Saturday, May 10, 2008

Annie Bananie's latest acomplishment and my beautiful niece's big day!

It is no secret that Annie has the entire family enamored. It probably seems like there are 100 pictures a day of Ann but it is usually Molly or Peter who yell for me to get the camera because she is smiling or laughing or doing some other adorable thing. Today was no different as Molly just thought Annie was the cutest things ever this morning - and I do love her in this sleeper. But Annie also made great strides in the crawling department - check out the pictures!

My favorite Annie smile - I just want to eat her up!
Annie has officially discovered Elmo and she loves him! This book we found in the playroom was the one way we found to get her up on all fours!
Check out her feet - she got herself stuck in this position and could not move but she was perfectly happy!
And there she goes - finally up on all fours!
And she even moved a bit up there - look at the concentration on her face!
And then the belly flop onto her tummy - she thought it was hysterical!
Annie wanted nothing but to hang out with Molly this morning - here they are all cuddled up together watching a show while I got ready for Katie's baptism!
My girls all snuggled together!

I want Karla to see the pictures of Katie's christening before I post too many but I am giving you a peek. Here is Bob praying over his goddaughter during the christening. Bob could not have been more excited about being Katie's godfather - he got his suit cleaned, got a Red Sox tie for the big day and picked out the cross that she wore himself. Katie was perfect all day - she smiled and slept and let everyone hold her! She must know she is a catholic now!
Daddy and his baby girl - she looks so tiny with Patrick!
This is the whole Harding clan celebrating with Katie on her big day!

The day was wonderful and once I get Karla the pictures I promise a full recap.

Check out Brigid's blog for a video of Peter dancing - too cute - thanks Auntie Brigid!


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Anonymous said...