Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day of School 2011

August 30, 2011 was the first day of school for Peter, Molly and..............Annie! Annie's first day of school ever went SO well! We were lucky enough to get Mrs. Carrero for a teacher so she knew our family very well from having Molly in pre-k. Mrs. Carrero also knows us from all of the visits to her classroom we have done over the last 4 years to show off the babies and our Citizen of the Month awards and our art projects - you name it, the kids love to share it with Mrs. Carrero. Annie had an initial moment of shyness follwed by her hopping into Mrs. Carrero's lap for some snuggles. The report from the rest of the day was that Annie was a natural learner. She loved every minute of school except naptime! I hope this doesn't mean we have another Molly. When Molly was in pre-k we had to get special permission for her to read during naptime because she was so upset everyday about having to nap!
The way our morning works now is that the big kids wake at around 6:30.
They get dressed and ready for school.
Annie wakes at around 7 and we all eat breakfast.
The bus comes for the big kids at 7:30.
Annie and one of us leave for school at 7:45.

Annie could not have been more excited about going to school and her brother and sister were so wonderful with her. They had such positive things to say about school and all the things she would do. Molly and Peter both promised to come see her if she had a hard time

I can't believe I now have 3 kids who are going to live in khaki and red! No one wore red all summer thanks to my new aversion to it after 4 years of constantly buying and seeing it on the kids!

Annie doing her First day of School dance!

Sisters - ready for their 1st day!

Silly Sisters!

Molly is getting so mature! She got herself all ready for school  by herself, including hair! Grammy bought her a new backpack from Justice that has an "M" on it so she couldn't wait to get to school and show it off. Molly was initially disappointed because other than her friend, Rajiah most of her other friends from miss Kelly's class are with other teachers. By the end of the day she had easily adapted and was so happy to be in Mrs. Gosselin's class. We are looking forward to getting to know Mrs. Gosselin as Miss Kelly has had nothing but wonderful things to say about her!

Daddy was so proud of his kids! Auntie Eileen and Uncle Jeff came to our house at 7:30 so we could follow the bus to school (our 1st day tradition) and meet the teachers and make sure everything went smoothly. Annie can't take the bus until kindergarten so we will be at the school everyday anyways!
Peter got Mr. Wallens for a teacher and we could not be happier! Once again, our trusted friend, Miss Kelly loves him and thought he was a great fit for Peter so we feel confident that Peter will do well!
Both of the kids got to see Miss Kelly but were VERY disappointed that they didn't get to see Mrs. Nelson - she has been a family friends since having Peter in kindergarten and she moved schools this year!

Annie and Daddy in front of Noah Webster! What a gorgeous school!

Annie's cubby!

Annie had a moment of shyness and nerves but Daddy and Mrs. Carrero had her feeling better in no time! She was soon running over to the rug and never looked back! Annie came home talking about two of her new friends from her classroom - Molly and Lizzie! She also loves Gavin and Gilbert and Emily!
Check out Annie's seat right next to Mrs. Carrero.

Our kids are So incredibly lucky! Auntie Meg, Papa and Kk all stopped over to see them on their first day of school and hear their stories. Even more aunties and uncles called to see how it went!
So another school year is beginning and we are so proud of our kids. They have gotten right back into the routine of things and have a positive attitude about everything! I just sent in registrations for all of their extra curricular activities and we are going to be one busy family this year. Soccer starts this week and pretty soon Molly and Annie will have Irish Step Dancing on Fridays, CCD on Tuesdays, Girl Scouts, basketball, art classes and everything else. Ellie is due to start school in October and Lizzie is going to do a playgroup in town with Auntie Eileen and Uncle Jeff! Life is so busy and SO good!