Lizzie was officially 3 months old on February 11th but things are a little crazy in this house so I am just getting to post an entry. Elizabeth is a joy - a sweet bundle of joy. She is starting to have the greatest little personality - she smiles, coos and warm our heart on a daily basis.
As you can see Elizabeth is an absolute beauty. Unfortunately the poor thing is still suffering from Excema and if anyone knows how uncomfortable and frustrating that can be it is me - I look at her beautiful baby skin and wonder how she manages a quiet moment with those red itchy patches - my Mommy heart just breaks for her. We are working with a pediatric dermatologist (I was shocked to know that they had them) to find ways to make Lizzie more comfortable and to be sure that she does not sustain more serious issues due to her skin condition. All of that being said, Elizabeth is a tropper - enduring oatmeal baths, milk soaks, greasy creams and medicated lotions that hurt for a moment when you first put them on. She is a doll!
Lizzie is still on Nutrmigen predigested formula and her tummy is doing much better. She gulps down 6 ounces every 3-4 hours and loves her bottles. Elizabeth does look at our food now and lick her lips - a few more months and I have no doubt that the cheerios won't stand a chance!
Annie can now say her sister's name - "Izzy" - I can't say I would be disappointed if it stuck - I think it is adorable. Lizzie also interacts a bit with Annie during the day - smiling and cooing at her when she is in eyesight and encouraging Annie to keep reading books to her by squealing at her - this sends Annie into gales of laughter!
The big kids could not possibly love Elizabeth anymore - they walk in the house and go to wherever she is - scooping her up - usually waking her up and always loving on her. Now that we have Elllie they fight over her less but her attention is at a premium for sure!
Lizzie weighs 12 pounds 12 ounces and is very tall for her age. In fact, she has surpassed what they predicted her height would be at birth and is in the 100th percentile. For weight she is in the 65th percentile - in other words, perfect!
Lizzie sneezes three times every morning when she wakes up. Never two - always three times. She is a Daddy's girl just like the rest of our girls - she seeks him out with her eyes and smiles when she hears his voice at the end of the day. Bob has a habit of bringing her into bed with us at the end of the day when we are fading off so that he can snuggle with her for a few minutes - she loves it and it gives him a few minutes with just Lizzie.
Lizzie already loves to be read to - she will listen intently to an entire book as many times as you will read it to her. She especialy loves if Peter or Molly does it!
Absolutely NONE of Elizabeth's hair has fallen out but it is lightening up and we suspect it will be Annie's color pretty soon. She has much more hair than Annie did and LOVES when anyone - especially Grammy - runs their fingers through it or plays with it - this is a sure way to get her to sleep.
Lizzie still sleeps with her hands up by her face and she sticks her tongue out when she is concentrating on something. Her favorite toys are the swing and the little ducky that Annie constantly brings to her. She sleeps twice a day for 2 hours and then catnaps the rest of the day. She is awake for hours at a time now and most of the time she is very happy! She is loved, adored and cherished by all of us!