I never seem to have time to blog anymore - or do anything else for that matter. My Christmas shopping is incomplete, I have work stuff hanging over my head and my house is a disaster area.......but Annnie is a doll, I get to be home everyday when the kids get off the bus, Lizzie smiles now and our weekends are hectic but sort of lazy in a way. Bob is a wonder - he gets about 3-4 hours of sleep per night thanks to Annie's new ear infection, Lizzie's trouble with formula and Peter's bad dreams - a few times he has come home from a long day at work to find me still in my pajamas and he smiles and tells me what a great mother I am and what a terrific job I'm doing. I'm feeling flabby and gross and he is more romantic than ever - how did I get so lucky?
So Molly and I went to Mercy High School - my alma mater - on Sunday with Auntie Ann, Sister Anne and Sister Ancie for "An Afternoon with Catherine MacCauley" - a musical play based on the life of the founder of the Sisters of Mercy. Sounds like it might put you to sleep right?? Wrong - Molly enjoyed it - I cried, laughed, sighed and found myself smiling endlessly. My heart swelled with pride for the school that gave me such a strong foundation, not to mention a great education. The special part of the play was that everyone from the school was involved - students, the janitor, the faculty and the staff - there was Irish Step dancing, ballet, musical numbers, contemporary Christian music, touching slide shows and the story of a truly courageous woman. It made me reflect on my years at Mercy as I watched my daughter's eyes sparkle watching the "teenagers" as she called them, the teachers choir and the historic pictures of Mercy. Mercy was special for many reasons - not the least of which is the planning and sacrifice that my parents had to make to allow me to be a student there and the rich Catholic tradition that I am now a part of. I am not one to stand up and sing - EVER - but when they asked past alumna to stand and sing the final verse of the "Circle of Mercy" I proudly stood and sang loudly.
"In Mercy, the spirit of faith will root us in God's presence.
In Mercy, the spirit of hope will lift us out of doubt,
In Mercy, the love of God will be our joy in living,
In Mercy, we join with one another on our journey.
For the circle of Mercy is timeless
It is spirit of life itself,
Which roots us in faith,
and lifts us in hope,
and holds us in God's loving care."

Tiny little fingers.

My sweet Christmas angel.

Smiley Binky baby!

Annie and Lizzie watching Dora today.

Lizzie - wide awake!

Peter and Lizzie bonding.

Peter making Lizzie smile.

Sweet baby faces.

Love those eyes!

Daddy and his babies.
I'm home all day with the babies so I have lots of pictures of them but the big kids will soon be featured heavily as Molly gets her Citizen of the Month Award and Employee of the Month Award on Friday and the kids celebrate the holidays at school with Mommy in tow - thanks to my holiday maternity leave. Tomorrow I have conferences - is it a bad thing that I love talking about my kids for a half hour with each teacher? Since I'm away from them all day I love to hear what they are doing at school and how they are progressing - I'm pathetic!
Mom and Dad are watching the kids tonight, yes all of them, so that Bob and I can do some Christmas shopping and maybe even go to dinner - ALONE! I have the BEST parents ever!