Saturday, February 4, 2012

Friends Forever!

There are some friends that no matter how long it has been since you saw each other - you just know you were meant to be friends forever. I am lucky enough to have many of these friends in my life - people who are near and far but always friends no matter what! My friend Courtney is like that for me - we may go a year in between visits but once you put us together in a room it is like we never left each other. Luckily we travel to Wahsington D.C . enough for work that we get to see each other once in a while but everytime we get our spouses and 8 total children together we remember how fun it is and how inseperable we would be if we lived less that 7 hours a way from each other. Courtney and I also have another special connection which is that her firstborn son, Aidan, is my godson! Anyone who knows me knows that ever since I was 19 and became Chelsea's godmother (my 1st godchild) this has been a special and important role for me - I have a total of 7 godchildren and each of them are special, unique and a wonderful part of my life! This weekend Courtney and Gary were going out to a retirement party and we got to have a sleepover with Aidan, Claire and Ryan on Friday night. Courtney and Gary came to get them late Saturday morning and stayed for a few hours so the adults could all catch up too! It was a great weekend with friends who we treasure!
Yes, I have borrowed my daughters camera to take the following pictures because my beloved Canon Power Shot has pretty much met it's demise. I am taking it to get fixed but according to a friend I may be out of luck and have to make due with Molly's camera for a while - I am NOT a happy camper. Anyone who knows me - knows that I LOVE my camera, and taking pictures of everything, but mostly my kids is my greatest joy! I am devastated but nothing can keep this crazed photographer down!

Molly and Daddy enjoying a gord morning hug!

Uncle Bob went out for donuts this morning and came back with heart shaped donuts - so cute!

Uncle Bob and Ryan! Ryan is so sweet and quiet! He was born after Court and Gary moved to Virginia so we don't know Ryan as well as the other kids- it was great to get to spend some real time with him and find out all about what makes him tick! He LOVES video games and playing cards so he and uncle Bob has a blast!

We were outside at 7:30 this morning. Bob and I with our coffees and the eight kids just running, laughing and playing! It was much better than reading the paper or watching TV - we had a blast!

My amazing godson, Aidan! He is smart, kind, loving and sweet - I am so proud of him!

Annie Bananie running!

Peter and Aidan have literally been friends since Aidan was a day old and they met (Pete was 3 months old at the time)! They get along great and both boys have loads of energy - just like when they were toddlers!

I love this picture of all the kids - Lizzie wouldn't get in it but they were all so happy and excited to be together! It was great!

Our game of 31 - once the Troiano's learned how to play we got the dollar bills out and started the real competition - it was so much fun!

Friday night pizza dinner - I love when every chair at the kitchen table is filled with kids! Especially kids that I love so much!

Molly and Claire - they acted like they had never been apart. They played Just Dance, drew, played on the computer and talked late into the night. Claire is one of the sweetest kids I know - I love being around her!

Aidan could not get away from the baby girls - they thought he was the best thing ever and he was so good with them. Ellie must have given him 50 hour!

Yes, Ryan dared to bring a Yankees pillow into our house! Peter and he had a great time hiding it and throwing it at each other. Ryan thought Peter was pretty great so he spent alot of time following the boys around!

The girls singing for Aidan!

Claire and Molly cuddled up before bed!

I love when Annie curls up on the couch and draws - she could draw and color for hours!

I LOVE this smile! Annie is the happiest little girl!

Lizzie Bug - poor Lizzie can not seem to get rid of this cold and now she has a constant runny nose! Annie finally has clear ears - 2 weeks in a row now! Yeah! Lizzie and Annie both had some crackles in their lungs but hopefully we are finally on the mend!

Ellie Bean on her way to school last week _ I could not get over how adorable she looked with that little smile!

Lizzie Bug - on Friday mornings I get to spend some time with just Lizzie and I love it. We watch a show, do some puzzles, play games - I love the time alone with her but she is also very happy when her sister comes home from school!

Silly Girl!
Tonight we are going up to Auntie Kake's for a UCONN game party! In our family there doesn't really have to be a reason for a party - we just like to spend time together. Auntie Meg and the babies will be there so hopefully there will be lots of pictures to post another time!
Our weekend so far has been wonderful and it will only get better when the Patriots win the SuperBowl tomorrow. Since the game strarts later we are going to have a pre SuperBowl party with dips and cake! Hopefully the kids will be long sleeping by the time the game is actually over!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ellie's new hairstyle!

After a few weeks of prepping Ellie to get her hair done we finally went to see my friend Peyton's hairdresser in Hartford. She was amazingly patient with our girl and Ellie was actually really well behaved until the last 20 minutes or so. It took about two hours which is not a whole lot of time at all and Ellie ate M&M's, read books and watched Dora until she reached her limit. Last night she complained that her head hurt a bit but when she woke up this morning she was just excited to show off her hair! I can't stop staring at her - her little face is so beautiful and the hair just makes it brighter!

We did black and white beads because, to be honest, I was completely unprepared and didn't bring beads. Next time Yadi said we can get as creative as we want with colors and it will only take about an hour. The benefits of doing her hair like this is that next time it will be softer, longer, straighter and we will have more options for styles. So - I guess we have gone down this path of weekly hairstyles for a while - certainly better than Mommy just cutting her hair everyday to control it! It was also a nice time for Ellie and I to spend some time alone together - as the 5th child she doesn't get that often!