Saturday, April 14, 2012

More Easter Pictures

Peter and Molly woke up at 3:45 am because they were so excited. At 7 when the littles were still not up we did something we have never done before - we allowed the big kids to open their baskets before the whole family was up! It was kind of nice to see their reactions without having to concentrate on everyone at the same time.

Molly thought it was "cute" that the EB gave everyone a badminton racket so we can all play as a family!

Peter could not hide his embarrassment at getting Tighty Whitey's from the EB!

Ellie woke up and never took off her bonnet again!

EB fun!

Lizzie and Annie were the last to wake up and needed some time to wake up before they were ready to dig in to their baskets! 

Annie found her basket right away!

Lizzie was stretching and yawning until she saw the lip gloss in her basket!


The benefit of having the big kids open their baskets earlier was that they gave the littles lots of attention and help with their baskets!

Daddy and Ellie!

Annie couldn't believe all the fun stuff in her basket!

Lizzie was most excited about the hair ties - she loves her hair accessories!

Chocolate bunnies!

They were gone in five minutes!

Ellie and Daddy were slow about going through her basket - she enjoyed every single itme!

The twins got matching dresses for church, coloring books, books, crayons and lip gloss.

Annie's favorite was her flip flops!

Pete loved his binoculars - just like the ones Grammy has at the beach!

I love when Peter and Molly are having fun together - it makes my heart swell!

Daddy and Lizzie sharing a chocolate bar - Daddy's favorite!

More big kid fun!

Annie loved her "earrings" from the EB.

Lizzie tried hers on too!

Ellie Bean wanted no part of her earrings but she loved her hat!

The girls got dressed right away so they could go out and play badminton! They were so cute!

Lizzie was not quite sure what to do!


Ellie's first time ever in big girl underpants! Yeah - 5 kids mostly potty trained!

Molly, Annie and Lizzie trying to stay warm while Mommy snaps oodles of pictures!

My little nagle girl!

Ellie was having trouble getting in the pictures - come to find out she wanted to take one by herself first!

My gorgeous girls!

Pretty girls!

Molly is such an amazing big sister - she just loves on the littles constantly without even thinking about it or complaining!

Daddy and his girls!

Mommy and her girls!

I am the luckiest Mama in the entire world!

Our five gorgeous children - dressed and ready for Easter!

Lizzie's "crazy" smile!

Daddy and his oldest girl - Molly loves her Daddy!

Molly and Annie posing for Mama - love this picture!

Being silly!

Ellie was not loving having so many pictures taken but she didn't mind posing with Molly!

Annie in front of her fairy garden!

My little love with her butterflies from Auntie Ann.

My little beauty!


Papa and the girls hanging out!

Auntie Renee and the girls.

Annie loved the tree that she helped decorate with Papa and Katie.

My boy is turning into a teenager - yes, this was his Easter outfit!

Grandma and her girls.

Annie loves Papa's soft grass.

Grass angels.

My girls enjoying the sun!

Frilly Easter dresses were no match for my girls - they rode bikes, ran, played basketball and had a great time with their cousins!

Bob and his Mom.

Molly and Grandma bonding!

Papa and the littles!

Love those Lizzie smiles!

Molly-girl and her Papa - she can't get enough of her grandfather!

Annie and Katie - this was not planned but when Katie got there she had the same dress on as our four girls - it was awesome!

Katherine Shannon

The in-laws!

Our first year ever having a real kids table - it was so much fun but they literally sat at the table for ten minutes and then got back to playing! It was such a special Easter to get to spend it with Auntie Karla, Uncle Pat and all of their kids! Grammy made a fabulous dinner, as usual, and everyone enjoyed themselves!

Auntie Renee and Grandma Betty

Ktie feeling a little glum!

UNtil she got a hug from her godfather!

So this is what goes on at Papa's house on Mondays! The girls got pulled around on a sled - on Easter!

The girls in their pink chairs!

Ready for an Easter egg hunt!

Everyone is ready to fund some eggs! Reminds me of the Easter egg hunt four years ago when Auntie Kake and my mom planned an adult Egg hunt. We were all lining up to go out to find the eggs and just as we left I asked everyone if Bob and I could get a head start since I was pregnant again with our fourth baby! Everyone's jaws dropped because Annie was only 6 months old and it was a total shock! Needless to say Bob and I left eveyone in our dust trying to figure out if it was a joke or not while we got to the eggs first! It was no joke and Lizzie is proof of that! What a wonderful memory of sharing such joyous news!

Annie and Lizzie seemed to be a little overwhelmed!

Reaching up high....

And down low for eggs.....

Sharing hiding spots....

Running to beat everyone else....

Counting their eggs as they went....

Hoarding their eggs until the end....

Helping each other out....

Running in the opposite direction....

Auntie Karla and uncle Pat on a beautiful Easter day!

Katie gathering her eggs - she headed straight for the back with the big kids - she got lots of eggs that way!

Peter had to climb to get an egg!We think Papa hid that one!

Having a great time.......

Loving the egg hunt......

loving every minute of Easter.....

Ready for some candy....

Lizzie in front of the egg tree - she wishes Grammy would keep it all year!

The three musketeers - we cannot seperate these three girls! They adore one another and love spending time together!

Grammy and Papa's eight grandchildren!

Grammy, Papa and the eight luckiest grandchildren in the world! I know everyone thinks this but we truly have a beautiful and blessed family!

Grammy and Ellie opening some eggs.

Lizzie got lots of eggs and lots of candy!

Lady Bug riding her bike in her pretty pink dress.

The twins with Lizzie curled up in between them!

Chris and Isreal came by for dessert later on!

Michelle is Chris's friend form NY - she was wonderful and we all had a great time.

Easter was truly amazing. It was relaxing - because, once again, I do nothing and my mom does everything and we were surrounded by our loving family and friends! The kids behaved great and had a blast and there was more food than one family could eat in three meals! The desserts were especially good this year! It was a truly blessed Easter!