Friday, May 2, 2008

Spring is here and so is baseball season!

I have been a bad blogger Mommy. The last two nights I was just too tired and cranky to post anything on the blog. That on top of the fact that the space bar on my laptop is broken thanks to an unfortunate incident of frustration on my part just made for bad blogging energy. Molly pointed out to me that when she relayed a message to Mrs. Nelson that I missed her because I haven't seen her in a while Mrs. Nelson told her to tell me that she always knows whats going on because of the blog and therefore, according to Molly it is imperative that I blog every night!
Peter is so good with Annie and she adores him! She was kissing on him for about ten minutes until she saw the camera come out and then she couldn't take her eyes off of me!
Peter and Tyler had their first baseball game last night. It was freezing!
Katie was all bundled up in her stroller and asleep through the whole game!
Uncle Bob and Tyler at first base! I missed Tyler batting because there was trouble in the dugout - I'll get him next game!
My adorable nephew looking slightly bored at first base as he waits for another player to hit the ball so he can run. Coach pitch baseball is extraordinarily slow!!!!!!!!!!
Peter getting ready to hit - he was very nervous about not being able to hit the ball in front of everyone! He had some trouble but then got the hang of it!
Pete connects with the ball!

Tyler on 3rd base waiting to run!
Uncle Pat giving Peter some pointers on hitting the ball!
Peter taking another swing!
And finally after 3 foul balls he gets on base!
Tyler gives the other coach a high five as he makes it to home base!
Annie and Molly bundled up to watch the game! They were freezing!
Annie with Peter's sunglasses on - she loved them!
And then got tired of them and tried to get them off but her fingers were stuck in her snow suit!
Karla gave me some of Abby's clothes for Annie and I thought she looked adorable in this one - plus I remember it from Abby!
My love bug can't get enough of the camera!
The game went well but it was freezing - we ended up only staying for one inning because Molly Doll started coughing! Abby and Molly spent the entire time playing in the field - they didn't seem to notice the freezing cold wind as Karla and I huddled together on the bleachers with the babies trying to stay warm!
It has been a long week at work and next week promises to be even worse with three grants due and a site visit on tap for one of my programs so I'm not sure how much blogging I'll do. The computer is also incredibly slow because I have so much garbage on it so I'm hoping Meghan (picture a pleading look on my red blotchy face) will figure out how to fix that for me so that I can do this in under an hour! Incidentally, Meg and I watched "27 dresses" last night - I was less than entertaining but had some guacamole and salsa and some quality time with Meg. I've learned that with youngsters (anyone under 25) you need to take them whenever you can get them because the opportunities aren't always frequent anymore. So I got Meg all to myself and the movie wasn't bad either. Meg also managed to "accidentally" wake up two out of three children for some quality time with them - I wonder how that happened. Molly got her Irish Step Dancing costume tonight - she looks gorgeous in it and is SO excited for her recital.
Tomorrow is opening day for baseball - I prayed for rain until I realized that the rain date is Katie's christening day so now we are all praying for NO RAIN!
Good Night, Mom! I Love You!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Beautiful Mom, Tulips and a proposal from the pharmacy tech!

My beautiful Mom shocked me today by confessing that she sits down at the computer and reads my blog - or looks at the pictures, at least, every night before bed. She loves seeing all the pictures of the grandkids! So now I feel some added pressure - it has to be good for the BEST grandmother ever - right? Luckily my mom thinks most things I do are great- right mom??????

KK brought Molly flowers this weekend - when one broke Molly asked if she could give it to Annie - she taught her how to smell it and showed her all of the parts of the flower - stamin, pollen - anyone recall the Grease II song??
Molly girl smelling her flowers - she LOVES having flowers of her own in her room!
My little beauty with her tulip - it reminded me of the picture of me with the rose - except I wasn't nearly as cute!
I let Molly take this picture of her flowers!
Mommy and her little angels. I hate taking pictures but how can I go wrong with these sweetie pies. Bob always gets on me that the kids are going to think I was never around for their childhood because there are no pictures of me so every once in a while I indulge him!
And one more story for the day - this one not kid related but pretty amazing none the less. CHC has a great program with Walgreens Pharmacy called a 430B program where uninsured people get drastically reduced prices on prescriptions if they are a patient of the health center and in return the Walgreens are housed within or very close to CHC medical sites. The program is unique and beneficial to uninsured and insured patients alike so I always try to get as many prescriptions filled there as possible for the kids and I. So I went in and had 4 prescriptions - I put them in and came back a few minutes later for pick-up. I was having a nice conversation with the new guy behind the counter - telling him what I do at CHC etc when he suddenly looked me up and down. He focused on my left hand and then smiled at me and said (this is no joke) "I don't see a ring on your finger - does that mean you are available?" I choked - literally on my own spit and responded that I was in fact married with three kids and another one on the way. His response was "I dig pregnant chicks and the marriage thing doesn't really bother me." I know I should be outraged and shocked but here I am wearing my frumpy Mom clothes, no make-up, grey hair (because I can't dye it until Monday at 13 weeks), and flip flops - filling prescriptions up the ying yang for a various array of issues (and pharmacy people know what these things are for!) and the guy was actually hitting on me hardcore! Is it bad that I'm flattered - big time flattered! When I told Bob his response was equally amazing - "It's not that shocking, honey, I'm sure you were the hottest babe that walked in there all day!" That is often what I'm referred to - a hot babe - right!!! So that was my fun story for the day!
I'm off to make a strawberry shortcake for Bob and I in preparation for American Idol. I was going to boycott because Carly got voted off but I HAVE to see the dreadlock guy finally leave - he barely keeps a tune and he is so NOT cute! UH-OH I try not to make inflammatory staements on the blog - to anyone who is a Jason fan I respect your right to enjoy him but I don't - get over it!
Good Night, Mom! Your darling daughter loves you like crazy!

