Another happy snow day - we are going to be going to school until July at this rate! My friend Whitney (okay, she is not my friend - she is Brigid's but I follow her blog so I feel very close to her!) gives ten things about her baby each month and I decided to do the same for Lizzie as she approaches 3 months.

1. Lizzie always has one eye on her siblings - I personally think it is a defensive tactic but it's cute none - the - less! Here Lizzie has been asked to come play in Annie's crib after nap time.

2. Lizzie's feet move all the time - even when she is sleeping.
3. Lizzie is back on Nutramigen formula and has just bumped up to 6 ounces per feeding - she eats every 4 hours.
I looked over and this was my view so I took a few pictures - hey, it's my blog leave me alone!

4. Lizzie is starting to smile and coo at the faces she knows - when one of us walks up to her she immediately starts talking to us.
This is a modest naked baby shot - she had 3 baths today thanks to the formula going right through her and her diaper being unable to withstand the "outpouring".

5. Lizzie's hernia is slightly worse than it was last month - we will wait until she is 8 months old to see a surgeon about it.

6. Lizzie smiles at anyone she sees and it is always a big beautiful goofy grin that lights up the room!
7. Lizzie can lift her head up for longer and longer periods of time - she is incredibly strong and I have a feeling that once she starts rolling over she may end up sleeping on her tummy - she seems to prefer that position.

8. Lizzie has longer periods of awake time now - today she was awake for 2 hours at a time and than took a long snooze.
9. Lizzie has started going off to sleep in her bed on her own now. We put her in awake and all swaddled up and she fades off within a few minutes and sleeps for stretches of 5-6 hours at night.
10. Lizzie weighs 12 pounds 6 ounces according to our scale and is absolutely perfect!

No secret that I love hands and piggy toes - this is Molly holding on to Lizzie's piggy toe! What a miracle my girls are!

Molly's 2 bottom teeth are coming in - so far so good!

Perfect little piggy toes!

Molly took all of these last pictures of Lizzie - not bad!

Molly even lined up the pillows for this one!

A close-up by Molly!

Molly even got Peter to pose after a day of refusing to let me take even one picture of him.

Peter and Lizzie.
That's all for tonight!