Saturday, February 28, 2009

Not much to say!

Auntie Kate came down to watch senior night with us so I got a late start on the blog and now I'm exhausted! We miss Grammy and Papa - they really need to not leave us for long periods of time like this! We love the blog but we can't leave any messages on it. Papa is becoming quite the blogster - his daughter is impressed!

Some Daddy - Daughter bonding!

Lizzie still had her hairdo from Molly and Auntie Meg.

Molly took this one of Elizabeth holding her own bottle! Very advanced for her age!
Some cute pictures of Ellie!

Our beautiful baby doll - look at those big borwn eyes!

Pretty little piggy toes!

A little foot - I just want to kiss it!

Playtime in the H-W house - Ellie on the floor, Lizzie in the Bumbo and Annie keeping everyone entertained by throwing toys at them!

Baby girls having fun!

Daddy and his girls hanging out. I'm amazed that with all of the babies and screaming in our house Annie still loves holding and loving on the babies. She gets so excited to have one of them on her lap!

Lizzie has such a sweet little personality now - not that it was terrible before but..... Daddy got her cooing and laughing for a while tonight so I took some video - sorry about the big huge plug in the picture!

Katie turns one tomorrow - it doesn't seem possible that at this time last year I was sleeping on the couch in the living room with the phone next to my head to hear news about her arrival! What a wonderful blessing she is - I can't imagine the world without her!


Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's all about the bows in our house!

My poor little Ellie is having a rough time - she spent a great deal of last night screaming her brains out. Poor Bob - at one point last night I put her in the swing and crawled into bed next to Bob - I passed the torch without even telling him. The hard part with Ellie is that when she cries there is nothing we can really do to comfort her. Last night I was sitting there rocking her and thinking that I could probably put her down and she would cry as much so what was the point. Obviously, feeling us close to her and having us talk to her and kiss her is important even as she cries but at 3 a.m. it is hard to remember that. Ellie's diaper rash is also still really bad - awful, in fact and it breaks my heart to change her because it hurts her so much. We are going to change her formula to see if we can eliminate some of the milk and make her feel better. That being said - we adore Ellie. She can be so sweet and lovable and her smile makes my heart swell. She fits in with us perfectly and we could not love her more if she actually was Lizzie's twin.

Our sweet Ellie!
We had just changed Ellie's diaper sending her into convulsions of crying and wailing and at one point she just looked up at Bob and I and smiled - it was like she finally noticed we were there and was happy again. I, of course, grabbed the camera and started shooting away. I also love how she holds her hands like she is flexing her muscles - Peter did that until he was about 6 months old and occasionally he still sleeps that way!

I went to get Lizzie out of her car seat and this is what I found - I thought it was cute that she rode all the way home from Manchester like that without a peep! She is so sweet!
The problem could have been that Daddy put her hat on backwards to begin with!
Annie's favorite thing in the entire world is the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. This is her and Molly dancing to the song together.

I came home to find Lizzie with a big fat bow on her head. Apparently Auntie Meg and Molly played hairdresser today while Molly was home sick from school and Lizzie was the recipient of some serious style! She looked adorable and she certainly has the hair for it.

Big stretch!
Elizabeth - watch out world!
Everyone knows how much I love black and white pictures and this picture gave me chills. Our girls are so beautiful and I love the look on Annie's face - like a little angel! Notice that they both have bows in their hair!

Molly girl stayed home from school today because of a tummy ache. We thought she might be faking to get to spend time with Auntie Meg but by 5 p.m. she had a fever and was falling asleep on the couch. Here she is curled up with her Grammy Blankie - she was also weepy for missing her Papa tonight - she wanted me to sing Turah Lurah and I couldn't remember all the words! UGGGG!
And five minutes later she was sound asleep on the couch curled around her Grammy blankie. My poor girl went to bed at 5:30 with no supper or anything. Let's hope she feels better for school tomorrow! The positive was that my husband beamed when he carried her up the stairs to bed - he doesn't get to do things like that with her very often because she is so old - he loved it!
Yes, in one moment of peace I did stick a bow in Ellie's hair and take pictures - Annie really wanted her to have a bow too. The peace only lasted a few minutes and then we were back to screaming. Ellie is sleeping beside me right now because she got herself all tired out.
Sweet baby Ellie!
Check out my links to other blogs on the left hand side - Papa now has a blog and he updates it almost everyday with pictures! I must admit that he and my Mom are pretty proficient bloggers and I love the pictures of them chillaxing!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Fellow Mercy Girl!

One of my fellow Mercy Girls in desperate need of some prayers!

Andrea Kelly graduated from Mercy with Beth and I. She is a sweet, wonderful human being that has a personality as big as California! Andrea brightens a room with her smile and right now she needs as many prayers as possible. She had her 2nd heart attack in a month and is now scheduled for heart surgery at the age of 37! Please take a minute to say a healing prayer for Andrea!


