Saturday, March 8, 2008

Molly Girl shows off her Irish Step Dancing!

Molly - Girl dancing her little heart out!

Practicing her Irish Jig!

Practicing her positions with friends!

Molly had parent observation week at Irish Step Dancing this week and she did wonderfully. She danced with confidence and joy - something that Molly always struggles with. She is beautiful, sweet and talented in so many things but really tends to hide her face when showing off a skill. Yesterday she danced as if no one was watching (Isn't that a poem?) and had a blast doing it. Of course, I took enough video for a full length feature film but I won't make you all watch ALL of it - just select parts!

And now out come my Mommy claws in a completely unreasonable note - the girl next to Molly with the big hair and black leotard refused to stay in the line (Isn't that the first rule of ISD?) and so every video has her blocking Molly for half of the video. It took everything I had not to go over and physically place her back in her spot so that I could rest my eyes on my own gorgeous daughter. And on an even more petty note - she didn't know any of the step! WOW - what a bad mom - aren't I supposed to be teaching my kids tolerance?? I'll delete this section later!

This is Molly's song for her recital so act surprised when you see it in May. Once again, my girl knew every dance step and every word to the song. She is just amazing to me. We tried to convince her to play soccor or baseball this year - just to give her a chance to explore all sorts of activities - but she asked if instead she could take 2 Irish Step Dancing Classes!!! So dancing it is for now. I have to admit that I do enjoy her girlie choices for fun - not exactly sure where they came from but I love them none the less!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Peter Westley

Peter enjoying the sudden snowfall!

Our future UCONN star!

Peter shooting hoops on the coldest day of the year!

At the end of spring a friend of mine gave us the basketball hoop that their children had outgrown. I'm not sure where we would be without hand me downs - basketball hoop from friends, playscape from my parents neighbors, clothes from everyone - talk about recycling!

Back to the basketball hoop - so my son is loving this basketball hoop. He is out there in rain, snow and sleet with fingers that can't open because they are so cold. On the coldest day of the year a few weeks ago he was out in the yard playing basketball for over an hour. Peter gets my dad and Bob out there any chance he can. He lives and breathes to play basketball and I love it - he falls into bed tired and happy thanks to that basketball hoop.

The only thing Peter loves more than the b-ball hoop is the snow. He gets more excited than any kid I have ever seen when he realizes there is snow on the way, snow on the ground or snow falling from the sky. It is so sweet to see him mesmerized by the falling snow and chomping at the bit to get outside and play. He even gets Molly out there for a frollick - although she defintely has her temperature limits. So even though I would be happy to NEVER see snow again (I guess CT is a really stupid place to live!) I do feel a great joy in my heart when I watch Peter and the utter and complete happiness that he feels when he is outdoors. It seems so freeing for Peter - probably the one time that we get to see him completely uninhibited and with his guard down!He is such a special little boy!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Annie Bananie

Yes, I'm publishing 4 pictures of Annie in the same outfit and in the same position on the couch. She was so playful and happy the other night that I couldn't stop taking pictures. She is the happiest baby I have ever seen, constantly smiling and laughing and spreading joy. She honestly has very few cranky moments. In this house we have enough cranky moments between the rest of us to last a lifetime so she probably figures she'd might as well be happy!

I'm off to check on my sleeping babies! They're so cute when they're asleep!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cute pictures and another milestone for Ann!

My gorgeous daughter meets Katie!
Look how great Karla looks - can you believe that Katie was still in her belly less than a week ago???? Amazing!

Molly took this picture of Katie and is very proud of it!

Abaigeal putting on a show for us when we brought the kids over to meet Katie!

Annie and I were watching the UCONN game and she suddenly started playing peek-a-boo. She is such a joy!

I don't have a topic to blog about just cute pictures to share and fans to please! (Auntie Beth, KK and Mrs. Nelson)

Katie is doing well - sleeping, eating and pooping and keeping Karla and Pat smiling! Abby put on quite a show when we went over last night and tonight we are taking Abby and Tyler out to Friendlies (their choice) for a special Big Brother and Big Sister dinner and ice cream! On another note Abby hates the bottom of my bathtub - its old and cracked and hurts her tushy so I went out and got a very large bathmat to cover the bottom. Bob made fun of me for catering to Abby but I say anything to please my goddaughter - we'll see how tubbies go tonight!

Off to Friendlies for bad food (french fries for me) and fun with the gaggle of kids! Jealous, Auntie Beth????????

Sunday, March 2, 2008

More of Baby Katie

Baby Katie
Uncle Bob and Katie - does he look smitten or what?
My big strong brother and his tiny new daughter!

So I am going to make you all indulge me for one more blog about my niece. I finally got to hold her and am as in love with her as I am with Tyler and Abby. Holding a newborn is such an amazing experience - knowing that just a day ago she was floating around inside of Karla is amazing to me. Katie slept the whole time I held her but she looks wise - like she already know things about the world. And seeing my brother become a father doesn't get better then that. Patrick is an incredible father, gentle, loving and affectionate. He is as comfortable with newborns as any man I have ever seen - sweeping his daughter into his arms easily and handling her as if she has been here forever. I am so proud of my brother and the family he and Karla have made together. My new niece is a lucky little girl!