Thursday, March 25, 2010

A sick house!

Wow - what a week. The babies have been so sick all week and last night was a culmination of everything. I think that they slept for all of two hours all night and on top of it I have a sinus infection so I was miserable, too. Poor Bob, he never gets sick and so he always ends up taking care of the rest of us! It doesn't pay to have a strong consititution in this house.
Along with a long, sick , whiney week we also had some high points. I had the kids conferences today and was informed that they are both doing exceptionally well. Even better than that is that both teachers complimented each of the kids on their generous and kind nature. Apparently Molly had a new student in her class over the last few weeks and really took him under her wing and helped him figure things out. Miss Kelley is Molly's teacher and Mr. Parisi is Peter's teacher and, once again, we truly lucked out in this department. We knew Miss Kelley was phenomenal from last year with Peter but both teachers have found a way to motivate the kids to love learning while also nurturing their independence and creativity. It's hard to believe that we are finishing up our 4th year at Noah Webster!
We also had visitors and basketball to hang out with all weekend. The weather was amazing so you get a bit of a glimpse into what we do for fun when it gets warm. Molly is convinced that the issue with everyone being sick (except her) is that we all have Spring Fever! She may be right!
Check out the blogs to the left hand side. We have several friends facing some pretty serious stuff either with their children or themselves and so I am hoping that when you read about them you will also keep them in your prayers. Dan Thibault is a good friend of Bob's from poker who has bone cancer and just underwent 11 hours of surgery to remove a tumor.Dan is my brother, Patrick's age and has a wife and two small kids. Shannon Cody, as you all know by now, is the daughter of my friend, Cathy, who is almost done with her treatments for Lukemia - she's quite a trooper! Lastly I just added Ella Beatty to the blog. Her mom, Dr. Waterman, is a tenant in the building (is it okay to say Bob's favorite tenant?) and her daughter Ella is due to have surgery for a tumor at the end of the month. Ella has had quite a rough rode for such a tiny little girl! I know that you don't necessarily check all the links all the time but please try and remember to keep all of these special people in your thoughts and prayers - the more people praying the better!

Annie could not get enough of Uncle B tonight - he was showing her pictures from his phone and he thought it was adorable becasue she kept saying "May I see that one...."Hanging with one of her favorite peeps - this was the happiest we saw Annie all day!These pictures are from last night at 4 a.m.Even at that atrocious hour I was so touched by the girls comforting each other by holding hands while they both snuggled on their Daddy!Sweet baby hands holding onto each other!Auntie Meg came over on her day off and made cookies with the girls. Molly was very proud of hers!Annie loved hers but kept taking the jelly beans off! What are we going to do when Auntie Meg has babies of her own and doesn't stop over every day?Another Auntie Meg thing - she bought the kids this crazy, huge tunnel set that they love and want to put up all the time. the problem is there is not enough room for the seven of us and the tunnel!During the warm Saturday Peter decided to have himself a tag sale. He was so cute getting everything ready and finding things to sell. He made a sign and waved and smiled at people going by so they would stop and buy things. Annie also helped for about 5 minutes!"Where is everybody, Mom?" He didn't understand why every car didn't stop. Thank goodness Grammy eventually came and purchased quite a few treasures for the beach house. Classic Annie - I don't have to listen to anyone! Not the best picture of our girl but she had just had a bath so at least she was clean!

Playing with Daddy in the yard. Peter ended up making almost $7 and was very proud of himself. He bugged us all day Sunday to have another one but UCONN was playing and we were all tired out! The H-W's have a big weekend planned. We have tickets to Mary Poppins on Broadway and booked the Millenium Hotel. We also have reservations at Mars 2112 for dinner after the show and lots of other cool things planned for the three big kids. Don't feel sorry for the little ones who are staying home because Auntie Meg and Uncle Tim are staying overnight with them so they will be spoiled and loved in abundance while we are away. The kids are on vacation next week so we have lots of dentist, doctor, orthodontist, opthamologist appointments planned - gotta get all this stuff done when they won't miss school. We also are hoping that we can take a surprise trip to Coco Keyes one day - the babies have never been there and a friend at work got us three day passes. We aren't telling the big kids about that yet just in case it doesn't work out! Hopefully next time you hear from me it will be with healthy family and lots of vacation fun in the works!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Check it Out!

Hi Everyone! Meg wasn's quite ready to start her own blog but she did want to make sure that the babies got plenty of details about their life before birth. To that end I started a blog on Meg's behalf - check it out and let me know if you want to add to it! Randi gets the prize for most attentive blog watcher - not only does she check my blog regularly but she caught the new blog within hours of it going up, and most importantly, she commented on it! Now if only she would start adding to her own blog so we had some details about her little bun in the oven! Like did we find out the gender yet?????? hint hint hint

Monday, March 22, 2010


I was lucky enough to go with Meg to her "Anatomy Scan" today. This is the best ultrasound - the one where they measure the bones and find all of the organs and tell you that your children are perfect - because even if they aren't - they are yours so they are! And rest assured - there are two very perfect, very active, very loved babies in Meg's tummy right now! Baby B was defintely the active one this time - while our little baby A was perfect!

So for all of you who are a little behind on your anatomy we have one hot dog and one hamburger bun. The top one is Baby B - a BOY - a very proud, not so modest little baby boy! Baby A has a hamburger bun and is most defintely a less than modest Baby girl! Someday they will be as mortified as Molly and Peter are that their in utero anatomy is featured prominently in their baby books for all to see but right now - how cute are they?
These are the profile shots - Baby A is on the top in this one and Baby B is on the bottom. Baby A is 7 ounces and had a heartrate of 134 - perfect. Baby B is 9 ounces and had a heartrate of 146 - prefect, also! We got to see the four chambers of each baby's heart, the measurements of their legs and arms, their brains and all of the parts that make them up, their bladder, kidneys, stomach, and spine. I will say it again - it is simply a miracle to see these perfect little human beings with all of their parts even when they are less than 6 inches long! They were moving and playing with each other the whole time - so sweet!

Tim's mom, Alice was so excited to see the ultrasound and "meet" her grandchildren for the first time. "Back in the day" there were no ultrasounds and no telling what gender the babies were before they were born! She was thrilled and so much fun to hang out with!
Lizzie's new skill - climbing on the table!

With a little help from her sister!

Troublemakers! But very cute ones!
Just a little snippet of Annie singing her version of Halleluiah! I think it is adorable and it is my blog! So another exciting day in the H-W house - we can't wait to meet the babies!