On July 16th we left for Newport for a week but not before meeting with the social worker from DCF to sign the papers for Ellie's adoption! All of the paperwork will be submitted to the judge and a court date scheduled before August is over! We feel so blessed and can't wait for it to be official but Ellie has been ours since the moment we met her!
Ellie can't wait to be an official H-W!Our 1st meal in Newport - PIZZA!The boys hanging out on the porch!Papa couldn't wait to get the kids out on the porch to watch the boats. Molly and Abby on the pull out sofa!Annie and the twins hanging in Ellie's crib. Poor Katie - she had an allergic reaction to bug bites and could barely see. Abby took one look at her and said, " her whole head is swollen - she looks french!" We have no idea what that meant!Lucky Charms for breakfast!I have a picture of Peter in this position when he was a newborn - so sweet!Annie loved being with her cousins - especailly on the way to the pool.A ride from Papa!Daddy's Girl!Annie - boo! Love the serious face!Tyler jumping in!Abby is an expert swimmer this way - she even swims under water.Katie and Lizzie waiting for Papa to take them in the pool.Ellie Bean LOVES the pool.Papa and the girls - could he look any happier?Daddy and EllieMolly jumping in!Pete doing a belly flop into the pool.The kids all lined up waiting for Papa.Sunbathers!Uncle Ed giving Ellie a ride! Our girl getting a little daring on the side of the pool.Lizzie trying to "hide".Movie break.Auntie Karla took the girls out shopping and Molly LOVES her new scarf.Our tan girls counting their tickets.Bathtime with Grammy!Our binky babies!Patrick and BOb went on a helicopter tour of Newport - they LOVED it and even flew over the pool to say hi to the kids!Grammy and BuggyPapa and grammy found a cool way to have all of us eat together. My little angel!The boys on the pull out sofa - whichever big kids were on the sofa it meant the other big kids were at Grammy and Papa's sleeping. Donut Day!Ellie loved the goggles - she kept putting them on her eyes and then bumping into things!Our handsome boys!Awesome crafts thanks to Auntie Ann. Trying to get a nice picture of my goofy brother and Karla - poor Karla!Ring around the Rosy with Uncle Pat - does it get better?Uncle Pat has his hands full!Looks to me like Lizzie is leading her twin astray in these pictures!Uncle Pat and Lizzie checking out the storm.We all watched the thunder, lightening and torrential downpours from the orch - Papa was in heaven and the boys loved it too!You didn't think that Annie left her costumes at home did you?Uncle Ed gets in on the storm watching.The girls also got these lovely gold purses while out shopping with Auntie Karla - they have some interesting taste! Daddy and Ellie chilling out!
Part Two coming up!
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