Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Rainy CT Weekend!

Uncle Bob with a very sleepy Katie sitting on our new couches - they are so comfy!
Sleepy baby!
This is how Annie came home from Grammy and Papa's exhausted and ready for bed!
Annie and Katie playing!
Annie kept laying in front of Katie and letting her play with her hair and eyes - it was kind of funny!

My poor sister in law is in the hospital for the weekend with a knee infection that required medical supervision to be sure it did not get out of hand. Karla is quite a tropper - feeling crappy and sick but taking it on the chin and only worrying about the kids. So the only good thing that comes out of all of this is that we get our sweet little Katie Bean for the weekend - 2 full nights with Katie would make anyone feel lucky- especially knowing that Karla is fine and safely being watched during the hurricane! So here are a few pictures of Katie with the kids - what a great baby she is - smiling and happy most of the time!

Peter loves to hug Katie and he makes her smile instantly when he dances for her!
Annie and Daddy - she was a bit jealous of our attention to Katie but Grammy and Papa rescued her and brought her to their house for some quality time. She came home exhausted and toddling all over the place. Oh, and bathed - gotta love the grandparents!
Molly girl and Katie hanging out - Katie is wearing a pair of Annie's pj's that were hand me downs from Molly!
More hugs fom Molly!

Kisses from Molly!
A little off center but i love how big and bright her eyes look in this one! What a beauty!
Uncle Bob and his goddaughter - she lights up with him - probably because he gushes all over her!

A bottle from Uncle Bob! What a treat to get Katie to ourselves for the entire weekend. Sometimes when the kids are babies you feel like you don't know them because you aren't there daily - we have loved getting to know Katie better - she is a doll! So say a prayer for Karla that her knee gets better on its own and does not require surgery!

Auntie Beth let us know that she is coming home for Nola's birth and again for 2 weeks at Christmas - the kids can't wait! They are both plugging things into the calendar in anticipation!
Look to the left for Nola's latest headshots - she is 3 pounds 14 ounces and very big for her age. We are going to go for a few extra tests just in case but she appears very healthy and just loving life in the womb. Her heartrate was 146 beats per minute and her latest echocardiogram was 100% perfect with 4 chambers beating in sync and arteries and veins of the heart doing just what they are meant to do. She has a slight heart murmur - as did Annie - but they are not at all concerned about it at this point so neither are we. I start my twice weekly non-stress tests on Monday - UGGGGG. An hour attached to a monitor while I stare at the ceiling - since my role is to track her every movement as I feel it by pushing a button they do not let you read or do anything else! Still planning for a c-section on the 11th and still hoping to go into labor and try to deliver on my own so we'll see. She is finally head down so you never know!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday, Baby Girl!

Is it possible that it was one year ago today that our sweet Baby Annie came into the world? It feels like she has always been here with us, bringing joy, laughter and light with her beautiful smile and infectious laugh. Yes, it was one year ago today that Annie came into this world with a bang - pulled out of my belly via a c-section at 2:22 p.m. screaming her little brains out until she was washed up, wrapped in a warm blanket and safe in her Daddy's arms. 20 minutes after she was born I was wheeled out of the operating room and Annie went from Daddy's arms to Grammy and Papa's arms where she stayed for the next several days - my Mom brought me lunch and dinner everyday in the hospital and sat in a chair holding, rocking or combing Annie's hair while I ate and only gave her up when Papa insisted on a turn! Bob and I were reflecting on the blessings that Annie has brought to us, not just in her very being but in watching the big kids with her - watching them grow into such dedicated and loving siblings, watching them love her with such warmth and admiring them as they show her off and share her easily with everyone! We can't wait to see how Annie reacts to being a big sister - she certainly has shining examples to follow!

Ann Eileen Harding - Wheeler
September 4, 2007
8lbs 12 ounces
21 1/2 inches long

Annie being admired by her grandparents!

Our beautiful girl just hours old!

The big brother and sister enjoying Annie!

Our three beautiful children!

