Friday, May 30, 2008

Just some random thoughts and pictures

After a rough night on Wednesday Auntie Beth gave Peter a second chance and took him bowling with she and Molly last night. They had a blast and Peter was incredibly well behaved - he apologized for his deisrespectful behavior the night before and asked if he could please have another chance. Auntie Beth was kind enough to oblige and Peter rose to the challenge - he's really getting big and trying so hard to find his way. They had a great night and Peter was so proud of himself - he and Auntie Beth came back joking and laughing. It was nice to see Pete able to take a bad situation and learn from it. What a great kid I have - and a great cousin, of course!
You can't really tell from this picture but Molly has been begging for me to put Ann's hair in two pony tails like Molly wears hers - we were finally able to do it and she looked adorable!
Annie's 2 ponytails!
Abby came over to play tonight while Peter and Tyler went with Auntie Ann for a night out - the girls got all dressed up - as they always do - and put a show on for us! These two could very well have careers in showbiz some day - I love to listen to them laugh and giggle as they plan their shows.
Molly girl strikes a pose!
Molly and Abby do TA-DA for me! How cute are these girls??

I went in to check on the girls when I got home from bookclub and just thought they were both adorable. Annie's teenie little piggies were sticking out from ehr Grammy blankie and I just wanted to bite it - I took a picture instead!
Molly doll stretches out over he entire bed when she sleeps - I love how comfy and free she looks. Check out her Grammy blankie under her. She had started to put it at the end of her bed saying that she was too old to sleep with a blankie and then when she got that awful flu she didn't want to be without it. Now she is back to using it but not looping her fingers through - just kind of having it near her. Annie can't sleep without hers anymore - hopefully it will hold up better than Molly's has. Pete's is still pristine - I can't get a picture of him because even in 85 degree heat he is buried under his covers! I did go in and pull the covers down a bit to kiss him - at which point he peeked out and said "Mom, can you just kiss me through my covers from now on?" I'm doomed with that kid - he's only seven!
I'm off for a blog free weekend - we are driving up to New Hampshire for a family event and stopping in Boston on the way up to visit with KK - we haven't seen her in two weeks and the kids are going through withdrawls! I'm sure there will be many pictures to share on Monday.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our still sort of sweet baby and cracking a coconut Harding-Wheeler style!

My sweet baby girl is still kind of struggling with her ear and lung infection. She is a cranky one moment and happy the next but still as cute as the day is long. Here are the many faces of Annie a few days ago as her Daddy and I fawned all over her trying to make her happy. I loved this outfit but with her hair down and getting longer and her little shorts on she looked way too old for this Mama's tastes!
"More, More, I want more attention, NOW!"
"Come on, look at how incredibly cute I am. You guys can't resist me!"
"EHHHHHHHH - look at me - only me - the big kids can fend for themselves for once."
"I give up! You two just don't understand the complexity of my needs today!"
Coconut Cracking!
Mr. and Mrs. Laurito brought Bob the cutest gift basket for his birthday - since it was a Luau theme it had macadamia nuts, a pineapple and a coconut. For those of you don't know the Laurito's are Joe's parents (Joe is married to my cousin Brigid). I LOVE the Laurito's - they are two of the most generous, thoughtful loving people I know. They sit through more than their share of our big family events, take a true interest in all of the kids and are thoughtful to a fault. When I had my appendix out I got phone calls and cards from Grandma Belski (Mrs. Laurito's mom) the day I got home with offers of prayers and everything else, Mrs. Laurito showed up on my doorstep with soup and goodies for the kids and even came and visited with me to ward off the boredom. When I had my gallbladder out I could think of nothing but Mrs. Laurito's soup and felt so comfortable (and desperate for something that would stay down) with her that I actually called and asked her to make me some - a few hours later it was in a bowl on my table warm and perfect for my sick tummy! The Laurito's have many responsibilities and things going on but they always find a way to make everyone else feel special and loved! End of tangent!
So the kids were SO excited about the coconut and wanted to crack it and try some milk. Bob and I - having only seen coconuts opened on Survivor with a machete - were a little unsure about how to go about it. Pete and Molly tried to bang it on the floor - and me being a fabulous mother stood by, watched and cheered them on!
Molly - bathed in pajamas and ready for some coconut milk!
Peter's face does not scream confidence in Bob as he watches him try to open the coconut with a hammer and screwdriver!
When the hammer didn't work initially Bob thought the corkscrew might be a better choice - apparently once you hit 40 you start to loose cognitive reasoning abilities! Needless to say it does not work!
Annie was SO happy to be in her highchair and away from the crazy action!
Finally the hammer and screwdriver worked - Yeah, Daddy!

