I am so technologically inept that I can not figure out a way to get these pictures uploaded and have a link for people on the blog so............
My cousin Kara's son, Reillyn, was baptized yesterday. He was a little angel and the day was beautiful - below are a zillion pictures that I took. I wasn't going to comment on the ones of the christening because I didn't even ask Kara if I could post them - but my nephew did become a catholic and I was there to celebrate the incredible blessings of that special day so I'm claiming Auntie privledge!
Reillyn gets a bottle during his baptism.
Laying of hands for a blessing!
Beautiful Baby Reillyn!
Uncle Joe and Reillyn.
Reillyn is baptized.
Reillyn is annoited with the holy chrism.
Auntie Brigid puts the white garment on Reillyn.
Snuggles from Auntie Brigid.
Reillyn Billy Sheftel - the newest Catholic in the world!
Sweet little Reillyn!
I love this picture of Rob and Kara with Reillyn!
Kara and Rob with Mike Shelto - the deacon who performed the ceremony!
The sisters with Reillyn.
All the Davis girls and Reillyn.
Sister Ancie getting her Lizzie fix. She is so cute - Lizzie was sleeping in her seat at Sr. Ancie's feet and I saw her looking over at her - when I asked her if she wanted to hold her she didn't hesitate for one second - apparently that's what she was waiting for!
My beautiful goddaughter and I - I could eat her up!
Love this one of my two carefree goddaughters!
Ellie Bear!
She is so my daughter - munching on bread.
Daddy and the twins!
Our girls - they look so cozy all curled up in their matching dresses!
Auntie Ann giving Annie a kiss!
The girls in their matching outfits!
Not the greatest picture but this baby just takes my breath away - look at those gorgeous blue eyes!
Loved this outfit on Annie Bananie!
One of Annie's many looks!
Tyler and Abby slept over last night - kind of a last minute thing but we had a blast! Tyler and Annie have a great relationship and she ADORES him - here she is snuggling up to him!
Pretty girls having a sleepover!
Annie now snuggles her Grammy blankie up to her face when she sleeps - so sweet!
Daddy and Annie coloring together - our girl is getting so big!
So we could not get Annie to cooperate and get a good video for Grammy and Papa. This is just a bit of her dancing around and unfortunately, you have to disregard my cluttered house to see it! We'll try again!
I go back to work tomorrow and I am so nervous, anxious, sad, excited - you name it I feel it. I have loved being home with the kids - I allowed myself to be lazy and stay cozy and warm in the house just enjoying the kids and what a treat it was - many of my friends stopped over only to find me in my jammies still at 11 a.m. So now it's back to the real world of dress up clothes, decision making, being nice to mean people, pretending to pay attention in 4 hour meetings that should only take 20 minutes and missing the babies! That being said, I do good work with good people and feel blessed to have a job I enjoy doing - in other words - "quit my whining" !
Whew are the Academy Awards boring this year - I'm going to bed!