Saturday, March 1, 2008


My new niece, Katie! She's finally here!

Grammy and Papa with their 6th grandchild!

Katherine (possibly Kathryn or Kathrin)

Shannon Harding

Born on March 1, 2008 at 1:40 a.m.

8 lbs 10 ounces, 21 inches

My new niece's piggy toes!

We have a gorgeous new niece, Katie. She was born early this morning and has already met her terrific brother and sister (I didn't make it in time to get those pics for the far away aunties - sorry!) Karla and Katie are resting comfortably and Karla looks incredibly relieved to be UN-pregnant! I haven't held her yet due to a little cold but she did make my heart swell when I saw her - especially those irresistable piggy toes1

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Molly with her Daddy wearing her favorite headband from Auntie Ann!
Uncle B and the kids!
I'm going to start addressing these blogs to Auntie Beth since I'm pretty darn sure that she is the only one who reads them.
I love this picture of the kids and Uncle B. First of all, they look adorable all dressed in green and looking more Irish then ever - especially Pete. But mostly because it is so reflective of the special relationship the kids have with their crazy uncle. From the moment Brendan started calling Molly "Stinkerbelle" and taught Peter to pull his finger no matter what the kids have been infatuated with their uncle. He is the first one to volunteer to take the kids for a walk during a caotic family party and braves the elements at any time to help the kids expend a little energy to make for an easier bedtime for us tired parents. When we did our "Best and Worst" at the end of the day after being up at Auntie Kate's, Molly's best was playing with Uncle B and Peter's best was when Unlce B showed us his butt when he waved goodbye! What we do without Uncle B?

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Our Happy Baby Girl


This is just a really quick video of Annie Bananie responding to whether she is happy or not. There are names for mom's like me - none of them very complimentary, mind you - but I just love this video. Annie is such a wonderful blessing - content and good natured almost always and very tolerant of her rambunctious siblings and their constant affection. I know it seems odd to say that I didn't realize the impact that Annie would have on our family but before her arrival I pictured all of the extra duties and how I would possibly juggle the needs of all of the kids without neglecting anyone - I hadn't gotten past that to the incedible joys of having a baby again and watching the other kids interact with her. It has changed Peter and Molly in unimaginable ways - they both have taken great strides in realizing that the world does not revolve around them. Often times they care more about Annie's wherabouts then anything in their little world. They have both said repeatedly "Aren't you glad we had a baby?" I'm glad I had three babies and, unfortunately for everyone, Annie is such a great baby and we are having so much fun that the baby bug is already back again!