Thursday, April 9, 2009

We Miss Auntie Beth!

At 4 a.m. I got up to go to the bathroom - when I came out I heard Molly stirring so I went upstairs to check on her. I'm still not used to her being so far away from me so I tend to check on her alot! She was in that groggy half sleep stage and just started crying in her bed because she missed Auntie Beth. Her words were - "It's not fair that California is so far away when I need to see my auntie - I can't wait until I am 8 and then I can go on a plane to visit Auntie Beth." (Enter Mommy's heart skipping a beat and a permenant knot developing in my stomach at the the thought of my baby girl on a plane by herself!) I fed her some line about absence making the heart grow fonder and that missing people made it all the better when you got to see them again and her response was "If Grammy lived far away and you couldn't see her you wouldn't say it was fun to miss people." Point taken - I've been missing Bethie alot too and with Auntie Meg planning her wedding and Auntie Ann's party it just seems unnatural not to have Auntie Beth here! That being said - we understand that this is a busy time for Auntie Beth and are really proud of her successful tax business and how happy she is during tax season! A few minutes later Molly drifted off to sleep laying against my chest and I had trouble extracting myself from her knowing that these times will be few and far between the older she gets! This morning I asked her about last night and her response was to not tell Auntie Beth because it would make her sad - what a thoughtful, kind, wonderful kid I have - how the heck did that happen?
One little thing about Ann - she is now really into books and when we tell her to go get one for us to read to her she yells "Bup, Bup" ! I think it is almost as cute as her Please with a raspberry at the end!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Random Pictures that never made the blog this week!

Our beautiful girl - I love this picture - she is so unbelievably gorgeous!

I had to take some pictures of the twins in their matching outfits!

I LOVE Ellie's smile!

Our sweet baby girls - I didn't put tights on them and could not get enough of those little baby legs!

Ellie's moving in for a bite!

Look at Lizzie's hand on her knee!

Annie holding her babies!

Annie didn't like Ellie's headband - I thought it looked cute but it only lasted a few minutes!

Annie getting decked by Lizzie!

My girls holding hands!
Lizzie has such long skinny legs!

Kisses on her belly from Ann!

Annie and Lizzie playing together!

Lizzie having fun with her big sister!


Annie gets her turn for pictures!

Elizabeth Mack!

I Love those piggy toes!

Lizzie looks so long from this angle!

Our sleeping beauty!

Annie loving on Ellie!

Uncle B stops over after work all the time to visit with Lizzie and she adores him! This particular night she did not take her eyes off of him! I loved watching them together!

We picked wonderful godparents for our kids - Uncle B is great with Lizzie!

Mommy and Annie taken by Molly!

uncle B playing with Lizzie!

Auntie Meg took this one - the girls look a little scary!

Not sure what was going on while I was one but Auntie Meg took it so I posted it!

Lizzie was in a bad mood and looked awful but I love this outfit - especially with the job I do so I took some pictures anyways!

Ellie gets lost in the saucer!

Lizzie taking a nap in her big girl crib - mommy is so not ready for this!

Lizzie waking up and stretching out in her big crib!

Annie giving kisses to her little sister!

My girls!
Kisses from Molly!

The boys playing their DS games together on a quiet, rainy Saturday!

Ready to watch the UCONN men's game!

Papa and Lizzie checking out all of the party food!

Papa and Daddy don't look very comfy watching the game in the beanbags with Annie!

Papa and Annie in the beanbags!

Lizzie checking out the beanbag!

Banana in her beanbag!
Not much to say - I'm very tired and have a lot to do before Easter. Auntie Ann and the nuns came over for a birthday dinner tonight - we had a great time and other than some fussing during dinner from the babies it was pretty peaceful! Bob and I stayed up WAY too late watching the press conference from the UCONN Women's National Title. It was worth it - what a game!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Wonderful Day!

I never got to post yesterday and have some very cute pictures but I'll post those later because we had a fun exciting day today. Auntie Ann is turning 70 this week and we had a great mass (although long because it was Palm Sunday) and then lunch at Angellino's. The kids were wonderful during mass and the party went off without a hitch! Auntie Ann was surprised to see everyone and loved the song that we sang for her.

Ellie looked adorable today and was so cute when I started taking pictures so I ended up taking a zillion of her.

Our little beauty!

A blessing over Auntie Ann after church.

Auntie Ann's party at Angellino's

All of the nieces and nephews made cake with a letter of Happy Birthday. I took pictures of each one so scroll through quickly!




Ellie looking gorgeous - again!

Happy Birthday to the BESt Aunt in the World! We love you, Auntie Ann!