The eight grandchildren ready for some trick or treating!
The four little ones lined up at the door to get moving!
Our little princesses!
The five Harding - Wheeler kids ready for some Halloween fun!
Our twister princess and Belle!The kids were so amazingly flexible - they made the best of everything and Auntie Karla made the night incredibly fun for everyone!
My little angel - she is just the sweetest little person I have ever known!
Molly - girl rocking her Twister costume!
C s for Cookie!
My beautiful cookie monster!
Ellie bean was tired and sick of no power but she LOVED her Tigger costume!
My happy girl loving hopping around like Tigger!
Papa and his eight dressed up grandchildren! So much fun!
Abby and Katie looked gorgeous in their Zombie princess and little princess costumes!
Shark boy and Molly!
Belle in her red cloak!
The Cosgers were sweet enough to invite us over to the neighborhood Halloween party since we were with Karla and Pat. They had a generator and fed the kids dinner, candy and then everyone went trick or treating through the neighborhood! It was a wonderful way to celebrate Halloween safely!
Auntie Karla's jack-o-lanterns!I barely found my kids costumes but Karla found time to carve pumpkins!
After trick or treating and going to the Cosger's for a Halloween party we headed up to KK's because she had power and everyone was hanging out there! Both Kk and Bob ended up getting the stomach bug that night - I guess its to be expected in a close family! If you share everything else - why not some germs?
The kids were pooped out from a long night but loved hanging out with Grammy and Papa, Auntie Kake, and KK. The perfect end to the day!
Halloween snuggles!
Kk and her girls - well, some of them!
Lizzie was so comfy on Grammy that she ended up falling asleep!
Then everyone fell asleep!
Annie Bananie was wide awake and looking forward to another night on the living room floor with her brother and sisters and her two parents! She thought that was the best part of having no power!
Molly was offered a sleepover at Kk's but she ended up not feeling good so they rescheduled! We avoided a major headache by getting Mols lots of water and having her head straight to bed when she got home. She is getting really good at recognizing the symptoms of her headaches (I refuse to call them migraines because I don't know that I believe that diagnosis yet!) and taking the proper steps to avoid them getting worse. She eats great, sleeps well and takes care of her body!
Lizzie found a comfy spot on the floor next to Daddy - these moments make my heart swell for my wonderful husband! He is such a great Daddy!
There are 5 kids buried in there somewhere!
Even after having the stomach bug all night Bob was on his A game - snuggling with the girls, getting donuts for breakfast and keeping the fire going all night and day!
She looks like a little teenager! We had to wake Molly up every single morning - that kid can sleep through anything!
So guess what November is??? National Adoption Month! The Harding - Wheeler's have a few different ways that we are going to celebrate but one of them is to be a part of a DCF awareness campaign about adopting through foster care so stay tuned for more! This proud Mama is also speaking at two different conference about foster/adoption interracially and open adoption. My one question was whether I could include pictures in my presentation! They said YES!