The girls are such great mommies! They always have 2 babies each and they are always named - Lila and Brendan, of course!
Lizzie and her godfather - Cookie monster!
Cookie Monster and Cookie Monster Junior!
Our backyard!
Annie having her breakfast in full princess gear and reading a flyer for the Christmas Tree Shop! Watch out, Auntie Ann, she's getting ready for your next venture out shopping!
The new bunkbeds! The girls were shaking because they were so excited! The poor delivery guys had to endure 40,000 questions while putting them together and then when they left I offered them a soda only to find out we had only seltzer! Not their best time of the day I'm guessing! The girls are SO excited to try out the new beds tonight. Ellie will probably stay in her crib for a few more months while we ease Lizzie and Annie into their new sleeping arrangement! They can't wait to be together and Annie is over the moon about sleeping in her castle in the sky - the top bunk! We are so blessed!