Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Snow Day

We had our first big snow of the season and the kids could not wait to get outside and play. The best part about it was that it was a beautiful warm day out so it was the perfect day to spend hours outside playing. We even got some visitors when Katie and Tyler came over to spend the snow day with us.
The sleds are out and the kids are ready for action!

Ellie Bean could not have been happier to finally get to wear her new Hello Kitty boots to match her beautiful new coat. The more she wears the coat the more she gets excited to see her Godmother in a few days! It is constant chatter about Auntie Beth in our house these days!

Sledding fun - even Molly got dressed and went out for some fun with the little girls. We tried to convince Papa to come over and play but he was Christmas shopping with Grammy. He made up for it by coming over with Grammy later for our big taco dinner!

Katie and Annie are BFF's! These 2 sat under the tree for an hour just talking and eating snow like it was a warm summer day - it was the cutest thing ever!

Sometimes when I look at Molly I am blown away by how grown up she is!

Katie and Annie are ready for a trip down the hill. Katie gets so annoyed with my picture taking! We love having her with us but by the time she leaves we have definitely overwhelmed her! Tyler and Peter could not be convinced to go outside to play in the snow - they played video games all day and hung out texting their friends! Every once in a while we hear bursts of giggles from upstairs!

Love this action shot - they must have gone down the hill at least 30 times!

Molly and Lizzie getting a turn on the big sled!

Lizzie loves going with Molly because they go so fast and Molly always carries the sled back up the hill for her.

Ellie Bean loves this tiny round sled because she not only goes down the hill but can turn around and around on it too! Ellie usually lasts about 10 minutes outside but on this da it was so warm that she was out there for an hour before coming inside for a warm bath and some cocoa!

My girls - loving each other and their snowy day!

My sweet girls. I hate snow and I hate the cold but I would do anything to see those beautiful smiles! Once everyone was done playing we had warm baths, hot cocoa, a fire, a Patriot's game and taco's for dinner. It was a perfect snowy day!