Ellie has spent the week being pretty pathetic thanks to Cocksacki Virus. We ended up at the pediatrician's office on Saturday because she had such a high fever and they found sores on her throat and lots of mouth inflammation. We spent Saturday being low key because it is highly contagious for other children but today I got desperate to get out of the house and made the executive decision to take a family trip to the Forest Park Zoo. If you think about it the zoo is a perfect place to go because no one touches each other or even really breathes on anyone - we took a chance. Unfortunately - Ellie ended up being miserable even with Motrin so we did not stay long! The kids did have a blast while we were there and it was nice to get out of the house and be outside on such a beautiful day!

Of course - now Lizzie and Annie are both feeling gross - we are hoping that it is anything other than what Ellie has because she was one miserable baby!
Molly Girl - balancing on the log.
Annie and her Daddy looking at the jaguar - it was so cool!
Loving the zoo!

Acting like little spider monkeys!
Annie getting some help standing on the rock!

The train ride - the kids loved it and it was the only time Ellie stopped crying!
Lizzie clapping for the train ride!
All in all it was a great day - we came home at 3 and relaxed while the babies took naps. I got all of our summer clothes out and put away with the exception of Annie because she would have woken up. It was very productive! I also updated Auntie Meg's blog!
Hopefully we will have a low key week and everyone will be on the road to recovery very soon! GNM - ILY!