Sunday, September 18, 2016

What a month!!!

Once again, I'm not really doing as well as I thought I might with this new blog but I think I just uploaded 100 pictures so maybe I will make up for lost time. 
There is nothing better than going into my phone and finding selfies from my kids. Molly is great about surprising me by changing the wallpaper on my phone and I love it!

Annie Bananie is always finding new fashion statements - in this case her american flag bandanna for Labor Day. She looked adorable with her little freckle face. 

Karla sent this picture to me while Annie and Katie were putting on a show at her house. I love them in their patriotic costumes. 

I decided to take a camera to Newport rather than relying on my phone and it didn't work out so well. The camera was terrible and I never had it when I needed it. I love this picture that I did find on my phone of the kids taking a last swim one night as the sun was going down. The pool was definitely a highlight this year - even the big kids spent lots of time in there. 

Molly loves dance camp at Griffith Academy and has done it every year since she turned 9 and was allowed to do it. Unfortunately this year Newport fell very early and she missed it but we made it home in time to go to the Friday show and see her friends perform. They were thrilled to see her!

The San Diego Russell's came to CT for a short visit so we took the opportunity to get together at Arch Pizza to reconnect. We had a blast getting to catch up with everyone! Molly and Tyler look thrilled to be there don't they? 
The adults hanging out and catching up!

Norah and Ellie love hanging out together. 

I'm not sure what day this was but I loved the picture so I am including it! Bob can often be found with our Littles and Katie hanging out at a park or practicing soccer. He loves being with our girls but when Katie is there is is even better. 

My dad sent me this picture of Bob and I at my goddaughter, Chelsea's wedding. We didn't realize until we got to the wedding how long it had been since we were out alone together. We had so much fun at the wedding and were thrilled to be a part of such a special day for Chelsea and Rob. 

Lila and Brendan go away for their birthday every year so this Auntie took advantage of the chance to celebrate with them a little early at Lake Quassy on a Saturday night. We gathered the cousins together and headed out for the Saturday night carload. It was downpouring in Rocky Hill when we left but just sprinkling a bit when we got there and the perfect night for an amusement park. 

Lila and Brendan and all of the kids screamed when we pulled in - because it was a surprise! They could not have been more excited when they saw the water park and the rides. 

The three Harding kids in a moment of sibling love. We were so excited that even Tyler wanted to come with us - what a great kid he is. He went on every ride with the little kids and took them all down the slides without complaint. 

The kids loved the water park and it could not have been a better night for it. It was warm but not too warm and the sprinkles kept a lot of people away so it was not crowded at all. 

I love this picture of Ellie and Brendan - they just kept going around and around on the water slide together and every single time you could hear them scream together. 

Tyler getting the girls splashed by the big water bucket. 

Lizzie and Katie were the only ones brave enough for the big water slide and they must have done it 25 times. Just going around in a circle time after time. 

We even had a birthday dinner for Lila and Brendan. The kids were having so much fun that we didn't eat until they were starving and there was not a french fry left. The kids were so good all night and I was just amazed at Abby and Tyler and how great they were taking care of their little sister and little cousins. The kids all took turns picking rides to go on and were so good to each other. It was one of the best nights of the summer. 

Auntie had to get at least one picture of the Lawrence family! Happy Birthday, Lila and Brendan - we love you and are so happy that you were born! What would we do without you? 

One last picture of Lila in a moment of pure joy on the carousel. 

Grammy's birthday was a perfect time to take a few pictures of the crazy 8! They are not very willing participants but they are adorable kids. 

Grammy and Papa always grumble about my picture taking especially when they have to go over to the beach to do it - but I think in the end they appreciate having the pictures. They do have some beautiful grandchildren - if I do say so myself. 

Papa and his Annie - boo - with the sun setting in the background. 

Happy Birthday, to my mom - the best mother, grandmother and human being I know. Thank you for ALWAYS being my mother and NEVER being my best friend - you amaze me!

Karla and Patrick in a rare moment of seriousness! How cute are they?

I love these guys!

Mom and her chickies - not one of us is just looking at the camera. We clearly aren't very good at this picture thing. 

Karla and her cutie pies! 

For my birthday Lizzie took me for a pedicure and got her very first one. She hated the feeling of having someone touch her toes but loved the green piggies and flowers they painted on them. It was very sweet of Bob to think of such a thoughtful gift for me and spending time with Lizzie was the best part by far. 

Daddy's girl! I think this was when we were trying to stay up for the opening games of the Olympics - Ellie was the only one who made it. 

Happy 16th Birthday to my firstborn baby boy - I cannot believe that it has been 16 years since this kid entered this world. I can't imagine life without him. He certainly keeps us on our toes. 

Birthday hugs for Peter from his little sister. 

Graham came over to see Peter for his birthday but Lizzie was the one who could not get enough of holding him. She took this picture to school on her first day to show her class. She had five things to describer herself and this was her first one. 

Annie getting in on the action with Graham. He is so good about getting passed around when he comes over. 

KK and Ellie left me some selfies on my phone and I loved finding them. KK took care of Ellie for a week when she was a tiny baby and I think they will always have a special bond because of that. Ellie adores KK.

