Wow - are we already half way through the summer? The kids have been wonderful but the dynamic is completely different with the big kids home all day. Auntie Meg is out looking for a job and no longer watching the kids and we MISS her! There's something about leaving home and knowing that the kids are cared for by someone who adores them that just makes things easier! Now Auntie Meg has to get out on her own and get a good job so she and Uncle Tim can start having their own babies! Did I really just write that? Tiffany is a student at UCONN and takes really great care of the kids while Bob and I work - we love her but she's no Auntie Meg!

26 inches long
She is growing like a weed despite some major reflux issues.
We are going to wait one more month and then decide whether to go to a specialist about her feeding issues. The great news is that she is eating and gaining weight - even if people are often the victim of "hurricane Ellie" once in a while!
I love that baby smile and look how she crosses her legs!
That skin is just to die for!

Annie's back again! She loves to be near the babies loving on them!
My little princess!
Little crooked smile - what a beauty our girl is!
Not quite there with the sitting but she is trying!
The twins playing together!

We went down on Saturday to see Grammy and Papa at the beach house and just happened to go by the carnival! The kids were so excited!

Molly also had a new haircut!
Lizzie was all bundled up!
Ellie kept throwing her covers off so she could see!
Papa took the kids on the flying dragons!
Molly's favorite ride - I love to watch her face when she is on carnival rides - that girl is fearless and LOVES a fast ride!
Look at that gorgeous smile - she is so happy and excited!
A horsie ride with Daddy and his girls!
Peter was SO excited because he went to go on this ride and he was TOO BIG! I had to take his picture to prove it!
Ellie's favorite ride!
Lizzie loves her Papa!
A photoshoot with the twins. They were wearing the matching dresses that Kk got for them and they looked adorable! I couldn't resist!
The girls conspiring!
Check out the twins holding hands!
I love those little baby hands clasped so tightly - I can picture showing the girls these pictures some day when they are best friends!
The best smiles in the world!

Makes my heart grow every time I look at it! What sweet beautiful babies we have! How lucky are we?

Big brother babysitting for Lizzie - he loves to "be in charge" of one of the babies for a while! He holds them, gives them hugs and kisses and even attempts to change them. What a wonderful big brother he is - there's a reason God gave us a wonderful son to watch over all of our girls!

The kids are excited for Newport and all of our other summer adventures! Auntie Beth is coming home soon and we can't wait - Molly and Annie have lots of things in store for her!I'm signing out and promising nothing for the next few days - work is nuts and I have tons of packing to do!