Monday, April 28, 2008

My little artist and the Many Faces of Ann!

Molly drew me a picture today and it struck me how much her drawings have changed since the beginning of kindergarten. Molly is such an artist - she loves to draw and spends a great deal of time at the kitchen table chatting with me and drawing or coloring. I have trouble not saving ALL of Molly's pictures - she puts so much time, energy and thought into each of them.

A picture left on my pillow in October - this was right after my surgery (gall bladder) and I came out of the shower to find this waiting for me. I wrote on the back that when Molly came into my room after I found it she was crying and told me that she was going to pray for me every night so I could stop going to the hospital for surgery all the time. What a sweet baby girl!
This is Januray - Molly and Peter playing outside of our house - if only our house were that big! Molly had just learned to jump rope!
My girl drew me a picture tonight so that I would not miss her and Annie while they were in bed tonight - love that kid! I can't believe how her people have changed over the last few months!

I never put Annie in blue because people always think she is a boy but Karla gave me this sleeper and I thought she looked gorgeous with those big blue eyes. She was also hamming it up for the camera - yes, she smiles the second she sees the camera come out! So I took 10 pictures of my daughter looking goofy and sweet!

Sweet smiles for Mama!
Silly smiles for Mama!
Just plain cute!
She was doing the Annie dance in this one!
And yelling for Mama to take more pictures! This one is my favorite.
I apologize for the crazy amount of pictures of Annie in the same outfit with different expressions - every once in a while I have a true Mommy moment and just find one of the kids too cute not to show from every angle. Annie was in one of her moods tonight - laughing, giggling and yelling at the top of her lungs! What a fun baby she is!
I have to say a quick thank you to KK who took care of Annie (and Annie's Mom - but that's a story for another day) so Bob and I could work on Thursday and Friday. I think Annie is missing her - she keeps looking past Bob and I expecting someone more fun to appear. KK also indulged Molly in new undies - one pair on her bottom and the others in bed with her right now - no joke! So KK rocks, as usual!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

My beautiful goddaughter turns 4!

Peter took care of Annie for me while I ran her bath!Grammy reading a story to the girls!

Gabrielle and Tyler hanging out with Annie!
Uncle Bob and HIS beautiful goddaughter.
Korin, Molly and Annie
I LOVE that face!
Abby thought these glasses made her look like Nana!
I asked KK and Bob to put their heads together for a picture and they were almost knocked unconscious when they bumped heads!

Abby opening her presents!
Abby got lots of nice presents and was very appreciative!
Abby's two Grandmothers - Nana and Grammy!
Abby opening presents -there were lots of them!
Abby looking silly amid her piles of wrapping paper!

Gabrielle with KK and Auntie Jane.
Abby with her baseball T from her friend Shannon.
My silly goddaughter!
And more presents!
Abby's cake - made by Auntie Ann!
Waiting for everyone to sing to her!
Abby with all the kids waiting for cake!
How cute are those four kids with the hats on!
Annie checking Katie out!
KK enjoying Katie!
My little beauty!
Abby and her grandparents!
Grammy and Papa warming up Abby's cold piggies!
Kake and Annie watching the show!

And Last but not least Abaigeal blowing out the candles on her cake. Check her out at the end licking the frosting off the cake!

It was a great day - Karla is a wonderful hostess and I love the chance to see Vicki, Rob and their kids. Rob spent some time outside chatting with Peter - when he came home Peter asked if Uncle Rob could be his uncle too. More importantly he wanted to know if Uncle Rob can come to his birthday - too cute! Almost everyone there was getting over the stomach bug so it was kind of funny because everyone was dragging and not sure how much to eat! Let's hope all the germs were out of the house! It's always a treat to celebrate Abby - she is so appreciative of the extra attention and acts like a ham when everyone is watching her - she reminds me so much of my brother!