Friday, March 5, 2010

Baby Love!

I have tried to get Meg to start her own blog but until she does I can't let these big events go undocumented. Meg had a doctor's appointment today - a routine check up before the anatomy scan on March 22nd where she will find out the gender of the babies! Well - she had an ultrasound today and casually asked the tech about the genders and the tech blurted them out! So now we know and I am SO excited!

Baby A is a GIRL! and Baby B is a BOY!
The babies are happy, healthy and growing well!
The babies are about the size of avacados or pears - 4 1/2 inches head to rump and 3 1/2 ounces. WOW - amazing that we know what sex they are when they are still so tiny!
They aren't growing hair yet but they are growing toenails!
Their hearts are pumping 25 quarts of blood and that amount continues to grow each day!

Meghan at 15 weeks and 6 days!

Molly went with Auntie Meg and Kk to tell Auntie Kake the great news!
Auntie Kake with her hand on Baby B - Brendan!
KK - hanging with the twins!

Auntie Meg left Uncle B a subtle hint on his garage door about whether he was having nieces or nephews!
Peter and Molly were so excited to find out about the babies!

So we all know what Peter was hoping for - thank God he finally got his wish! This was his "It's a Boy dance! Destiny and Mark are mentioned at the end - those are his friends from school who are twins so before bed he decided he is going to quiz them on what it is like - I guess he is hoping to be able to relate to the babies!

Now all we need is Baby A's name - we know Baby B is Brendan and I think Meghan is hoping for Adeline Kathleen for Baby A - I'm not sure if Uncle Tim has agreed yet but I love it!

It was a great day!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

Have I mentioned that I have an amazing daughter? Well okay - I have four amazing daughters but Molly has been particularly amazing lately. In our house the loudest kids get the most attention - which means that Molly falls somewhere around the 4th or 5th loudest with Lizzie the only one quieter at times. Molly comes home from school, sits at the table and does her homework, she gets her pajamas ready for her shower and helps us set the table for dinner. If I am frustrated and trying to cook dinner Molly will take all of the babies in one of the bedrooms and play with them until dinner is ready. Molly's teachers always love her because she is so sweet, caring and loving toward her classmates! I love watching Molly at school and hearing what she talks about with her classmates. I came in to school last week and all of her friends were asking me if Ellie was walking and if Lizzie had started talking yet. They wanted to know if Annie was going to go to preschool at Webster and when I was going to bring the babies in to school again. It was so cute to hear that Molly obviously talks about her sisters alot and keeps everyone up to date. My favorite thing about Molly is how sensitive she is to other people. When she found out that baby Ricky had died Molly cried with me and asked how Ricky's mom was. She drew a picture and wrote a poem about the baby for me - it was beautiful! She is thoughtful and kind in a way that is far beyond her 7 years. I am so proud to be Molly's mom!

I'm not the only one who thinks Molly is super special! Auntie Beth read on the blog that Bob and Molly dance to "Love Story" by Taylor Swift and within a week a package arrived on our doorstep adressed to the two of them. It was the Taylor Swift singing doll and guess what it sings?
My Brown Eyed Girl

Annie posing for the camera. Grammy and Papa called for a playdate with Annie and she danced around the living room for 15 minutes telling me that she was going to Bammy's for eggs! She loves her Bammy and Papa!

Grandma Betty sent the babies packages with fake roses in them and Ellie carried one around all night. I tried to get a picture of her crawling with it in her mouth but everytime I got close she kneeled up and looked at me! Everyone knows how I love roses! just wait and see what Auntie Kk has picked out for the girls for their Easter dresses - there may be roses! BTW - since there is a rose theme I can't wait to find out how KK fits the theme into Peter's wardrobe!

Our little buggie was being shy for the camera and eventually started roaring at me - I clicked away anyways!
She does not like when I take her binky away!

This was her roars and give it back signal - I'm telling you she just doesn't need to speak because her face says it all!

Annie getting comfortable on my table!

Molly and Taylor - Mols loves her beautiful evening gown!
Daddy was trying to get some cuddles with Annie!

Cuddle Bug!

Who has the best Mom ever? Me, of course!
So my knees are very swollen and achy. I mentioned it once to my mom that I wished I had one of those things that is filled with beans and shapes to your joints because I thought it would really help. The next day I had homemade heat packs filled with pinto beans, sown by Mom and, even better, smelling like my mom! You know - that smell of comfort that only your mom has - it's built right in to my heat packs. My dad nuked it for around 20 minutes so I had to wait to put them on but once I did it was bliss! Once again - who has the BEST Mom! It's me!
Auntie Beth will certainly get a kick out of Molly's response to my telling her that she looked so cute - a little like Flashdance! Kk gave her this shirt and it reminded me of Flashdance so I brought it up on the computer so she could see. Her response - "Mama - sometimes I don't get why this old stuff makes you laugh." Then she proceeded to make her way to go upstairs and turned around - "Besides - I look way cooler than that girl!" Did I mention that my girl was cool, too!

