Monday was a day filled with Molly! Molly's field trip, Molly's bridging ceremony for Daisies and just loving Molly! Naturally, she deserves every minute of it!
I try not to be offended when the kids all want Bob but we both took the day off to be with Molly on her field trip and she only had eyes for her Daddy! I'm okay with it, I guess, he is sort of special!Molly and Savannah - you will soon realize that Savannah really likes to be in pictures and she really likes Molly!My girl balancing and concentrating very hard.Daddy gave a little bit of help.I know she looks a bit sad in this picture but her beauty just amazes me!And there's my girl with her beautiful smile.Molly and her best friend Chassidy. These two just light up when they are together and one is as cute as the other with those big smiles.And then Savannah wanted to get in on the picture.Kamyra is another close friend fromMolly's class. She is a doll.Molly and Chassidy. They are the tallest and the shortest in the class.And Savannah ran over to get in that picture too!The girls playing frisbee with Bob - I sat on the bench watching and Bob spent the entire time playing tag and frisbee with the kids! No wonder they think he is the fun one!Bob went to a dinner on Monday night because my Dad got an award. We realized that with Molly in her Daisy uniform and Bob all dressed up they were just like twins - Molly was more than happy to pose for some pictures with Bob!I love this one!And just because the day was about Molly doesn't mean Ann won't get in on the action!Annie loved being out in the yard.Molly picked out this rose bush the year Annie was born and loves when it blooms each year.At the same time that we got molly's rose bush we got this one for Annie. This is the first bud of the year.Molly is ready for her bridging ceremony.KK and Auntie Meg came to Molly's ceremony and she couldn't stop looking back at us!Molly was so happy!Walking over the bridge from Daisies to Brownies.Getting her brownie vest.Having some snacks with Korin, Peter and Annie. I never got a picture of Korin and Molly together even though Korin gave up her plans for the night so that she could be with Molly. Apparently this is how Annie dresses when she is with Auntie Meg. Too cute!
It is official - the kids are out of school for the summer. They couldn't be happier and have already started their plans. Auntie Ann took Molly and Annie out today and now we are doing crafts, crafts, crafts! Pete is going to spend the night with Grammy and Papa tomorrow - what lucky kids to get so much attention! This weekend we are going to get moving on our garden - Auntie Ann even got us birdhouses and a duck for the garden - I can't wait! GNM - ILY!