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Blue Day

I'm entitled to a blue day or two right? I told Molly that I was having a blue day and she asked if I wished that Auntie Beth was here. I always wish that my cousin was here instead of in California but I was a bit curious about why she had asked. "Because Auntie Beth can turn the grey parts of your heart red with happiness because she loves you so much." It's quite a thought for such a little girl but the ironic part was that Beth ended up calling about an hour later and I realized that Beth defintely has a way of making you feel extraordinary even when you are talking about mundane things. Never mind how she makes the kids feel when she oozes love all over them but she can make me feel like an amazing human being for just getting dinner on the table after working all day. I had a day of small little things that added up to a really crappy day but Beth made me feel strong and capable without even knowing that she was doing it or that I needed it.
Molly moved up to her new room on Sunday night and so we all came up and said a family prayer in her new room. She did great and LOVES having a place to escape to when the babies are driving her crazy.
Molly girl - snug as a bug in a rug and ready for a restful night of sleep in her new room.
In our family I am always looking for ways to get to know the kids better. Sounds ridiculous but you would be surprised at how hard it is to get a 6 and 8 year old to open up sometimes. We play a game at dinner alot where we start a sentence "If you could be any color what color would you be? If you could do any job what would you do? You get the idea. The other night I was relating to Meghan about the kids answers - Peter would be a professional basketball player or a custodian like Daddy and Molly would be a waitress. So Meghan (knowing Molly) asked if she would be a waitress at her favorite restaurant - Friendlies. Molly said she would love to and Meg said - "or you can work at a fancy restaurant" and without missing a beat Molly responded "like the diner?" Gives you an idea about where we eat - the diner is fancy because you can get waffles there all day!

Lizzie is currently giggling away with Daddy right next to me. These are a few naked baby shots - my favorite kind.

I love the look on that gorgeous face!

We still can't get Annie to perform for us but the kids did sing a few songs for us to send along to Grammy and Papa. Not sure why the lighting is so bad but you get the point!

I miss my parents - they need to never leave us for this long again - I'm co-dependant!


Sunday, February 22, 2009

No, you aren't looking at the wrong blog!

I am so technologically inept that I can not figure out a way to get these pictures uploaded and have a link for people on the blog so............
My cousin Kara's son, Reillyn, was baptized yesterday. He was a little angel and the day was beautiful - below are a zillion pictures that I took. I wasn't going to comment on the ones of the christening because I didn't even ask Kara if I could post them - but my nephew did become a catholic and I was there to celebrate the incredible blessings of that special day so I'm claiming Auntie privledge!
Reillyn gets a bottle during his baptism.
Laying of hands for a blessing!Beautiful Baby Reillyn!
Uncle Joe and Reillyn.

Reillyn is baptized.
Reillyn is annoited with the holy chrism.
Auntie Brigid puts the white garment on Reillyn.
Snuggles from Auntie Brigid.

Reillyn Billy Sheftel - the newest Catholic in the world!
Sweet little Reillyn!
I love this picture of Rob and Kara with Reillyn!Kara and Rob with Mike Shelto - the deacon who performed the ceremony!The sisters with Reillyn.

All the Davis girls and Reillyn.
Sister Ancie getting her Lizzie fix. She is so cute - Lizzie was sleeping in her seat at Sr. Ancie's feet and I saw her looking over at her - when I asked her if she wanted to hold her she didn't hesitate for one second - apparently that's what she was waiting for!
My beautiful goddaughter and I - I could eat her up!
Love this one of my two carefree goddaughters!

Ellie Bear!
She is so my daughter - munching on bread.
Daddy and the twins!
Our girls - they look so cozy all curled up in their matching dresses!Auntie Ann giving Annie a kiss!The girls in their matching outfits!Not the greatest picture but this baby just takes my breath away - look at those gorgeous blue eyes!Loved this outfit on Annie Bananie!One of Annie's many looks!Tyler and Abby slept over last night - kind of a last minute thing but we had a blast! Tyler and Annie have a great relationship and she ADORES him - here she is snuggling up to him!Pretty girls having a sleepover!Annie now snuggles her Grammy blankie up to her face when she sleeps - so sweet!Daddy and Annie coloring together - our girl is getting so big!

So we could not get Annie to cooperate and get a good video for Grammy and Papa. This is just a bit of her dancing around and unfortunately, you have to disregard my cluttered house to see it! We'll try again!

I go back to work tomorrow and I am so nervous, anxious, sad, excited - you name it I feel it. I have loved being home with the kids - I allowed myself to be lazy and stay cozy and warm in the house just enjoying the kids and what a treat it was - many of my friends stopped over only to find me in my jammies still at 11 a.m. So now it's back to the real world of dress up clothes, decision making, being nice to mean people, pretending to pay attention in 4 hour meetings that should only take 20 minutes and missing the babies! That being said, I do good work with good people and feel blessed to have a job I enjoy doing - in other words - "quit my whining" !

Whew are the Academy Awards boring this year - I'm going to bed!