Peter and his godmother - how lucky is he?

Annie and Katie had a show at Summerscape on Peter's birthday but it didn't stop the Harding's from stopping by to see the birthday boy!

These two had a blast at Summerscape together and ended up doing an extra week together. They were prepped and ready for a show but it eventually got cancelled because of a thunderstorm.  They looked adorable and had so much fun when they did eventually get to perform the next day. 

Peter and his godfather. 

And then Peter had his favorite person get in the picture - Tyler. I am still amazed at how tall our boys are - they are going to pass Patrick pretty soon if they keep growing. 

The little girls found my wedding dress and wanted to try it on. Now what am I going to do with it? It's hanging out in my closet taking up room now that we found it. 

We love to celebrate our August birthdays and Uncle B's is a highlight. He is such a good uncle and always makes time for his nieces and nephews no matter what is going on. When he is with the kids he is all about them - playing, laughing, hugging and mooning!!! Happy Birthday, Uncle B - we are so happy that you were born!

Grammy and Papa were matching with Graham - too cute. I kind of love the look on his face like he thinks Grammy is a little nutty!

Lizzie can never get enough of Graham - she follows him around everywhere. Although, in all of my pictures I realized that Graham also spends an awful lot of time in Papa's arms. Somehow I don't think that shocks anyone. 

And of course - Annie is never far away either. 

Bob and I went in to go to sleep one night and found this in our bed - how cute is this kid? 

Lizzie's turn to try on the wedding dress - adorable. 

Check out these two! Molly was supposed to go to a concert with a friend and had planned it in March but then her friend ended up going to Ireland at the last minute. Kathryn offered to go with her and they had a blast.

Karla and I were trying to figure out what to do for the boys for their birthdays now that they are getting so old so we threw something together quick at Arch Pizza - yes, we love Arch pizza and go there often for gatherings. 

Grammy and Papa and one of their birthday boys. 

And then with the other birthday boy!

Ummmmm.................Happy Birthday, Petter! Karla ordered the cake so I blame her but it gave us all quite a laugh. 

Papa and both of the birthday boys. Again, it feels so weird to have these grown boys in our family. It feels like they were born yesterday. 

The moms and their boys!

Happy Birthday to Tyler and Peter! How lucky are these boys to have family and friends who want to come and celebrate them. 

And then I bribed them to feed each other cake. Apparently teenage boys will do anything for money!

Love these picture - the boys feeding each other cake. It was hysterical and the little kids screamed and cheered. 

Happy Birthday to these two amazing boys! I hope it is a great year for these two. They are both going into their sophomore year at the high school and we couldn't be prouder of them.

Peter and Auntie Meg getting in some bonding on his birthday. On the morning of Peter's birthday Auntie Meg called and asked what he wanted for breakfast. She brought him breakfast sandwiches, pancakes, eggs and a huge drink from McDonald's. He was in heaven. 

The birthday boy loving hanging out with his family on his birthday! What a great night we had thanks to our wonderful family who came out to celebrate these two boys who we love so much! happy Birthday, Peter and Tyler - we are so happy that you were born. 
At the end of August I traveled to Washington for a few days for the Ryan White Grantee conference. For someone who has worked in the HIV field for so long this is like a rock concert with so many people who have changed the landscape of healthcare for people with HIV. I presented a few times and was able to spend some time with the staff from CHC who traveled with me to the conference to present posters. It was an amazing experience that I won't forget anytime soon. 

The highlight of the conference was when all of us from CHC got to meet and speak with Jeanne White - Grinder the mother of Ryan White. Ryan White was a young boy from Indiana who died of AIDS in 1990 but not before enduring horrible discimination from people who were ignorant and afraid. As a result of having to endure this Ryan White took on the role, at age 13, of being an advocate for people with HIV, helping to pass legislation that has provided healthcare services to people with HIV for over 25 years. The legislation passed just months after Ryan died but his mother has carried on with his fight ever since. She is an amazing woman and so inspirational. The thing I love about her the most is that when she talks about Ryan it is like he was with her yesterday - you almost feel like he is right there. I feel so blessed to have had this time with her. 

I got on a 5 am train from DC to get back for our annual vineyard trip on Friday and Meg pulled off another wonderful day. Lots of food, games and fun!

And, of course - our annual picture on the well....I mean the firepit!

This is my favorite - I love selfies!
It is so nice to just spend some time together with my favorite people in the world. Since we do have so much fun we decided to try it in the winter this year and Eileen and Karla offered to plan it. I can't wait to see what they do!

And then it was the lat few days of summer so we had to get everything in - mini golf, go-karts, bumper boats, bowling and anything else we could think of. It was excruciatingly hot but we had a blast!
Daddy and Annie in the bumper boats. 

Yes - Lizzie drover her twinnie around in the bumper boat! She was one inch taller so she could drive but Ellie couldn't!

I love this picture of the girls - they had so much fun and the nice girl running it liked them so much that she ended up letting them go on again because they were so excited......and cute!

Lizzie and Ellie on the bumper boats. 

We ran from our mini golf crazy hot day right to church and it was still 102 degrees so when we got home from church even I got in the pool with the girls. Did I mention it was hot? Really hot!

