Piggy Toes - I love them!
Annie clowning around.
More piggy toes. I can't resist!
I guess we should start with a disclaimor that this video is slightly graphic - just the few seconds during the c-section when Elizabeth was born. Whether or not you are squeamish there is something so miraculous about seeing a baby (especially your baby) take their very first breaths in this world. I asked Bob to try to get some video of those moments for me since during a c-section the mom pretty much misses out on EVERYTHING! He did a terrific job! Welcome to the world, Elizabeth, you were worth the wait!
The next thing I have to do is to thank KK for, literally, sitting in the recovery room with us just moments after Lizzie was born and uploading pictures from our cameras so that everyone could share in those first few moments so quickly no matter where they were. KK is also staying at our house with the kids, making this chaotic and transitional time almost seamless for them and any mom knows - the baby is never the one who needs extra TLC during this time - it's usually the big kids. KK is getting lots of help from other family members and Bob and I are still marveling at the blessings we have around us in the form of people who will do anything and go anywhere to help us out and provide love and support for the kids!
Right now Lizzie is still less than 48 hours old and already we can't imagine life without her - in a few hours I will post more pictures and give you the full run down - in other words, her life story thus far!GNM - ILY!