Sunday, April 14, 2013

Adventures in Holidays

I wish I could write about Easter in flowing prose, talking about how idyllic and perfect it was but let's get real - we are NOT that family. We were an hour and a half late for lunch at my Mom's, never got a photo of the five kids together, only 6 of us attended mass that morning, only five of us ate breakfast together at 7am, one child had a meltdown, one child ran away, one child stuck up her middle finger at a car going by during our picture session, one child got gum in her hair, one child spilled chocolate on her dress before it was even zipped up, one parent went off on a tirade about how no one appreciates all of her hard work and one parent looked around at the whole mess and shook his head! And that was all before 1pm! We did manage some fun moments and made some memories together - as we always do! We got to see most of our favorite people at some point during the day and the majority of us sang loudly during mass, praising God for his son and the beautiful day! And looking back- it was classic Harding - Wheeler and perfect in it's own way. Sort of like Molly's 1st Thanksgiving when I awoke at 6am, knowing that as a single mom with two kids it would take sometime to get ready for the day and ended up 2 hours late for dinner because Peter ate a whole tube of toothpaste and I had to induce vomiting for three hours! Now I look back on that Thanksgiving and laugh - I'm sure we will all do the same about this Easter at some point!
Easter started the weekend before when we invited Lila and Brendan over for donuts and a mini-celebration since we knew we wouldn't see them for Easter because Meg had to work. A good aunt would have been organized enough to get an egg hunt together but I am not that aunt!

They did love their bubbles, stickers and storybooks that the kids and I carefully picked out for them!

Lila is shy about pictures these days but she loved blowing bubbles!

Brendan loved his bubbles almost as much as he loved his chocolate donuts! That boy can eat some donuts!

My little love - she would not pose for me! I do love that profile though - that little upturned nose makes me smile everytime!

That night Brian and Chloe came over for some Wii competition.The girls love having Chloe over because she will actually play with them - Annie loved every moment of being a big girl.

My dancing queen!

Annie fell asleep before the board games started!

Lizzie woke up at 4 am on Easter morning thanks to the Easter bunny! She made herself comfortable until the other kids woke up!

When it took too long we decided to let her go at it - she loved her Easter basket!

Hair tie lollipop - a must for the girls!

Annie loved her dustpan and brush so she can help Daddy clean - all three got one but Annie is the only remotely helpful one!

Garden tools!

Lizzie was amazed by every single item in her basket - she was so cute!

Molly girl slept in for a bit but then we let the littles go up and wake her up so she could see her basket! They could not wait for their big sister and brother to wake up!

Annie loved her dress up gloves.

Gardening tools and chocolate - Annie was in heaven!

Sunglasses for our girls.

Annie Bananie had some crazy hair but she gave Daddy and I the best Easter hugs!

Our movie star!

The Easter bunny was thoughtful enough to bring some chairs for the littles to use out in the backyard - they have yet to leave the living room but they'll get there.

And the almost - teenager finally wakes up!!

His sisters were so excited because the Easter Bunny brought Peter the basketball he had been begging for.

Easter hugs!

Ellie Bean slept the latest of anyone - Molly was happy to help her open her basket and see what kind of goodies she got.

Our happy girl with her big sister!

Our beautiful girls!

The five kids - so NOT excited to get a picture taken but Mommy loves to preserve these memories - we are so lucky to be together!

barbie dolls - every little girls best friend!

Annie loved her flashcards - she started practicing her sight words right away!

A little break for chocolate.

Lizzie was the first one dressed and ready to go outside and use her gardening tools.

Ready to go!

Lizzie had to make a quick pit stop to give Daddy some cuddles - Bob is such a loving Daddy!

Ready to get the fairy garden set to plant.

Hard at work at 7:30amon Easter morning.

Our beautiful littles ready for church in their Easter best! My girls would always love bows in their hair rather than Easter bonnets!

This is my favorite picture of the littles - what gorgeous girls we have!

Molly girl posing with her little sisters!

Another favorite of mine - our four girls ready for church.

Sister hugs!

Daddy's girls - every single one of them.

By the time big brother was ready for a picture we were almost late for church and Molly was in the middle of a meltdown.

Auntie Ann feeding lizzie strawberries!

Ellie Bean got new braids to match her blue dress!

The Eight Harding grandchildren.

With the best grandparents in the world.

Ready for the Easter egg hunt!

Another wonderful holiday is over and we had a blast for the most part! Next we move on to ourPlymouth, MA vacation!

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