Friday, June 13, 2008

What a Day!

Wow - what a day in the H-W household! Today was the last day of school for the kids - seems like they just started school yesterday but here we are with another school year under our belts! Bob and I both took the day off and sent poor Annie off to the babysitter so we could dote on the big kids for the entire day. I can honestly say that they thoroughly enjoyed themselves! Last night Bob and I went to my goddaughter, Chelsea's graduation party at Water's Edge - it was nice to have a grown-up night out and Chelsea has accomplished a great deal over the last few years but I am going to concentrate on the kids tonight and tomorrow I will show off Chelsea and her brothers - after the tears have stopped that my firstborn godchild has graduated from high school - I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO old!

The day started off with Molly and Peter getting a surprise on the kitchen table - our old stand by for special occasions - donuts for breakfast and cards celebrating their big accomplishment of passing to the next grade. Yes, Pete is still wearing his footies to bed despite the 100 degree heat!
Annie was very excited for all the fun this morning - she gave the kids ten kisses each when they asked for them and learned how to do a high five - with lots of prodding from Peter and Molly.
This is the first time we have given Annie a whole donut for herself and she was beside herself - she actually let out a screech when we put it on her tray!

Molly's class waiting for their big performance.
My beautiful girl - the one problem with having kids who are taller than most other kids in the class is that they are ALWAYS in the back row for everything. Luckily they shine so they always stand out!
Molly making a face for one of the songs. She knew every word and showed such expression when she was singing.
Laughing during one of her songs - my sweet girl!
Molly getting ready for the Tooty-Ta!
Papa and Daddy doing the Tooty-Ta with the kids!
Mrs. Nelson doing the Tooty-Ta!
Mrs Nelson giving Molly her "diploma". Mrs. Nelson made the greatest books with every kids picture and a little poem they wrote about themselves in it. At the end it has pictures that Molly drew of herself starting in Septmeber and going right through until May - at some point I will bore you all with the progression but suffice it to say that the difference is amazing - what a little smarty pants.
Reading Molly's poem from the "SPECIAL ME, SPECIAL FRIENDS" book that Mrs. Nelson made for each child.
Beautiful, kind, likes writing.
Good at dancing,
Molly and Papa watching the slide show and having an in depth coversation about something - she was so happy to show Papa off - her eyes lit up when she saw that he was there!
Molly and her Papa!
Before Papa left he went down to the cafeteria to see Peter - he was so excited to see Papa and introduce Papa to his friends.
Peter and Jordan - they have a love hate relationship. She can be very mean at times but they also play great together according to Mrs. Greenberg.
Peter and Carlos - what great friends they are. Carlos is the best kid - sweet and polite and loving - I keep telling him and his parents that I want him to come live with us!
Molly and Jazlynn - Jazlynn is very excited because her mom is having a baby brother soon. She and Molly talk about babies alot according to Jazlynn.
Molly and Mila. Mila is a magnet student from New Britain and we are hoping to get together over the summer - poor Molly has no friends that we see over the summer because everyone lives so far away but Mila's mom and I agreed to try hard to get them together at least a few times over the summer. Mila is a doll and her family is great!
Mrs. Nelson gave all the kids a little beach pail with all sorts of goodies in it - this is Molly with her smiley face hat and sun glasses on - they looked adorable!
Thalia, Molly and Jazlynn all ready to go out and play with their hats and sunglasses.
Mrs. Greenberg and Mrs. Schley with Peter's class just before dismissal on the last day of school. This is where I get to brag a bit and talk about how wonderfully Peter has done this year - he is reading at grade level, doing math like a pro and even his writing has improved drastically. The best thing about this year is the passion he has found for school work - one of the things that Bob and I try to always keep in mind with the kids is that school should be structured and hard at times but ultimately the kids are still little and will be doing this for a really long time so we want them to find some enjoyment in learning also. Peter has been fortunate enought to have two exemplary teachers who have instilled a great love of learning in him. We are so proud of all Peter has accomplished in school this year - what comes easy to some kids has been a struggle for Peter but he has kept his head down and worked his little butt off - he is amazing!
Mrs. Nelson and Molly saying goodbye - what a great year!
Now I can brag about Molly - she is bright and eager to learn EVERYTHING. Things tend to come a little bit easy to Molly - she picked up reading very quickly and can now be seen with a book in her hands at any moment - her writing is incredible - she crafts stories about anything that comes to her mind and writes incessantly about it. I have loved watching Molly grow this year and learn so many new things - mostly I have loved her joy in learning - she literally comes home beaming and anxious to talk to us about everything she has done that day. We are so proud of Molly!
Peter and Mr. John, our favorite security guard. When we were leaving today Peter went over to hug Mr. John goodbye and I heard their conversation - Peter was telling Mr. John that he was the strongest security guard on the planet and Mr. John told Pete that being strong was great but that he thinks Peter is the greatest kid because he is so polite and kind to others and always makes people feel special. Mr. John told him that he looks forward to seeing Peter every morning because of his smile and his hug. What a wonderful thought to share with Peter!
Molly's diploma - yeah! We officially have a 1st and 2nd grader now - WOW!
Everyone is tired and spent tonight but there is baseball to play and carnivals to attend tomorrow so I'm sure there will be many more pictures tomorrow! Annie also got a baby doll and has not stopped kissing it - too cute and many pictures to share of that tomorrow too!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

