Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Connecticut Irish Festival

We have a tradition with Tyler and Abby (for the last 2 years!) that we have a sleepover and all go to the CT Irish Festival in North Haven this weekend. We actually turned it into a tradition this year after we did it last year and had so much fun. This year was even better because we got an earlier start, Molly's dance school was doing a few exhibitions and Annie Bananie was on board! (Technically she was on board last year, I guess!)
So Molly had an opportunity to perform with her dance school in a small exhibition - no costumes just t-shirts and jean shorts and a small routine. It was at 3 and we got there at 3:25 because we got off at the wrong exit and got a bit lost. I think it may have been the plan because Molly was very nervous and told me this morning that she just wanted to have fun with Abby and not have to go to the exhibition. So we ran and saw a little bit of it and then jumped in and started having fun.

This is us ready to go have some fun!
No matter how late we are there is always time for a picture!
Peter going down the slide!
Tyler went down the slide at least 30 times!
Molly girl at the top of the slide!

Tyler loved this jumpy thing where you had to knock each other off of the middle!
we had trouble getting the boys out of this particular ride -
they got so sweaty and had so much fun!
My beautiful baby girl - she was an angel all day despite still having trouble with her ears and not sleeping great at night because of the discomfort.

Abby and Molly having a snack while we watched the dancers and listened to some music!
Peter and Tyler taking a break and watching the dancers.
Tyler back on his favorite ride!
Uncle Bob and Abby hanging out on the jumpy things!

Daddy and his girl!

Uncle Bob and Abby snuggling before we all got out to dance!
Peter helping his baby sister learn how to walk. He loves showing off for people with Annie and she just adores him! She is even starting to look steady on her feet.

Molly and Tyler clowning around! Check out Tyler's glasses.

Molly dancing!
Ann even got out there to dance a bit!
Peter and Tyler were half dancing and half wrestling - whatever they were doing they were having fun!
Annie on the dance floor.
Abby dancing!
Tyler's favorite part of the day - he LOVED feeding the goats and sheep and horse.
All the kids feeding the horse.
Abby playing in the ball pit!
Bob and Annie - how cute are they?
Molly showing off her tattoos and painting!

Abby got a butterfly!
Tyler got a BIG shamrock!
Peter was thrilled with his scary spider!
Tyler added to his shamrock with a tattoo on his forehead - Karla is going to kill me!
What a cutie pie!
Once last trip to the rides!
Unfortunately toward the end I started throwing up and we had to leave quickly. We convinced the kids it would be more fun to have ice cream at home and watch some of Camp Rock - it worked and they piled in the car as fast as I've ever seen them!
All in all a great day - I know all kids have their flaws but Peter, Molly, Tyler, Abby and Annie really are a bunch of happy, polite, joy filled children - what a pleasure for Bob and I to get them all to ourselves and to be able to watch them interact and play together and have such fun. And Annie adds so much to everything - her personality is such that she is happy to be sitting in the stroller watching everything or laughing and cooing and dancing when she is out and about with us. I didn't get many pictures of the kids dancing because I truly enjoyed watching them all - I was also out dancing and making a fool of my pregnant self with them most of the time. There is something about children and music and dancing.
So we did come home and have ice cream (in green cones none the less) and watch some of Camp Rock. Now the kids are all nestled in their beds with dreams of Uncle Bob's Blueberry pancakes and bacon tomorrow morning! Pat and Karla are going to a Red Sox game tomorrow so we get the kids all day (although KK snagged Katie duty and I am jealous). We have a lazy morning planned and an afternoon swim - I love summer! Tomorrow is my brother Patrick's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE BRO!

Friday, June 20, 2008

More blog issues but some updates none the less!

I'm tired, cranky and blog spot is not cooperating with me, AGAIN! I can't get my pictures to download. I guess I will just bore you with the happenings of the H-W Family via writing for now.

Pregnancy update - I'm feeling great and the baby is moving all over the place. It is so different than what I remember from Annie because instead of kicking this baby seems to be doing really big flips! I have kidney stones - OUCH - they gave me crazy pain meds for them but I refuse to take them because I can't imagine that they don't get to my little kidney bean and I can't imagine taking that chance just because of some discomfort. You might think that I am a trooper but that would be far from the truth since poor Bob has to massage, put heat on my back and listen to me complain almost constantly - my parents, cousins and aunts get a fair share of my compaining, too. I am hoping that the kidney stones won't require any surgery but why break with tradition right??

The baby is 10 inches and has everything it needs to survive except lung function - YEAH! We are over half way there! We are going on Monday to find out the gender of the baby - please keep us in your prayers on Monday as we also find out if the 2nd trimester screenings that indicated a very high percentage chance that the baby will have Downes Syndrome are correct. Bob and I can't wait to see our little one and find out all we can about it, whatever that may bring!

