Ellie has spent the week being pretty pathetic thanks to Cocksacki Virus. We ended up at the pediatrician's office on Saturday because she had such a high fever and they found sores on her throat and lots of mouth inflammation. We spent Saturday being low key because it is highly contagious for other children but today I got desperate to get out of the house and made the executive decision to take a family trip to the Forest Park Zoo. If you think about it the zoo is a perfect place to go because no one touches each other or even really breathes on anyone - we took a chance. Unfortunately - Ellie ended up being miserable even with Motrin so we did not stay long! The kids did have a blast while we were there and it was nice to get out of the house and be outside on such a beautiful day!
I love these pictures of Ellie and Peter - Ellie was sick and Peter decided to help take care of her! He was so sweet and she looked so content with him.
Crazy Hair!
Crazy Hair!
Ellie was snuggling with Mommy and Annie wanted a part of it!
The only comfy place we could find for Ellie - in the beanbag - wrapped in her Grammy blankie! It was the only time over the last few weeks she was not crying.
Playing at the park before we went into the zoo!
Lizzie Bug on the slide!
Molly Girl - even the Big sister needs a ride on the slide!
Annie could not wait to get into the zoo and see animals!
My handsome son could not get enough of the spider monkeys!
I LOVE this picture - Peter and Molly both wanted to hold Annie's hand when she first walked into the zoo - they were so excited for her to see everything!
Lizzie was not sure about the goats that came over to her!
Annie and Daddy checking out the piggies!
Lizzie loved the bunnies!
Mommy and Lizzie looking at the bears.
Annie loved the camels.
My girl in the kangeroo habitat.
Of course - now Lizzie and Annie are both feeling gross - we are hoping that it is anything other than what Ellie has because she was one miserable baby!
Molly Girl - balancing on the log.
Annie and her Daddy looking at the jaguar - it was so cool!
Loving the zoo!
Acting like little spider monkeys!
Annie getting some help standing on the rock!
The train ride - the kids loved it and it was the only time Ellie stopped crying!
Lizzie clapping for the train ride!
All in all it was a great day - we came home at 3 and relaxed while the babies took naps. I got all of our summer clothes out and put away with the exception of Annie because she would have woken up. It was very productive! I also updated Auntie Meg's blog!
Hopefully we will have a low key week and everyone will be on the road to recovery very soon! GNM - ILY!