Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mother's Day

Wow - I make alot of mistakes when I journal on the blog.My space bar still sticks so that accounts for someof it but I also just drop letters here and there - I need to go back to English class or learn to edit my posts!!

This weekend was Mother's Day and I got to see most of my favorite people includingmy Mom and my Godmama along with the wonderful woman who gave me Bob,mymother-in-law! I still have not quite figured out my camera so bear with my pictures - they are getting better.
The four girls on Mother's Day!

Mama and her babies. I enjoyed breakfast in bed, lots of special presents and treats and a day filled with love and laughter (and a few fights between the kids!) It was exactly how I always dreamed my Mother's Days would be!

Trying to get a picture with all five kids - we gave up quickly because the girls were very tired of pictures by this point.

Bob and the kids with my mother in law. We took her to breakfast in the morning at The Emporium in Middletown - we had a great meal and the kids loved spending sometime with Grandma.

My sweet Annie - the girls were wearing t-shirts that Molly and I got at the feis last weekend - they say Love with a celtic knot and are to raise money for the Richards Family who lost their son in the Boston Marathon bombing.

The littles goofing around for Mommy!

Grandma and Lizze. I felt bad for my mother-in-law because eating out in restaurants is not my kids best arena so they were pretty obnoxious but they showered her in hugs and kisses and made her feel special.

Grandma and the big kids.

On the way to see Grammy we stopped into see an important Mom in my life - my godmother! We happened to get there when Lila and brendan were there visiting so the kids got to play and we got to chat with Auntie Kake. It was perfect!

Molly and Auntie Kake on Mother's Day!

My sweetie pie Lila - that girl can find some dirt!!

Auntie Kake getting some snuggles from Lila and Brendan.

Peter was so excited that as the eldest son we were letting him give Grammy her roses for Mother's Day. She loved them almost asmuch as she loves Peter.

It may be Mother's Day  but that will never stop Papa from getting in the picture.

Grammy and the five Harding - Wheeler kids! They are so lucky to have my mom for their grandmother. The other day Molly was talking about my mom to her doctor and I heard her tell him that Papa was really fun but Grammy was the one who made everything better.She went on to say that Grammy had the softest hands and the most gentle voice so even if something was wrong when you got there it always got better when you saw Grammy. The funny thing is that one of my clearest memories of my grandmother to this day is her soft hands holding mine when I was upset. I love that my kids share a close relationship with their grandparents - they are very lucky!

Yep - Papa had to get in this one too and according to Peter he almost broke his leg!

Lizzie loves Papa's chair!

My sweet girls getting pretty tired from our long day and going to the circus the night before.

Annie and Grammy getting in a few snuggles before it was time to go home and let Grammy relax on Mother's Day!

It was a terrific Mother's Day. The kids all made wonderful homemade gifts at school and with Bob. They were all thoughtful, loving and excited to spoil me for the day. Bob is an amazing Dad - he put so much thought into making the day special that the kids were excited all week about the day finally getting here. It was so much fun to watch them take such pride in the gifts they made and chose, the breakfast they made me and the chance to hold my hand or give me an extra hug or kiss - Bob is an incredible role model in every way - I hope Peter is just like him when he gets married and I hope that my girls find someone who is as solid and loving as their Daddy! Happy Mother's Day to all the moms but especially the one who gave birth to me, lovingly raised me, barely made it through my teenage years and still supports and guides me now that I am a mother. No one has been blessed in the Mom department more than me! Good Night, Mom - I love You!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Abaigeal's 1st Communion Day

Wow - 2 posts in 1 week - I'm setting records all over the place today. Yesterday was my beautiful goddaughter, Abby's 1st Communion. She looked like a little angel and did a terrific job on her special day. The day was even more special for me because I taught Abby's First Eucharist class at church this year. I thought it would give me a chance to truly influence Abby as her godparent and to show her how important I thought this special day was for her. It didn't disappoint - Abby and I spent time together every week and I got to be an important part of her day - it was wonderful!
Abby and the girls getting ready for their big moment.

Abby and her friend, Julia were so excited about their big day.

Some of the other girls fromour 1st Communion class - Emma,Katie,Savannah and Ariana. These girls all had different dresses and different styles but they all looked beautiful.

I just adore Abby every single day but she looked particularly angelic on this special day.

One of my closest friends, Jenn and her twin daughters getting ready for 1st Communion.

Jenn and her three duaghters!

I captured this moment when Abby walked back into the church after her 1st Communion ceremony.My brother was so proud of his little girl.

The six Harding granddaughters - everyone was so happy for Abby.

Uncle Rob and Daddy hanging out with Abby.

My sweet girl!

I was all sweaty from running around all day but I wasn't going to miss a chance to hug my goddaughter and take a picture on her very special day!

The three Harding kids - love those beautiful smiles.

Everyone was done smiling at this point - Katie just wanted to get to the party!

Lizzie bug was acting like a silly girl and looking gorgeous doing it so I snapped a few picture!

In other news - not that any is as important as Abby but...
I won a camera! It is amanual exposure camera with 23 megapixels and I was very excited to take awesome pictures with it - except that I can not get the hang of using it so all of my pictures are blurry and the settings are wrong. Reading up in the book one of these days but until now there are lots of test pictures like these of Annie playing on the ipad!

And Lizzie being a silly girl!
Lots more pictures to come with Mother's Day and our Moon Bounce day next week so stay tuned!