Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Baby Kisses and Feet

This is one of those wonderful Mommy nights when I just want to gobble my baby girl up or kiss her for hours straight.
So Annie has been making a few strides in attaining some major milestones - waving, getting cheerios in her mouth and rolling over. But nothing beats tonight when Annie realized what a kiss was. I kept planting big kisses loudly on her little rosebud mouth when she suddenly figured it out and kissed back. It has been so long since I had a sloppy open mouthed baby kiss that I had almost forgotten the pure joy of them. I managed to get a picture of her ready to plant a wet one on Mommy - we sat there for 30 minutes kissing happily. The best part was that the more encouragement I gave her the more excited she got - giving me little giggles after each kiss!
By the time Bob got home from picking up soup for me Annie had discovered (and played with)her feet for a few minutes and had fallen into a restful sleep on my chest. Poor Daddy will have to wait until tomorrow for a kiss (well, from Annie anyways!) So I'm reveling in the moment - not the moment Annie found her feet - but the moment she figured out how to express her love for me with the sweetest kisses ever!
The second picture, as you may have guessed, is Annie playing excitedely with her piggies! Molly was cracking up because Annie found her feet - "Mama, she never lost her feet. They've been there since she was born." So I try to explain to Molly that she just figured out that they are attached to her body and again, "But Mama, they have always been attached to her legs - You're crazy, Mama."
I would be in heaven if Annie always kissed with her mouth wet, drippy and wide open and Molly always called me Mama.

Monday, February 11, 2008

More Family Fun

The top picture is Peter at the Hannah Montana 3-D Concert Movie last weekend. Yes, I payed $15 per ticket for all of us to go and see a 15 year old sing and dance. Molly and Peter are big time Hannah fans (although Molly is WAY too fashion savvy to pose in front of the poster with her 3-D glasses on) - is there anyone under 20 who isn't?? This girl made $28 million dollars in a few weeks of her concert. Is it okay if I admit that I don't hate Molly's complete and utter affection for anything Hannah. We sat next to each other during the show and I smiled the entire time. While Peter sat mesmerized, looking over and smiling once in a while at me, Molly talked my ear off - on her terms, of course!

"Mama, do you like her white boots?"
"I do, Mols."
"But what about the other pink boots, Mama, don't you like those better?"
"I like them both."
"But Mama, they're completely different - you can't like them both the same."

A few minutes later I whisper in her ear;

"What about that skirt, Molly, do you like that?"
"Mama, I can't talk during THIS song - it's my favorite."

Molly may not always want to hear my input on fashion but I'll sit next to her at a movie any day. I know that some day our mother daughter outings will be excruciating for her - right now I'm taking advantage of any moment of bonding I can get. I loved the Hannah Montana movie!

By the way Annie slept during the show despite the incredible roar from the crowd when Hannah left the stage for a few minutes and the Jonas Brothers came out. I'm sure she was wondering what the heck the fuss was about.

The second picture should be titled "Sibling Abuse". Molly and Peter love having a sister almost as much as they love having a doll to dress up! They were both in hysterics on the floor while I took this picture - and poor little Ann just sat there letting them put hats and ears and glasses on her until their hearts were content. Just wait until they're teenagers home babysitting for her on a Saturday night instead of going out with friends - they'll get theirs!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Black History Month

I'm not sure how well you can see the picture above. Molly came home from school with her Martin Luther King Day project - one of many. For some reason this one just touched my heart. The writing says,"He tried to make people friends." She drew a picture of herself holding hands with Peter on the most beautiful day ever. When we asked her about it she looked at us shocked and said "Mama, did you know that before Martin Luther King people would not have let you be Peter's Mommy and then I wouldn't have a brother?" There is something about Molly when she makes a really amazing realization. She has talked about it ever since - she can't imagine a world in which it would be a problem that she and Peter are brother and sister or a world where Peter has less rights to do things than she does just because of the color of his skin. It took Molly several years to even realize that Pete was a different color than her. Black History month at school has certainly given us alot to talk about at the dinner table!
A little indulgence as I tell one more Molly story. MY beuatiful, sweet, loving daughter walked in the door from school the other day looks me straight in the eye and says, "Mama, I really want to be Puertarican!" (I have no idea of the spelling) She wants to wear dangling earrings and grow her hair down to her butt and according to her friends her ethnicity will instantly be changed. Ahhhhh - to be five again!
So we're off to get pictures of Annie taken for the 1st time - by the time Peter was almost 6 months old I had 4 different portraits of him. I keep telling myself that its different now because of digital cameras and such but we really don't want her in therapy over it! Plus she's adorable and an easy smile!