Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring is here!

Life totally changes in the Harding - Wheeler house when Spring comes to town! Once the kids can be outside in the back yard anytime they want eveything gets easier - bedtime, bathtime, dinner time and family time! Smores in the backyard, fun on the playscape - it is endless during the wonderful warm weather and Bob and I could not be more excited. We have some work to do out in the yard and some day we are really going to build a deck or patio to hang out on but for now we feel so blessed to have a big backyard with a hand-me-down playscape that we never could have bought ourselves and the time to be outside with the kids!
My girls hard at work on the IPad - love these girls!

Our first fire of the year! My husband is amazing!

The girls keeping warm together in front of the fire!

Annie Bananie was the only one who actually liked her smore!

My almost teenage son warming his marshmallow!

Even Daddy got in on the action!

Ellie Bean  - did I mention that we head outside in all kinds of clothes?

Molly liked the chocolate but we did convince her to try some of the other ingredients!

My five beautiful children hanging out on the playscape!

Peter was helping to keep me warm - love my boy!

Daddy and LadyBug having fun in the yard!

Pig Pile before heading in for showers!
Easter is tomorrow and I can't wait to spend the day with our families! There will be lots of pictures next week! GNM - ILY!

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