Peter Westley Update: Our eldest is having some major issues with the break in structure since school ended. He misses his teachers and even the school work but mostly he just misses the daily routine. We don't have a babysitter right now so we are piecing together babysitting so that Bob and I can get to work and I don't think that helps Peter to feel secure and stable with things so we are going to work on that for next week. We also have some school work for him and a daily schedule to follow to try to make things easier. Bob had the kids for the entire day yesterday and after making grinders for lunch (our 4th meal from leftovers that Auntie Ann sent over) he took them to Middletown to visit Papa and then go to Kidcity. I hate when I have to miss fun things with the kids but they had a blast with their Daddy and stopped for ice cream on the way home. Peter figured out his healies thanks to Papa yesterday and is now flying all over the house in them. He is also outside playing basketball almost constantly. We are trying to come up with some money to send him to camp for a few weeks with his buddy Lucas - the town has a great day camp that would be right up his alley! Peter wrote me a very long story yesterday while I was gone about a big robot that went around town smashing things - I love his imagination - this kid has big ideas and he manages to put together some very elaborate stories - I am so proud of how bright he is.

Mary Catherine Update: Molly LOVES summer. She is reading like crazy - I love the sight of my baby girl curled up on the rocking chair on the front porch reading a book. She loves to read anything and everything and rarely has to ask us a word because she has now figured out how to guess the words based on the context of the story - I know I'm bragging but she really is a smart little cookie! She is also organizing her barbies and the entire playroom based on color schemes and designer outfits. I went up and eavesdropped on her playing and talking to her Barbies - she was imitating me when I talk to Bob - I'm doomed. "Honey, I made it perfectly clear what I needed you to do and you chose to ignore me." That is a direct quote that she used while playing dolls and I had just said that to Bob last night. Molly is also loving being home with Annie and doting on her all day - she is defintely her second mother and even answers when Annie says Mama.

Annie Bananie Update: Our girl is finally crawling around - not on all fours but getting around none the less. She does the arm crawl on her elbows with her belly hanging on the ground. She laughs when she moves because she still isn't used to it. A set of keys was the major impetus for her first jaunt and now she goes after anything interesting - including a big spider today - YUCK! Annie is loving having the kids home 90% of the time but the other 10% of the time she just wants a break from the chaos. We noticed her naps have gotten longer - probably self survival on her part! She is also eating EVERYTHING despite her lack of teeth. I spent a few hours trying to get Annie saying Mama on tape today but had no success. She says Dada every five seconds but Mama's are few and far between. Annie went to the doctor yesterday and has an ear infection in each ear - AGAIN! We are going on July 9th for a follow up and will talk about the possibility of putting tubes in her ears because she is having a major issue with clearing fluid. Let's hope the infection and fluid are all gone by then.

KK Update: Auntie Ann and I went up to Boston yesterday to help KK start packing up her apartment. Of course we went to the Celtics Parade first and then had lunch and then walked through Fanuiel Hall and then got cannolis and THEN packed boxes. I'm exagerating a tiny bit but we did get some stuff done and it was a beautiful day to be in Boston and spend some time with two of my favorite people. The kids had their noses out of joint because I went without them - they both at seperate times told me that KK was not going to be happy when I got there without them! They think that fun can only be had when they are around - wishful thinking!

Baby Name Updates: Nobody who has heard our names for the baby likes them but we don't really care - to be honest - none of my kids have ever looked like the names we gave them until a few years later. So here they are:

Patricia Beth Harding - Wheeler - for my brother(Patrick) and my cousin Beth in California

Mack Patrick Harding - Wheeler - Mack is my mom's maiden name and Patrick for my brother

All of our kids are named for special people and we wanted this baby to have the same connection to important people in his/her life. I also think that once you find out the sex it is nice to have a name to start calling the baby so I wanted to be very prepared! We still need to come up with a good nickname for Patricia - I don't like any of the traditional ones so suggestions are welcome!

We are going to have a fun weekend so I promise to post pictures tomorrow - if not on this blog then I'll open a new one with another server. Abby and Tyler are sleeping over and we are going to the big Irish Festival in North Haven so we will have lots to report on and hopefully a little energy at the end to blog! Mrs. Nelson sent an SOS e-mail that she was having H-W kids withdrawl so I'm all over it and promise no more delays!

I just checked Auntie Beth's blog and apparently she is having a bad day and people suck - I think she might be pregnant - just kidding but pregnancy does tend to make you feel pissy towards people! Anyways - I'm sending her a shout out and begging her NOT to disappear - to quote the Howard Jones song from the 80's - "things can only get better." If you need cheering up, Bethie, just call me and I'll sing it to you - now that must be worth a smile even just picturing it in your head! I'll even use my hairbrush as a microphone!
Hang in Auntie Beth!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


My Dad and Patrick are in Boston at the Celtics Game right now. A friend of my Dad's got tickets and he was taking his son and invited my Dad to invite his son and come to the game. Now that's
the kind of friends I need! Luckily KK is in Boston to catch the fun before the game - all of these pictures are courtesy of KK.
No idea what happened to this picture of my cute Dad!

