Hi Everyone!
I'm headed to Washington DC today until Friday and this picture of Annie describes my mood about it! Bob is a little bit excited, I think. I keep hearing little whispers about Molly & Peter sleeping with Daddy tonight and having picnics for dinner. Great - Mommy is away and the fun begins. I realized that I never did updates for the babies for their 5 month (Ellie Belly) and 6 month (Busy Lizzie) birthdays. I have no new pictures but I have oodles of baby details so here goes.
Ellie - weighing in at 13 pounds 15 ounces and 24 inches she is a big baby acording to the doctor. She is healthy with less tremors and more smiles. She rolls from front to back but not the other way yet, however, she does get up on her tummy and move across the floor - not quite a crawl but she gets where she wants to go. She does a half wave and a half high five thanks to her siblings and she is cranky much less now than over the last few months. She eats cereal once a day and hates every bite of it! She is receiving birth to three services for the muscle tone in her legs and to make sure she stays on track given her prenatal conditions. Right now Molly can make her smile at the drop of a hat by calling her "Sweetest Chocolate Brownie!" Molly loves to play with her and dances with her to make her smile all the time - she can also get her to calm down with a song almost instantly! Ellie loves to be held and would live in the baby Bjorn if she could. She just wants to be close to us at all times. Ever since Ellie came if she becomes inconsolable I stick her under my shirt, next to my skin and she quiets down immediately - no matter how hungry or upset she is she loves to be that close to me!
Elizabeth weighs in at 13 pounds 14 ounces - yes, you read that correctly. The littler twin has passed the bigger twin. Meg calls Lizzie her "Bag of Bones". She is tall and skinny but hopefully her cereal will start putting some meat on those bones! Lizzie rolls front to back and back to front, She scoots on her belly or rolls to where she wants to go. She can get anything to her mouth now - even smaller items and puts everything there. She waves HI and gives high fives - not to me or Bob but to the kids all the time. She kisses with her mouth wide open and occasionally sticks her tongue in your mouth but she does it so often and so happily that I think it is the best! She puts her arms out to anyone willing to pick her up and hold her and she snuggles - burrows that head into your neck like she is trying to crawl inside of your body. She laughs out loud at just about anything and wants Peter every second of the day - he holds her, dances with her and their favorite thing is for him to take her on his bed and play with her until she falls asleep.
Both babies are enthralled with each other and Annie. They spend their days interacting in little baby ways with each other - sucking each other's fingers and thumbs, passing toys back and forth, smiling and laughing at each other and loving on the big kids. At the end of the day we either spread a blanket on the floor and everyone piles on or we all go get in our big king size bed and hang out for a few minutes before bed. This is heaven for the babies and Annie who get all the attention they could ever want! Both of the babies are going to the pediatrician next week but they seem to be right on target and happy, loving, wonderful babies!
Peter is on the mend from his arm break and we go back to the doctor tomorrow to make sure the joint is stll stable - he is excited to get more pictures of his bones! We are hoping that he has to wear the cast less if the joint has remained stable! Pete is doing great in school - getting ready for third grade and trying to figure out what we are going to do for the summer!
Molly is wonderful - such a sweet girl. She is amazing with the babies - never flinching when we interrupt her show to ask her to help out. She is doing great in school and reading everything in sight - we have to make sure that she actually goes to sleep at night rather than reading all night! She loves chapter books but I have to be careful because the books she picks aren't always appropriate in terms of content for a 1st grader!
Annie is - happy, joyful and BUSY! She is so much fun to be with and is wonderful with the babies. She is so gentle now and I love watching her imitate our tone and inflection when we talk to the babies. She tries to change them, feed them and help them learn to roll over. She loves to do anything she sees the big kids doing!
So there are the updates - 5 beautiful - wonderful - amazing babies! I can't believe how much I am going to miss them! I left letters for them for everyday that I am gone and every night before bed. I have lots of people who are going to show support for the Citizen and Employee of the Month on friday and help with dance class and other activities. Uncle Colin is taking me to the train station and KK is picking me up so I think everything is under control - let's just hope that I utilize the 5 hours on the train to my advantage and come up with a good presentation to give tomorrow morning!

I'll post all of the wonderful pictures that Bob takes while I'm gone when i get back - ha ha ha!