Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wow - Life is Busy!

I love our life but, boy, is it busy these days. The calendar is virtually unreadable because there is so much information on it. Birthday parties, PTA meetings and events, instrument lessons, dance, soccer and so lon - we never seem to be sitting still these days. The nice part about Molly having soccer games every weekend is that for the most part we are together as a family all day on the weekends - we bring snacks, coffee, toys and blankets and have a pretty good time for the most part. The hard part is that between all of our activites and now adding ccd to the mix we don't get to sit down to dinner every night together and homework gets put off until late in the evening.
I feel like I need to catch up on pictures since that is sort of how I track what I blog about and how up to date I am on my updates.
Molly is doing a great job with soccer. It is always hard for her to join a new team because she doesn't know alot of kids since she is not in school in RH. This year she has matured enough to join in and try harder to make friends so soccer is fun and she is learning a lot. Travel soccer is a huge committment for all of us but she loves to run and play so it is always worth it.

The girls love watching Molly play but have been instructed not to yell to her when she is on the field. I have also been given the same directive.

My beautiful number 23!

I love to watch my girl play - she impresses me every single game.

An action shot!

My sweetie girl - she hates how attentively I watch the games so she gives me phrases i am allowed to say when she is on the field!

The girls taking a knee while a friend is hurt on the field.

Our girl had a great game!

I had to take some sleepy smile pictures when the girls woke up last weekend - I love these baby smiles.

Annie's sleepy smiles - she is wearing Grammy's shirt because she had been at Papa's the night before and gotten a nice tubby.

Ellie's morning smiles can be pretty grumpy!

The twins are dressed and ready for the day - I adore those beautiful smiles.

Friday was the start of a new dance year for the girls. Annie started her third year of dance - her second of irish Step Dancing. She was thrilled and waltzed into class like she has been doing it forever!

My beautiful ballerina was so ready to start her Irish classes - she has been waiting all summer for the new dance season to begin! I loved being the one to bring her to her first class.

Annie was even more exicted because just as she was going into her class Katie was coming out from attending her very first ever dance class. The girls hugged and giggled.

Catherine Shannon - the latest Harding to begin her classes at Griffith Academy.

Katie was a little bit aprehensive about going into class but certainly looked like she had fun when it was all over.

Abby and Katie hugging - I love these girls.

Annie was doing an art project the othe day and there was something about the way the sun was shining on her and how hard she was concentrating - I couldn't stop clicking away!

Molly girl got a great new haircut - she looks adorable. She and Annie and Peter also had their annual physicals with their doctors last week and every one of them did great! Peter is 5'8" and still growing while the girls are growing perfectly and extremely healthy!

We were on our way to Molly's game this weekend and picked up a few stragglers - Tyler and Katie came with us. It was perfect except for all of the people who thought we were running a daycare at the field! Tyler was a great help with the girls and our girls were so excited to have Katie there that they were as well behaved as they have ever been.

Our sweet little katie!

Annie being a silly girl.

Lizzie would not let go of katie's hand - they were having so much fun skipping around the field.

Go Rockets!!

Tyler and Ellie playing - Ellie can not get enough of Tyler - she just sits next to him like his shadow.

Katie getting a ride from her big brother.

Annie Bananie is a little ham - she always seems to find a grandmother at the games and then talks to them for hours. I asked the lady this weekend if it was okay and she told me that she wished her grandchildren had as much to say to her.

Peter ended up falling on Friday and we went for an xray and were told he had a bad sprain. He had to ice it and wear an ace bandage for 48 hours and then try to start using it. It was incredibly swollen and painful so it was hard for him to use it. At the same appointment he mentioned to the doctor that he had a sore throat (news to me!) and so they did a throat swab. It was negative in the clinic but the one they sent to the lab was positive for Strep so he is now on antibiotics.

Tyler is alwasy a welcome addition to our weekends - he is such an easy going kid and so good with the little girls.

Tyler gets tired out by all of the little girls wanting his attention.

Time to color and draw pictures.

Annie had a birthday party last weekend for her friend Kasey. This was after having two birthday parties on Saturday - she is one popular lady!

Hula Hooping princess style.

Princess cake with all of her friends.

Molly started her dance classes this week also. Two classes on Fridays, two on Wednesdays and one on Saturdays and she loves every minute of it. We have always been really lucky with timing of classes but this year there are two classes that are no longer back to back and ended up being held at two different locations. A coupole of the moms and I agreed to take turns transporting the girls from each location and sitting with them in between the two classes. I got to do the first week and have to admit that I loved spending some time with these girls. There is something so special about the girls that Molly dances with - they have a strong bond and they all just manage to work hard but have fun. They also have great values and are so polite and sweet that i want to take them all home.

We got some ice cream and then the girls took a snooze at the American Legion (ha ha ha) while they waited for Miss Maybeth to call them in. I spent 45 minutes listening to these munchkins laugh, giggle and have fun - I loved it!

Peter and I headed to the Urgent Care Clinic on Friday to check out his hand and get a bandage for it. He ened up having Strep Throat and is finally going back to school tomorrow. Yikes!

Ellie Bean got a new hair do from Alicia and she loves it!

Just when Bob and I are patting ourselves on the back for having life under control we got to a soccer game where are baby girls decide to use markers to put make-up on! Ellie had it everywhere but the picture didn't come out!

Molly Girl got the A-Okay from Dr. Conroy to go another 6 months without braces - he said she brushes great and is doing a great job taking care of her teeth. We may get lucky with this one!

We got to celebrate my goddaughter Julia's birthday this weekend with cowboy hats and everything. The girls had a blast!

These are some left over pictures from my phone.
Papa sent me this picture in August of the girls having breakfast on the PTMAAKEE - these girls have quite a life!

While the four little one were at the beach house with Grammy and papa I had the four big ones and we stopped for ice cream! I'm not sure who was luckier!

I love this picture of Annie and lizzie playing at a park up the street from Alicia's house while Ellie Bean got her hair done. We didn't have bathing suits but it did not stop the girls from having a blast!

My girls under the rainbow!
This ended up being quite an update but there is more to come this week. The twins start sance classes on Wednesday, Molly and Annie have team pictures, Molly has soccer and then there are all of those fun family times in between! Life is busy but I wouldn't have it any other way - we are so blessed!