More of Annie and a few flashbacks!

The whole family was dressed in Red Sox gear but the big kids refused to get in any of the pictures so it's all Annie! Auntie Kake got Annie this Red Sox dress and she looked adorable - if I do say so myself.
Our little Red Sox fan!
She was very unsure of the rocking chair but she was a trooper for Mommy!
This is Annie doing her "All Done" sign. We taught it to her for meal times but she most often uses it for picture time!
Daddy and Annie cheering for the Red Sox!
So it's hot and I just spent $84.50 to fill my gas tank - I'm cranky!
No problem - we just won't feed the kids this week so we can drive them back and forth to school. Big day in the H-W house tomorrow - Molly graduates from kindergarten and I hear there will be singing, dancing and pictures! I can't wait!
Tomorrow is the last day of school for our kids - it feels like they just started school - here's a flashback - notice the trepidation that the 1st day of school seems to bring out on those little faces the first year and the complete difference the next year!

September 2006 Molly starting Pre-k and Peter starting Kindergarten.

September 2007 Molly starting Kindergarten and Peter starting 1st grade!
Stay Cool Everyone!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Annie's overnight with Grammy and Papa!

My Dad came over so that I could download some pictures from Annie's overnight stay with Grammy and Papa at the beach the other night. She certainly doesn't look any worse for the wear - in fact she looks like she had a blast!

Annie Bananie with Grammy in the kitchen at the beach house - how cute are they???
Annie Bananie playing with a cinderblock in the ocean - I love her little pout!
Loving her cinderblock toy!

Look at my happy baby playing in the ocean - I'm not sure if Papa had enough toys at the beach for her to play with!
Loving the mud - eventually she was covered in it - Papa has an umbrella set up over her so the little princess wouldn't be in the sun!
So this is why we are still finding sand in all of her little crevices!
What a happy little beach baby!
My beach baby looks like this is just pure bliss for her - who wouldn't be happy to have Papa's undivided attention and be covered in soft mud!

Playing at the beach house - she looks like she REALLY misses us!
Apparently these next few are breakfast at the beachhouse!
This had to be Papa's idea to spread food on the floor for his granddaughter to eat!
At one point she just gave up on using her hands and dug right in! I like the butt in the air as she licks cheerios off the floor - my parents should teach a babysitting class!
My sweet girl - she certainly doesn't lack for nourishment when she is with Papa and Grammy!

My Dad took a video of Annie playing in the water at the beach - the sound in the background is the wind blowing the umbrella - once again, Annie is missing us terribly! Now the big kids want to know when it is their turn to sleep at the beach!

I posted twice today so look at the next post for info on my cousin Colleen's new baby!

Have to wish my cousin Brigid a Happy Birthday - I only announce people's age if they are older than me and she isn't so................


Baby Nora

6/6/08 8 LBS 6 OZS
My cousin Colleen had her baby daughter on June 6th. Colleen's shower was scheduled for 11:30 on June 7th and it had to be cancelled when her water broke a few weeks early!
Auntie Peggy and Uncle Chuck report that she is beautiful - we can't wait to meet her!
Unfortunately Baby Nora's lungs aren't quite developed (she was 3-4 weeks early)so she has had some trouble breathing.
Please keep Nora and Colleen and Peter in your prayers!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Annie's 9 month check up and waiting out a storm at the beach!

