Thursday, January 15, 2009

Now that I have four kids it seems as though the vital stats slip out of my brain even more quickly than they used to - therefore before I get to our little Citizen of the Month I have to go over the important info from Elizabeth's 2 month check up.

She is growing perfectly - 11 lbs 15 ounces and 23 1/2 inches - both height and weight are in the 75th percentile. Everyone knows my 12 pound baby theory - that's when the big sleep starts happening. Lizzie isn't a bad sleeper - she gives us 4-6 hours per night right now but a big sleep is even better - I'm talking 8-10 hours per night. Her eczema is somewhat worse and so we are going to wean her off of breastmilk and try a pre-digested soy based formula for now. Now that nursing is going well I am unbelievably disappointed that I have to stop but eczema can become a serious issue so we have to do it.

Peter also got checked out because of some medication he takes and he is 79 pounds (he lost 3 pounds and the limit for car seats is 80 pounds - I had a moment of wondering if we have to put him back in a car seat but we vetoed that idea) and 57 1/2 inches. He is well over the 100th percentile and the doctor thinks he will continue to be a fast growing kid and be well over 6 feet when he is done with puberty. Speaking of which - the doctor also mentioned that puberty is right on the horizon - most boys, due to the hormones in milk and other environmental factors - start real puberty at 9 or 10 - ugggg - I'm not ready for that!

Our sleepy little angel!

What a beauty!

Molly girl waiting to be called up for Citizen of the Month award!

Annie wanted a picture and gave me a big smile!

Molly is citizen of the month!

The pictures always come out dark in the auditorium but needless to say Molly did a wonderful job.

We are so proud of Molly - Auntie Brigid and Uncle Joe (Molly's godparents) came over with a dozen roses for her because they were so proud of her. What a lucky girl!

Leaving the stage after her award!

Annie can not wait to go to school - she was like a social butterfly at the school waling around talking to everyone!
Grammy, Papa and Kk all came to see Molly get her award!
Daddy and his girl!

Grammy and Papa with their oldest granddaughter - the Citizen of the Month!
Lizzie thoroughly enjoyed the ceremony - she slept!
Molly wearing her Griffith Academy windsuit on her way to Irish Step Dancing. Abby was able to come home from dance class with us and then we all went out to On the Border (thanks to a gift card I got for my birthday in August - yikes!) We had a blast and when we came home the girls had fun playing together and having fun in the playroom - they even took a tubby together and Annie ended up joining them.
Tomorrow is Lizzie's big day - her baptism will take place at 4:30 mass and we can't wait for her to officially be the newest Catholic!

Daddy's Girls

Yes, it's undeniably true that after carrying and giving birth to the baby girls and being a single mom and pretty decent caregiver to Molly before Bob came along it is a fact that they are ALL Daddy's Girls! I think I'm pretty darn cool - I like to shop and dress them in frilly clothes, I play tea party and bake cookies but to no avail. They adore their Daddy and i am just no competition for him. I spend all day entertaining them during vacation (an excruciatingly long vacation, I might add!) and when asked how vacation was the big kids respond with all the fun they had with their Daddy. Annie and I can be doing anything and she dumps me for her daddy the second she hears the front door - Where's the LOVE? Okay, you guessed it, it doesn't really bother me that much - I love watching Bob with the kids - he is so loving and patient and FUN. At around 4 p.m. I lose the will to be creative and entertaining but Bob is like the energizer bunny with the kids - he's ready for anything and will do anything to see his kids smile. As our 4 year wedding anniversary approaches I am constantly reminded of the blessing bestowed on me by a God that clearly thinks I'm something special - why else would he send Bob my way? And to think I almost passed him up because he wore green on green and was shorter than me!

Daddy and his baby girls! The three of them sat like this - laughing and talking for about an hour the other day before Bob left for work- my heart just swelled! Beautiful healthy babies and a Daddy that loves nothing more than to be with them.

Annie kissing Lizzie - she does this at least 20 times a day. I can't wait to see how close they are when they grow up!

Lizzie looks like she doesn't know what to do but she'll get used to this kind of bonding - it's a constant in our house.

Annie and Daddy having fun!

Annie loves to play with the oven mitts - too cute! On this particular day I searched all over the kitchen for them only to find her "cooking" for Bob in the living room while I tried to use dish towels to get the ham out of the oven.

I love these Lizzie smiles! She is becoming such a happy baby!

She taked my breath away! The funny thing is that at 2 months old Lizzie already smiles when she sees the camera! Good for her for accepting her fate!

Auntie Meg took Annie out for a few hours yesterday - she couldn't wait to get out and away from mommy for a few hours!

Auntie Carol came over and held Lizzie for me while I did some work around the house - it was nice to visit with her!

I'm not sure when kids usually learn how to use utensils to eat but Annie is just getting the hang of it!

I was in the kitchen starting dinner and came into the living room to find Annie had climbed onto the table and was taking all of the kleenex out of the box and throwing them on the floor. She was all smiles like she had just discovered the coolest game!

Annie with all of the kleenex out of the box - what a sweetie pie she is! Sometimes it is hard to reprimand her - in this case the second I told her to get down her little lip quivered and she looked at me with pathetic eyes. It crushes me but I had to do it!

Yes, I did grab the camera at around 2 a.m. last night when I found Bob snuggled up with Lizzie. Apparently she had been fussing and he didn't want her to wake me so he tucked her into bed with him and the two of them slept peacefully!

Annie has a scary face but I thought it was cute that Bob and Annie were laying on the floor together feasting on fruit loops (Auntie Ann indulged the kids in the best cereal ever) and water. They were having the best time!
For some reason this picture will not stay facing the right way when i upload it - weird. Anyways - Lizzie was growling in her sleep and had a little scowl on her face - very cute!
So a very Daddy centered blog - Bob is entitled to some blog time once in a while. Tomorrow is Molly's citizen of the month award ceremony and she is also getting the Employee of the Month for her microsociety venture. She could not be any more excited and one of her best friends is also getting a Citizen of the Month award for December - Molly was November but the ceremony got cancelled on one of those snow days! Pictures will be posted tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A little baby comparison!

I can not believe how much Lizzie is starting to look like Annie Bananie! I thought a little comparison of the girls at the same age would be fun - I also have nothing else to blog about - at least nothing that I can remember right now!
Elizabeth Mack - just about 2 months old!

Ann Eileen - 2 months old.
Our little angel sleeping soundly - 2 months old! It's Lizzie, in case you didn't know!
Our other little angel sleeping - 2 months old! And this one is Annie!
Kids are home and done with homework and Annie is out with Auntie Meg and due home anytime. Lizzie is fed, changed and happy - smiling away at her Mama right now so I'm off to do a little bonding with everyone!
BTW - Auntie Beth rocks for always leaving comments on the blog - it makes me feel like people really are reading it and I am not just talking to myself! Not that I would stop doing it if I was talking to myself - I still thoroughly enjoy talking about my gorgeous children constantly!