Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bounce House Day

These pictures speak for themselves.We rented a bounce house for the day and invited friends and family to come play. The kids were in heaven and the parents, aunts,uncles and grandparents sat around eating and drinking all day - not too bad for a randomeday in may!

Watching the bounce house get blown up!

Peter's BFF's Lucas and Tyler

Ellie Bean giving Mama a big smile.

Lizzie's reguge from the chaos.

What'smore fun than going down the slide alone - going down with your cousin.


The kids could not get enough of Mason and Miss Amanda

Mason loved the chairs that were just his size.

Auntie Carol and KK

MissAmanda and Mason enjoying some downtime.

Miss Amanda and Mason - poor Mase took a face plant but he was a trooper.

Brendan in his green chair - he sits in the green chair and puts his feet on the blue one - don't try to change it up!

AuntieMeg and Auntie Eileen

The favorite of the day -Make your own cupcakes! Auntie Ann knows what the kids love!

Abby had to go to a soccer game but she came back soon.

The matching eyebrow!

Annie going down the slide with Miss Amanda and Mason - she never let them out fo her sight.

Lady Li relaxing!

Molly and some of her BFF's!

Lila watering the plants for us!

Grammy and Papa and their little angels.

Julia and her second favorite godmother!! Just kidding!
We had a great day of fun and family!

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