It was time to celebrate Graham the next day and boy did we celebrate! His little pool will never be the same again! Did I mention the weekend was hot? 

Auntie Pat and Papa snuggling. 

Uncle Pat and the boys!

Now that Annie is getting older she doesn't get picked up a lot so she LOVES when Uncle B picks her up and loves on her. 

Yes - Papa gave Graham a Twizzler! He loved every minute of it. 

Have you noticed a pattern? Lizzie loves hanging with Graham and notice who is always nearby? I think Graham has a fan club! Lizzie and Papa are always hanging out waiting to play with their boy.

Graham had a great birthday with lots of people there to celebrate with him. He got passed around to so many people and was happy the whole time. He was a trooper and we loved every minute of celebrating with him. It's hard to imagine a life before him. 

Peter always wants to hold Graham but he had better not get used to it because I have a feeling we are getting to the point where Graham is going to not want anything to do with being held!He's definitely getting mobile now. 

Godbrother bonding!

Kisses from Peter.

Grammy and Auntie Kate - I adore these two in their patriotic shirts and never ever looking at the camera at the same time. I can't tell you how often I try to get pictures of these two and they never come out. 

KK and Uncle Brian smiling even brighter than the day Graham was born. They didn't just survive the first year they thrived and we could not love them or Graham more! 
Happy Birthday, Graham - we are so happy that you were born!

We got to spend an entire week down at the beach with my parents before the kids went back to school. It was so nice to just relax and hang out on the beach. We also did some back to school shopping at Walmart and the outlets - everyone was enthusiastic at first but it got old quickly - especially with Grammy and I together. 
And then this happened! My beautiful baby girl started her first day at Mercy! It was orientation day so she got to wear her own clothes. She had a wonderful day and we are so proud of her. It is going to be an awesome 4 years and my heart is just bursting at the thought of her having as great an experience as I did at Mercy. 

Molly and Vanessa heading into Mercy for orientation. 

The little girls could not wait to meet their teachers and see their friends. The school had a meet and greet for all the students - on another excruciatingly hot day, and we brought their teachers a little plant. Annie has Mrs. King, Lizzie has a new teacher, Mrs. Drury, and Ellie has Mrs. Cebelius. All of them are experienced and seem really nice. Lizzie is excited to have her best friend in her class while Annie is a little nervous because she doesn't have anyone in her class from last year. We have had a few hard mornings since school started but they will get the hang of things. 

Annie and Madi screamed and hugged when they saw each other - it was adorable. 

Lizzie and Ellie stuck together pretty tight until they had to go to separate classrooms. 

And then we were done and ready to move on to our playdate with Lizzie's buddy, Samantha. Sam spent lots of time with us this summer and we adore her. It doesn't hurt that she has a 4 month old little brother, Mathew that we love to hold and love on when we see them. You can imagine how Lizzie loves to go to their house and pretend that she has a little brother. 

Happy to be back at school - how long will this last?

I asked the girls how we should celebrate and they naturally wanted ICECREAM! 
Don't they always? 

Lizzie reminds me of my cousin, Eileen when she eats ice cream - she manages to pain her face with it and loves every minute! 

Best Friends! At the meet and greet they realized they were in the same class and then the teacher let them pick their own seats and they got to sit next to each other. That lasted about two days and then they were switched - along with every other person in the class. I wondered how that idea waas going to work. 

Annie Bananie woke up on Sunday morning to her big birthday - she had been waiting "forever" for this day to come. It was made even more special when Ella slept over the night before. 

Annie is so musical and loved the keyboard she got for her birthday. I'm not sure if she loves it more or Lizzie but Annie is very good about sharing and Bob and I are loving the musical compositions they put together.....constantly!

Uncle Bob and Ella getting in some snuggles. 

We were headed down to the beach house for a small Labor Day picnic that my mom turned into a sweet little surprise party for Annie. I had been trying to plan some kind of party but was very stressed out and not sure when or where or how I was going to pull it off. My mom and Auntie Kate managed to make it a special day without my having to do one thing and Annie got a big surprise when everyone was waiting on the porch for her with noise makers and balloons. It was perfect.

Papa hugs!

Annie in all her glory. I can't tell you how I love this child. She is sweet, kind, brave and loves everyone and everything. She is the best big sister I have ever met and will go anywhere with me just to spend some time together. She loves to dance and sing and put on plays but she also made a little spot in her room where she goes to read and write - her dream at one point was to be an artist and a writer. I think now she is back to teaching for a career but I have no doubt that she will try many things before that time comes. She just makes our world a little joy filled. 

Having some yummy lunch with her cousins. 

Headed to the beach with the raft and the cousins- the raft was run over by Papa with his car by accident shortly after this picture! 

These two - couldn't love them more! 

Even though we got home really late on Labor Day Annie begged to take out her birthday present from Grammy and Papa so she could do some hair! It was kind of cute. 
So there you have it - a big long update. Every single time I write one of these I am reminded about how very lucky we are. There are plenty of days when I wonder how we will survive the chaos but there are many more when I know how blessed we are. 

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