellie has also been pretty sick so she has been doing lots of sleeping and is finally on the mend - well - we had one booger free day, at least!
Not the best picture of Molly but we were trying to show off the gems that we put in Abby and Molly's hair for the show - Annie wanted no part of it.
The five princesses ready to go! We had a blast watching Annie's shocked faces, listening to Molly and Abby giggle and getting to spend time together just the girls. We went to friendlies afterwards and the waitress was nice enough to let Molly and Abby sit in their own booth like "ladies". They laughed and giggled the entire time! Too cute - our girls.
Pasta Night! Lizzie LOVES pasta like no child I have ever seen but we have no idea how she manages to get it all over her face and her hair! Still the cutest thing I have ever seen!
My favorite picture - Bob suspiciously disappeared right after this leaving me to clean the babies after their pasta dinner.
The kids have their first full week of school in a month this week and the babies have doctor's appointments and shots again - ugggg! I'm sure I will have more to report and in the meant time check out Auntie beth's blog - she's least until tax season officially gets underway!