It is getting longer and longer between posts at this point. The babies are on a nice schedule and becoming just as sweet and easy as Annie was but now that I am at work I find less and less time to get on the computer at night - actually - I hate being on the computer at night because I am on it so much at work. I had some exciting news at work this week as an abstract I had submitted to 2 different national conferences was accepted at both in the same week. The 2 conferences are fairly prestiges in the public health field and may lead to some important networking for me. Not that I am looking to go anywhere else but it is nice to have options. As for work - it is going wonderfully. I am back to remembering why I love what I do and as hard as it is to leave the babies in the morning once I am at work I feel energized and passionate about what I am doing. May 6, 2009 is AIDS Awareness Day at the capital - a big day for those of us who rely on state and federal funding for the services we provide to our patients! This year the governor suspended over 2 million dollars in AIDS funding in the state - we are hoping to get some or all of it back through awareness and advocacay with our legislators.
I love when Auntie Meg takes pictures while I am at work. She gave the girls manicures on Thursday and Annie could not wait to show hers off to me when i came in the door!
My girls with their painted nails - so cute!
My girls with their painted nails - so cute!
Molly must have taken this picture of Auntie Meg on the swing!
Annie Bananie loving being outside.
Molly and Annie on the swing!
Annie doing pretty eyes on the swing!
I am amazed at how well she is hanging on - I still put her on the baby swing!
Lizzie playing with the toys on her saucer!
Annie managed to get the tray on the bumbo!
But she could NOT get out!
The famous Annie face!
Molly rocking Lizzie! She is such a little Mommy!
Friday was the last day of vacation for the big kids so we decided to go out to breakfast. Lizzie pooped through all of her clothes and I had not packed anything else for her (we were only going to be gone for 45 minutes right?). This is how she ended coming home - in Ann's sweatshirt and booties! good thing it was warm.
Molly beaming while she talks on the phone to Auntie Beth. I love how her face lights up and she gets so animated when Auntie Beth calls - May seems very far away to my kids right now!
Peter bonding with Lizzie - she loved it!