Molly drinking her coconut milk - she liked the milk but not the coconut pulp!
Peter loved the pulp but was a little unsure about the milk!
Either way it made for an exciting experiement of Mom and Dad's patience and survivial skills - we won't be trying out for Survivior anytime soon but we did have fun! I didn't get a picture of it but Annie even tried some milk and liked it - and now we know she isn't allergic to coconuts!

Auntie Beth came home from CA for her college reunion and to see Molly's recital. This is her and Annie spending some time together - Beth hadn't seen Annie since New Year's but you would never know it - Annie leapt into her arms and could not have been happier to play and snuggle with Beth. Molly also commented that Auntie Beth and Annie sort of look alike in this picture!
Molly graduates from kindergarten next week - it doesn't seem possible. Yesterday the new kindergarten class for next year came to Mrs. Nelson's room to get to know the room and Mrs. Nelson. All of this year's class went up to Mrs. Carreiro's classroom and played but Molly stayed behind so she could hang out with her cousin, Julia and help her get to know the class. She felt very important but right before bed confessed that she was really sad about something. When I asked what she said that she really wanted to go play with Mrs. Carreiro because she missed her and was never going to get to go up there again. I explained to her that I understood but what a great helper she was to Mrs. Nelson and Julia and promised her a trip up to visit Mrs. Carreiro after school one day this week. I love how attached my kids get to people - we have already had 2 crying spells from Molly because she does not want to leave Mrs. Nelson. Little does she know that we will just find other excuses to see Mrs. Nelson next year and it will be even more fun!
Peter had his roughest day in a long time yesterday - a challenging day at school with 2 girls making fun of his teeth and his speech and then a rougher outing with Auntie Beth in the afternoon. After being sent to bed at 6 p.m. he awoke this morning with a great attitude - one of my favorite characteristics about my son. He came into my room, asked if I still wanted to hug him (break my heart why don't you?) and then told me that he was going to try really hard to have a good day today and that he was sorry about last night. I wish last night hadn't happened because it hurts me to see him go through such rough patches but at the same time I am so proud of Peter for recognizing the turmoil he caused and for knowing that an apology was the right thing to do and knowing that we can move on and not dwell on it anymmore! He is getting more and more mature!
I missed 2 birthdays in May - paying way too much attention to my old man husband. My cousin Shannon's birthday was on May 2nd and my cousin Kara's was May 23rd. I was eight when they were born and have very fond memories of them - as you can imagine I was a little baby crazy back then. Shannon lived with us for a few months after she was born and Kara came to visit often - we have many many many pictures of the two of them together as babies - there was at least 4 pounds difference in them - Shannon was a round, blonde, blue eyed beauty and Kara was as scrawny as Shannon was round with stunning red hair and an adorable smile. They were and still are a contrast to each other and both are beautiful, successful and wonderful!
Happy Belated Birthday to Shannon and Kara!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

No blogging tonight!

You all know that Annie had a bad ear infection last week - this caused great angst among the Harding-Wheeler family members because Annie, who is otherwise the perfect baby - was screaming and crying and in obvious pain for several days. It was awful! The result of the week of ear infection hell and subsequent guilt on the part of the Mama who missed the ear infection for over a week and a half resulting in red blisters underneath the infection was that Annie's true personality has come out. She never wants to be put down, she whines for attention CONSTANTLY and she does not want to go to bed at night. It is 8:30 - at least an hour and a half after her normal snooze time and she is wide awake and causing a ruckus. She has her Daddy wrapped around her little finger so he goes in to her room every time he hears her do anything and has now resorted to bringing her out to the living room "to relax" when she has trouble sleeping - translation - a little extra play time for Annie and Daddy and then he rocks her to sleep in his arms and lovingly places her in the crib! AHH the life of this kid! So our perfect baby is on the floor playing and cooing with Bob while I was about to blog - guess what? There is no way he is going to get her all to himself while I upload pictures - I promise a blog filled with our coconut cracking experience and more red white and blue pictures tomorrow night!

