Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More Newport Pictures of the kids!

On Monday the kids took Papa on a mystery ride - they brought him on a boat tour of Newport. Halfway through it they got off in Jamestown and had lunch and ice cream. You'll have to check Papa's blog for most of the pictures because he took tons!

The kids ready to go with papa on a mystery ride!

All the kids and their favorite men - ready for a mystery ride!

Everyone all lined up for the talent show.

Goodship Lollipop

Papa has his hands full!

Lizzie in her doggie bed!

Annie Bananie in her crib!

Ellie sleeping in her crib! How is that comfortable?

My little angels sleeping!

Snuggled up watching a movie in bed!

Daddy and Lizzie!

Abby and Annie

Tyler and Annie snuggle while watching a show!

Pigpile on papa!
Papa manages to find fun in anything - including the luggage rack.

Rainy swin in the outdoor pool - Annie loved it!The whole gang - not much room for anyone else in the pool.Peter in the pool.Annie getting a throw from Daddy.My beautiful girl!Annie loves her Dora bathing suit - thank you KK!Auntie Eileen came for a swim with the girls - they loved the attention.Auntie Kake and Mrs. Barry had baby duty!Papa with his hands full - as usual!Tyler gets thrown in by his Dad.Katie gets a lift from papa - not sure how Karla would feel about this!Ellie went for a dip with papa - she loved it!My girl all wrapped up!Uncle Ed riding in the boat - he just couldn't help himself - and, no, it was not to impress the kids because they were asleep!Lizzie eating a banana! She loves them!Annie regressing again!The Boormans came down for a visit and Ellie loved Mrs. Borman.Mrs. Borman, Carolyn and Ellie enjoying a snuggle!
I'll have some more pictures tomorrow to upload but I'm signing off for now! The kids are waiting to go to the pool!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weekend in Newport!

How do you start a great weekend with family? You get in the car and drive for an hour and a half - stopping along the way for a repulsive fast food dinner because your toddler is about to throw herself out of the car because she is so hungry! When said toddler starts to throw up a mile from the destination - you don't panic - you are a mother of 5 so you have planned for just such an event - in your little front seat pack you have a plastic "puke" bag for just such an occasion and you and your spouse are the perfect team - repeating words of comfort to the toddler and holding the bag in front of her mouth. Disaster averted! When Molly starts whining that she has a tummy ache both Bob and I tell her to stop the drama - she is just grossed out and will feel better in four minutes when we breeze through the traffic and get to the hotel. We finally spot Papa on the side of the road waving enthusiastically to us but we drive by him in a panic because Molly is heaving down the center aisle of the car after we realized that our preparation was only for one minor disaster and not two! Guess where all of our vacation stuff was packed -right in the center aisle! So my wonderful husband gets out and states - "Well, the weekend can only go up from here!" and I proceed to jump out of the car into my father's arms and sob for five minutes. Bob the weekend did get better and the kids have been wonderful.
Grammy and Papa came and took the older kids who were not puking over to their condo! Notice Annie - one of the pukers - tried to sneak in!
Molly getting her post throw up tubby!

My poor sick baby - could she look more pathetic?

Uncle Pat and the girls looking through the Disney books!

Lizzie found a toy to play with!

Molly is showered and feeling a bit better but she spent a good part of the night racing to the bathroom to get sick - we still aren't sure if she had a bug or just ate something bad!
Annie getting a drink!
Our 1st morning in newport - doing crafts from Auntie Ann!

Grammy and Papa ended up renting us a unti right across from them! The kids look out the back porch and can see if Papa is awake in the morning!

My sweet Ellie girl's first time in Newport!Auntie karla can not even change a diaper without katie getting very jealous - she plopper herself down in the middleof Ellie getting a change.I took loads of pictures in the pool yesterday but they didn't come out particularly well and I figured the beach ones from today would be better.Mommy and her beautiful boy!My little angels!Good Morning, Sunshines!The twins enjoying getting their pictures taken - how cute are they?And Annie saying - "me, mama" while I took pictures of the babies!We had a wonderful cookout at around 3 today and then we all piled into the cars and headed to the beach up the road - the kids were in heaven!But first we had a dance party! I know the pictures aren't great but I just love the looks on the girls faces - is there anything better?And then it was off to the beach - I didn't prepare well for the babies so Ellie stayed in a car seat most of the time - she was too interested in eating sand and couldn't sit up on the blanket!Sand angels!Sandy piggy toes!Lizzie loved the sand and the seagulls!My girl loves the beach!And then Lizzie ate the sand and it was all over! She loved it!Papa took Lizzie for a dip in the ocean!

Best Friends!Molly and Daddy had a blast in the waves together!Our beach babies!Mrs. barry loving on Ellie!Auntie Kake trying to calm Lizzie down - poor Lizzie - we dipped her piggies in the ocean and forgot about her excema - it burned her terribly for a while afterwards - the poor kid was inconsolable!Grammy and KatieLizzie ended up falling asleep on the beach - how cute is she?

Tubby time for the sandy babies - once again - you don't see Ellie because I have to keep my hands on her and can't take pictures!

Chocolate pudding for dessert with papa! We are having a great time with the kids - they are all sweet and lovable and eating up the attention from their aunts and uncles - Ellie got dressed by her godfather tonight - I think that's a first for uncle Colin! Auntie Beth will be home in a little over a week and the kids can't wait! We miss you, Kk and Auntie Meg!