Saturday, February 6, 2010

Watch out UCONN Huskies - here comes Molly!

Molly had her last basketball game today so the whole family piled into the car to go cheer her on. After the game they had a pizza party and award ceremony.

The twins wore matching outfits and cheered for their sister - Ellie cheered very loudly at times. Some would call it a whine but we call it cheering.
Auntie Meg got a very cute new hairstyle but you can't really see it in this picture. She came to cheer Molly on and was so proud of our girl.

Team meeting

Molly makes a great pass - Papa would be proud!

That's Molly pointing to the ringer on the other team - she defended her the entire game. Out of 10 points scored on both sides - Olivia ("The ringer") scored 8! She's good!
She's in position!

Annie kicked off her shoes and made herself at home on the court.

So when my 9 year old son puts his arm around my 7 year old daughter and offers to help her with her shot - I have to take a few pictures. They were so cute!

Big brother watches as Molly takes a shot!

My beautiful, sweaty girl taking a break!
A really creative Mom made basketball cookies!
Annie loved being like a big girl in the cafeteria.
Molly getting her trophy!

My girl with her trophy - how cute is she?
Molly -Girl with her coaches and teammates.
molly and her teammates!

A cute little video of Molly Doll doing the jump shot!

I have no idea why I taped this but I just love Annie's little legs running so fast to get off the court before the kids get to the other end of the court. She is such a happy wonderful kid!

We are still missing Grammy and Papa - especially Annie. She does not understand at all why we can't stop over and see Grammy whenever she wants to - we call incessently but the 2 year old is not getting how far away Florida is - she just wants her Grammy and Papa!


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