Monday, May 26, 2008


We had a busy, fun weekend ending in a picnic with Grammy and Papa at the beach today! All of the kids are already in a fitful sleep preparing for going back to school tomorrow and I am sitting on the couch with my feet up dreading going back to work tomorrow!
The girls ready for a parade!
Molly and Abby in their matching red white and blue outfits!
Hanging with friends waiting for the parade to start - Auntie Karla brought chairs, donuts and juice boxes for everyone!
Annie munching on a donut!

The parade is finally starting!
Tyler, Peter and their 2 coaches - Daddy and Uncle Pat.
Annie was so cute - she waved to every single person going by who waved to her!

Annie Bananie smiling for her Mama!
My three beautiful babies dressed for Memorial Day!
Grammy, Papa and the kids celebrating Memorial Day!

Katie slept through alot of the picnic! The big kids hanging out on the porch eating ice cream!
Annie got Papa to give her an ice cream cone!
Papa and the babies!
Grammy and Katie - I think they sort of look alike!

As usual my mom cooked a great meal and Karla added lots of great stuff too - I, on the other hand, showed up empty handed after buying all of the stuff to make pasta salad and fruit salad only to find out that Karla and my mom had already made both of those! Theirs were much better than mine would have been anyways.

The kids spent lots of time on the beach with their Dads and Papa and got showered and in jammies before we came home - makes me excited for the summer! Happy Memorial Day to everyone!
I have always loved this prayer
and use it to end a group that I run at Oasis every Wednesday -
I thought it was appropriate for today.
I asked God for strength,
that I might achieve,
I was made weak,
that I might learn humbly to obey.
I asked God for health,
that I might do greater things,
I was given infirmity,
that I might do better things.
I asked for riches,
that I might be happy,
I was given poverty,
that I might be wise.
I asked for power,
that I might have the praise of men,
I was given weakness,
that I might feel the need of God.
I asked for all things,
that I might enjoy life,
I was given life,
that I might enjoy all things.
I got nothing that I asked for -
but everything I had hoped for.
Almost despite myself,
my unspoken prayers were answered.
I am among men,
most richly blessed.
Found on the body of a Southern soldier1861-1865

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Molly's Big Day!

My little Irish beauty had her dance recital today. She was absolutely glowing and knew every step to her dance by heart. She had a big smile on her face the whole time - our little star!
Molly - Girl ready for the big recital!
My gorgeous daughter ready to leave for her performance - she had a little bit of lip gloss on but otherwise it is all NATURAL beauty - amazing!
After this one she asked if this could be enough of the pictures - little did she know!
Papa and Peter in position for the performance!
Molly-girl ready to dance her little heart out!
Molly and just some of her adoring fans!
Sister Ancie has a soft spot for Molly and couldn't stop talking about how well she did!
More time with her fans and Auntie Beth getting to know her new neice, Katie, a bit!
Look at that crowd - I think Molly had the most fans of anyone there!
Molly and her Papa!

Molly and Peter
Molly's teacher, Mrs. Nelson, came to see her perform - is that a great teacher or what????
Mrs. Nelson has three boys so I think she may have been happy to do something other than hockey and karate!
Grammy and Papa with Molly-girl! Grammy brought Molly beautiful flowers!
They were begging us to leave but we just kept taking pictures!
The whole Harding clan - poor Katie got cut out!
Auntie Beth flew 3000 miles to see Molly dance - okay - she had a few other reasons to come home but mostly it was Molly!
Trying to get a picture with Auntie Beth and Molly but Peter kept sticking his head in - good thing he is cute!
Auntie Beth and Auntei Meghan with the star of the show!
Molly and her good friend Korin after the show!
We stopped at Friendlies after the show and Annie had us all cracking up while she ate her crackers! Too cute with her big bow!

Took some video - illegally - of the show for KK and Auntie Kake - Auntie Kake sat through last year's show - the whole shebang - book reading, tears, dedications and craziness so she should at least get to see this year's somewhat normal show right????

The kids have matching red white and blue outfits for Memorial Day so you know there will be plenty of pictures to post tomorrow night!