And here is our sweet girl on the morning of her 1st birthday!
She loved her new toy but her other presents went unopened until the big kids got home from school. They were disappointed that she slept so late on her birthday so we brought her in to see them this morning.
Playing with her new toy!
Peter got Annie a musical instrument that makes tons of noise!
Molly showing Annie how to play a song!
The bigs kids taking care of helping annie with ehr presents!
Molly got Annie her first purse with a cell phone and comb in it - too cute!
Our three gorgeous children!
Annie loved her phone - everytime she picked it up she yelped "hi" in a high pitched voice.
loving on her purse from Molly!
Cake time for Annie - I am admitting right now that my new camera is still getting the best of me - I click away and then expect everyone to enjoy the oodles of pictures I take! I'm pathetic but the cake pictures just made me smile so I included all of them. My baby turned one - cut me some slack!
Birthday kisses for Annie!
Daddy helps Annie gets some cake!
The next few speak for themselves!

Annie got the big kids cracking up as she smeared cake and frosting in her hair, ears and eyes!
I love these little fingers!
Spending her 1st birthday just as she was a year ago today - naked!
Grammy decided it was time for some healthy food for Annie and she devoured her Banana!
The birthday girl and her half naked brother hanging with Grammy and Papa!
Anyone who knows Annie knows that the joy she brings to us is undescribable. She is as special as they come and our lives are better because she is here. As I sit here with my hands resting on another bulging baby belly I can't help but think back to the fear and uncertainty I felt when I was pregnant with Annie. We loved her so much from the moment we knew she existed and today she is here a smiling, laughing and loving human being - a true miracle! And with Annie, as with each of my children, I can't help but wonder what I have done in my life to deserve such a blessing. Happy Birthday, Banana! We could not possibly love you more!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The 1st Day of school is finally here!

2 blog entries in 1 day and I haven't even posted Annie's 1st birthday party yet - I do need a program! Peter and Molly were both up at the crack of dawn this morning (but not before Mommy) anxious to get ready for the 1st day of school. The morning went off without a hitch - even the bus went perfectly. I do think the bus driver thought we were nuts when we informed him that we were going to follow the bus to school but I'm allowed a cetain amount of neurosis!
Dressed in their khaki and red uniforms and ready to start their day!
A little kiss and hug between siblings is always nice for a Mommy heart - 6 seconds later they were chasing each other around the yard but....
A hug for Mommy before they left for school.
I love this one - as the bus got closer Molly reached for her big brothers hand and they stayed that way until they got on the bus.
"Seriously, Mom, another picture."
This is poor Annie who got so bored of following the bus to school that she gave up and took a nap after being out of bed for less than 30 minutes.
Molly, Kamira and Anesza - the girls were instantly friends again after not seeing each other for the entire summer. Molly was disappointed because neither Jocelyn nor Anesza were in her class but they see each other at lunch and recess. Kamira is in her class so she was happy about that!
Peter and Miss Kelly - she is so sweet and gentle - we loved her the instant we met her! Peter ran off the bus at the end of the day saying "this was the best day ever!" Both kids loved taking the bus and loved their teachers - crazy success for the 1st day of school. Peter had his 8 year appointment right after school so his day did not stay great according to him but he is flourishing - 83 pounds and 4 feet 9 inches tall. He is in the 200th percentile for height and the 80th for weight - tall and lean was the pediatrician's description. He is a picture of health!
We took pictures of the big kids on their 1st day back to school so we had to take some of Annie on her 1st day back at the babysitter's house. She could not wait for us to leave. Stood up and waved for us to leave. She went straight to Carey and never looked back. She was excited to see Carey but not as excited as she was to see the dog and cat - where did she come from?
Annie and Carey ready for Mommy and Daddy to leave so they could start their day. Carey joined a playgroup on Tuesdays so Annie can meet some friends - so cute!

So the 1st day is under our belts and we can all breathe a sigh of relief - AHHHHHHHHHH! Back to the structure of school days until baby Nola arrives and creates chaos all over again!


Don't forget to scroll down to the next entry for a tribute to the sweetest 7 year old around!