Lately it seems as though everything Annie says is cute. She was so excited that she was going to my parents house that I took some video of her! Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bounce U

After months of anticipation and practice the CMT's (CT Mastery Test) finally started today so we took the kids out to celebrate after school. Okay - I confess - Pete was a bit nervous about the big test and I was looking for something that would give him something to look forward to and loosen him up so we planned a "mystery ride". Needless to say it really worked and he left for school happy and excited for after school. Pete came in from school and reported that his teachers said he did a great job and he is no longer nervous - "Piece of Cake" in his words!

Molly was thrilled with the mystery ride and was just amazing with the babies. She took care of Lizzie the entire time letting Bob and I just hang out and watch everyone!
My show off - Pete was great! He got all of his energy out and managed to get Annie and Lizzie through an entire obstacle course. They loved being led around by their big brother!

Annie had a blast jumping around. Now you may remember that in September we rented a Jumpy Thing for Annie's birthday and she refused to go near it - let alone in it! Tonight we had to literally pull her out of it kicking and screaming!

Lizzie worked so hard to saty upright in the Jumpy Thing and LOVED it! She laughed and smiled the entire time we were there. At one point BOb took her out of one thing to put her in another one and she screamed at the top of her lungs!

Ellie hated every second of being in the Jumpy Thing. Pete tried to take her down the slide because Annie and Lizzie loved going down with him but Ellie cried hysterically and just kept calling for me - "Mamamamamamamamamamamamamam". I got a really long hug when I finally rescued her from the Jumpy Thing so I didn't mind it so much!

Daddy and Lizzie enjoying some bouncing time!

Ellie was just as happy to stay on the outside of the Jumpy Things with Mama. She did not let me out of her sight!

We couldn't get Pete away from the basketball!

I love his form - we may get our free UCONN tickets yet - when he plays for them!
Annie was a hit at Bounce U. She talked to anyone - other moms, the people who work there and the other kids. She got a little bossy at times but you could not keep from smiling because she had so much fun and laughed and giggled all night!

I love this picture - our girl having a blast!
Lizzie was running around all over the place! She could not sit still and she giggled and laughed the entire time - she loved following the big kids around the place. Needless to say she was in bed asleep 15 minutes after we got home!
Peter looks like a teenager! Ugg!
Ellie ventures onto the Jumpy Thing for one minute and then comes back to Mama!
The kids had a great time and everything was perfect until Annie started asking when we were going on our Mystery Ride. She was under the impression that every Mystery Ride starts with a trip to Grammy and Papa's house. Luckily Grammy and Papa met us at our house after so Annie's wish was fulfilled! The big kids always love when Grammy and Papa visit but because of testing tomorrow they had to go to sleep early so Annie got lots of attention! She didn't mind a bit!

Monday, March 1, 2010

One of the greatest parts of having five children is getting to see how all of their little personalities develop. They are all so different in almost every way - and yet they all have so many things in common. Every one of our children loves dancing and singing and music of any kind. I think it is sweet that the three babies begin swaying the instant they hear music - it can be gospel, rap or rock - they just start moving! Peter and Molly are the leaders of the nightly H-W dance parties - they now choose the music and lead the dancing while Bob and I just enjoy! Today Molly surprised us by finding our wedding song so that Bob and I could have a "romantic" dance. After 30 seconds all five kids joined in and Bob and I found ourselves in heaven! I ended up taking lots of pictures of Elizabeth this week so we'll start with her.

Lizzie is our gentle little soul. She just smiles and takes everything in. Everyone knows that she says very little at this point but I am sort of enjoying it right now. If I ask her if she wants a drink she says hmmm - mmm and gives me a wide Lizzie grin. If I ask her for a hug she waddles over and puts her arms around my neck with a squeeze. I noticed the other night in church that Elizabeth smiles almost constantly. An older woman behind us at mass commented about how happy she is even when no one is looking.
This picture is of her dressed up by her big sister - she had things dragging, things over her face and make-up on her cheeks and she was as happy as could be with all of the attention from her sister!
Anyone want to check Molly for Strep throat? Molly was being silly for the babies and I got a nice shot of her wide open mouth! If she did this at the doctor than they wouldn't need to use a tongue depresser!

Molly smiles!

Ellie Bean gets in on the dress up action!
I dressed Lizzie in overalls and a pink turtleneck and I could not take my eyes off of her. Because Lizzie is so quite we often spend time with Annie and Ellie and leave her to her own devices. Until she comes over and gets in our site line and smiles or dances! I love it!

My gorgeous Lizzie smile!

There is something about this picture. I love that long neck and wide face. The rosy cheeks and big blue eyes are icing on the cake. She literally takes my breath away at times. Lizzie is so easy to parent - she eats great, sleeps well, is kind to everyone and is just happy - what is not to love about that?

Lizzie hanging out with Daddy reading the paper sideways!
Annie always has to get in on the action - love that smile!

Annie can not stop singing Christmas songs! I find it adorable!
I'm off to give goodnight kisses and hit the sack early!