If I was classier (or my brother was!) I wouldn't post this picture on the blog but it is SO Patrick!
They're almost like twins with those shots!
My brother is SO cool!
But not as cool as KK!
The four guys with their tickets - could my dad be any more excited! How cute!
My brother - Karla's ONE!
We HAVE to get my Dad some Celtics gear - I just love these two!
My favorite picture - I love seeing my dad and my brother hanging out together - what a night for them! I am taping the game so the kids can watch it tomorrow morning and look for Uncle Pat and Papa. Patrick must be heaven - a Celtics championship game and Steven Tyler (from Aerosmith) is in the house!
Patrick and KK in front of the trophy - I guarantee you that my dad made them do the thumbs up sign for this one!

I had to include this one of My Dad, Pat, Don - my Dad's friend who got the tickets - and his son!
Bob is laughing at me because I am definitely searching the crowd for two familiar, tall figures! I can't help it!Enjoy the game!

Thanks KK for sharing the pictures - you're the BEST!


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Uncle Bob and his gorgeous goddaughter!

Was finally able to upload so ignore the sentence below!

Bob and the kids after breakfast in bed!

Another picture I was able to add this morning - our handsome boys were so excited to see each other when w got to the beach house. We are ALL staying at the beach house after the 4th of July - what chaos!

I may have to switch to another blog spot - this is the third time in a few weeks that I am unable to upload pictures due to an "internal error" - I am not a patient person!

We had a wonderful Father's Day down at the beach house with my parents and Patrick and Karla and the kids. It was windy and overcast but that never stops the kids from loving the beach! The day started with breakfast in bed for Bob - the menu - Cocoa Pebbles, rasberries (Bob's favorite fruit) and Pop Ems - gross glazed donuts. The kids had cards, letters and presents for Bob - all of which would be featured in pictures if I could upload them. We headed down to the beach early so that Pat and Karla could also get to the Rucci's to see her Dad - we had brunch at 10 a.m. - imagine me cooking and getting all three kids and Bob out the door to be down in Westbrook at 10 - not a pretty sight!

Peter wrote a biography about Papa in school - it was so thoughtful and sweet that I copied it down before I let him give it to my dad.

My Dad read the story with tears in his eyes - he loved it!

My Papa

Everybody should know him. He is nice. My Papa is famous.

He took long shots in basketball.

Papa takes me, Molly, Abby and Tyler to mystery rides.

It is a surprise. He is brave and strong.

I love Papa.

He is very smart. My Papa helps people all the time.

We play basketball together. It is fun.I just managed to get these pictures uploaded so they are out of order but too cute to not include!

All of the fathers and the six Harding children and grandchildren. The kids were so cute wishing everyone a Happy Father's Day and celebrating with their fathers and godfathers.

The boys and their children and grandchildren - how are they going to make room for one more? Peter and his godfather - the strongest human according to my son!
I had a beautiful picture of Bob and his goddaughter but I can't flippin upload it!

Peter and Molly playing on the beach!
Papa was posing the grandkids on the beach - kind of cute!
Look at these cuties!
Another Papa photo - how cute are these kids?
Uncle Pat and his babies on Father's Day!

Uncle Ed and his beautiful goddaughter on Father's Day!
Grammy gave Annie a nice warm bath and did some snuggling with her!
Papa with Peter, Molly and Annie - hope he can find room on his lap for one more!

I love Mother's and Father's Day but I always try to remember what my Mom tells me about these kind of holidays - it's nice to have a day to celebrate but it is more important that you treat someone special every day of the year and don't just save it for one day a year. I am fortunate to have men in my life who are exceptional fathers. Beginning with my own - the most kind, compassionate and loving man I have ever met - my father teaches the kids constantly about the little things in life that make it special - he takes the time to make each grandchild (and child) feel special and with help from my mom knows when each of the kids need a little Papa time. He is tireless, fearless and an inspiration! My brother is a phenomenal father - I admit to being surprised at how naturally fatherhood came to Patrick - he is loving and affectionate and each time I have witnessed him welcome a new child with Karla I have been amazed at his comfort with newborns. I love watching my brother be a father and I thank him for the gift of my nieces and nephew! And then there is Bob - he jumped in with both feet when most men would have run the other way. He loved Peter and Molly from the moment he met them and never hesitated to become involved in any way that I would let him. He was also wondeful when it came to letting me be in control until I was ready to give up the reins a bit. When Annie was born Bob found ways to make the big kids feel special and to also bond with Annie. I am blessed to have found the perfect father for my children and someone who can put up with me - even when I've been pregnant for two years!

I am hoping that I will be able to post this now - I couldn't do it again last night!