Annie with Dr. Brown in the hospital when she was born!

Annie had her 9 month check up with Dr. Brown today. He isn't our normal pediatrician but we have been having trouble getting Dr. Luxemburg all the time - I find the more kids you have the more flexible you have to be with appointments for doctors and dentists - and Dr. Brown was the pediatrician who stopped by to see us each day in the hospital after Annie was born so I have a soft spot for him. So when they bring you in they ask you all these questions about your perfect little baby - Does she have stranger anxiety? Absolutely Not! Does she cry alot? Never, not since the day she was born practically! Any issues with shots? She barely cried at her last appointment and she got 4 shots! The long and the short of it is that Annie clung to me for dear life and gave Dr. Brown one or two sweet Bananie smiles and then broke into a scream the second he laid her on the table and never stopped for the rest of the appointment. Seriously - never stopped - screamed, yelled, shrieked and has a very strong arm as Dr. Brown found out the hard way when she knocked his glasses off. I have always prided myself on my kids relationship with their medical providers - Peter and Molly have never cried - not for shots or sick visits - they loved doctors and are troopers. Molly had 6 ear infections as a toddler and breathing treatments and hositalizations galore and has maintained her tough attitude and grace. And now we have Annie - sweet. loving. laid back Annie. When Dr. Brown finally left Annie waved goodbye, stuck her binkie in her mouth and sighed while putting her head on my shoulder and drifting off. Screaming for 45 minutes is tough work.
Here are the vital stats on our little princess!
Height 29 inches 95th percentile
Weight 20 pounds 80th percentile
head circumference - can't remember but it is in the 50th percentile
Her ears were clear - Finally! She is the picture of health and doesn't have to go back for another 3 months! Yeah!
Guess what else we made - Peter's 8 year appointment, Annie's 1 year appointment, and Molly's 6 year appointment - all in one day! Anyone available for escort on September 3rd - we may need a few hands to hold Annie down for her lead test! UGGGG!
We went down to the beach on Sunday - it was gorgeous - sunny and hot - a perfect beach day and the kids could not wait to get Papa in the ocean. They all went over to the beach and came back 45 minutes later with a little bounce in their step - apparently someone spotted lightening and thought there might be a storm. My father and Bob threw the kids in the shower and got them dressed just as the sky opened and the heavens poured down on us with a huge thunder and lightening storm.
Papa gathered everyone on the porch for the beautiful view of the storm and just as it was downpouring we got an extra special surprise when Auntie Kake and Auntie Jane showed up! The great part about the beach house is that you never know who might be there at any moment. Auntie Kake and Auntie Jane watched the storm with us and the kids had a blast!
Annie wasn't quite sure about the storm and it cooled off alot - Papa and Auntie Kake were snuggling the girls and keeping them safe during the storm.

Papa and Annie in their beach hats!
A little picture of the storm taken by Peter - I may have a photographer in the making.
We still aren't sure how Peter managed to take the picture at the exact right time to get this shot of lightening but it came out great and he was SO excited about it!
Watching the storm on the front porch!
What a storm - the kids didn't get bored of it at all and it ended after a half hour. We sent Bob out in the aftermath to get everyone dinner!
In March KK stayed at our house so that BOb and I could stay in a hotel after a wedding. It was the first time we had left Annie with anyone and all of you who know me know that this is not my strong suit. I love being with Bob alone but I also love the idea of the whole family tucked into our beds under one roof at night - there is something comforting in that for me. So Sunday night we left Annie at the beach house with my parents and it was truly awful for me. I do it because, as my Mom points out to me it is good for the kids and they love it -the mom suffers in a bit for a while but it ultimately makes the kids better and stronger and gain experiences that they would never get with us boring parents. Well, Annie cam back to us today and I could not have been happier - it felt so good to have her in my arms and smell the back of her neck and feel her soft skin. I was enthralled as I hugged her and then she looked around the room and yelled "Papa". I guess my Mom was right but I love having my babies all home!