Sunday, February 14, 2010

Update on Baby Ricky

People are always asking me for information on Baby Ricky and I finally have some new pictures and news to share.
Ricky is doing very well - he weighs in at a whopping 10 pounds 6 ounces. Babies with Trisomy 18 - even when they survive and reach the age of 1 or 2 they rarely get over 11 or 12 pounds - the fact that at 4 months old he is over ten pounds is a miracle!

Ricky was in Hartford Hospital for 2 weeks to have a G-tube placed. This would allow him to get more food in a much easier manner than the Nasogastric tube that he currently has. Unfortunately, Ricky underwent testing and it was decided that if they were to intubate him to place the G-Tube (A tube that goes straight into the abdomen for feeding rather than through his nose and into his stomach) he would never be able to be extubated. So he continues to pull his NG Tube out and Casey and Rick continue to feed him constantly because he gets so little through the tube.
Ricky smiles and coos all the time. His personality is clear the moment you see him. In the hospital he had charmed every nurse and doctor there to the point where they were having their spouses come in to meet him. He is just amazing to behold!

On top of everything else, Ricky contracted the flu while in the hospital. It took them a few days to test him for it and by the time they did he had fought off the fever and symptoms himself and was on his way to recovering. This is virtually unheard of for Trisomy 18 babies. The flu is most often fatal and this little trooper managed to get rid of it all my himself. Ricky is on oxegen all the time now and requires quite a high percentage to stay saturated. That being said - as you can see - he is nice and pink so it is working and Casey and Rick are very happy with that.

The doctors in the hospital finally realized what it takes for Casey and Rick to care for Ricky each day - one is always awake and watching him in case he has a blue spell, feeding takes 1 1/2 hours and by the time things are cleaned up and his tubes are clean it is time to start again and he gags on his own saliva and needs to be suctioned out often - sometimes 6-8 times an hour. The doctors have now managed to get Rick and Casey and nurse for 8 hours a night so they can sleep and not worry about the baby. The nurse bathes the baby, feeds him and monitors his breathing. Casey said that it is the best thing that ever happened but she still wakes many times a night to check on him. Casey and Rick both feel that since their time is limited with Ricky it is hard to go to sleep and possibly miss precious time that they have with him. That being said they are planning a move to Ohio in the spring and are exhausted with all of the work they are doing. Casey, Rick and Ricky are going to move in with Rick's mother so that they have more support and have an easier time financially. I am bummed that I won't be able to see my little guy anymore but this is truly a great thing for Rick and Casey and Baby Ricky. I feel so blessed to know this family and to know Ricky - he is such a miracle! So enjoy the pictures and remember to keep them in your prayers!

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