Auntie Beth commented that I am sucking it up with the blog these days so I'm trying to post every few days - at least a little something. Gotta keep the aunties happy!
Since the kids aren't allowed to watch TV during the week we usually have a family movie night on Fridays. Last night they all looked adorable in their little sleepers watching the Wizard of Oz together. Pete was home sick on Thursday and Molly Doll has a cold so we are trying to keep it low key this weekend to avoid missing anymore school this early in the year! The docs decided that I shouldn't really go to Worcester this weekend so Bob is going to take his Mom up to Worcester with Annie to meet his brother - a little treat for Grandma's birthday - she hasn't seen Tommy in almost a year. Sunday is "Harding - Wheeler Oragnize for Lizzie Day!" The poor kid's bassinet is filled with maternity clothes and her newly washed baby clothes are still sitting in a laundry basket!

The three kids in their footies watching the movie!

My handsome son goofing around for the camera.

Sweet, silly Annie!

Annie wants to do EVERYTHING that the big kids do so she made herself comfy on the floor and actually watched the movie with them.

Peter Westley having fun!

Annie Bananie chilling out!

Molly preferred her spot next to Daddy on the couch after a while.

Annie in Tyler's sleeper - she looks so cute in blue!

Ann's new trick - when you ask her old she is she says "One" and holds up one finger - how cute!

Attacking Peter during the movie!


So this is a boring series of pictures taken because Annie had just had a shower one day and looked so cute with her shaggy hair! We're pathetic and we know it!

Annie still has only three teeth - not sure when the rest are coming in because they are showing no signs of popping up! I love those eyes!

Crazy hair!

Notice BOb behind Annie with her baby on his shoulder - everytime he tried to take it down Annie would screech and put it back up there - pat its back, and than watch to be sure BOb didn't move it! She looks so old in this picture!
Baby Elizabeth did great at the doctor yesterday - they are now estimating an 11 or 12 pound birth weight and boy does she FEEL like she is that big!
I'm sure there will be more posts this weekend so stay tuned!