Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just another day!

Wow - the days seem to go by so quickly - as you can see I take lots of pictures but don't get to blog as often as I would like. There is so much I want to keep track of for the kids. Like Molly the other night in the car telling us how she feels bad for Abraham Lincoln - why? you ask - because his middle name is Ham and he must have gotten made fun of! Tomorrow is the Black History Concert and Molly's microsociety venture (The Hollywood Kids) are reciting the poem about the children killed in Birmingham Alabama in the 60's - I'm blanking on the name right now but I do know that I cried hysterically as I listened to my little girl recite the heartwrenching poem and then look at me with huge brown eyes and tell me that it makes her sad every time she reads it because little girls shouldn't die because people hate them just because of their color!
Annie is SO into Mickey Mouse right now!

Ellie looking adorable all curled up on her blanket. For those of you who are wondering why her belly button is so big - she has an umbillical hernia. I know - much bigger than Lizzie's and we will learn more about it next week at the pediatrician. Ellie fits right in now!

Ellie stretched out and loving just laying around!

Daddy and Lizzie at 5 a.m. the other day!
Beautiful piggy toes!
Love that face and those BIG brown eyes!

Lizzie getting a burp from Auntie Meg. Meg came over yesterday to help me out with the babies and bond with her goddaughter. Lizzie absolutely loves Auntie Meg - and she is no easy baby!

She looks like a little china doll!

Our little angel sleeping!

Annie and her 2 baby sisters hanging out.

Babies lined up for a picture - Lizzie was so smiley!
Ellie is loving being with her big sister - yes, technically, Lizzie is her big sister since she is 12 weeks old!

Our 4 girls - how did we get so lucky?
Peter and Ellie - El calms down the second she sees her brother and he is amazing with her. He now babysits for me - I give him one of the babies and he holds them, plays with them, sits them on the couch and reads to them. He feels good and I get a few minutes to do something else!
Lizzie had a great day yesterday - her godmother was here all day and then her godfather came over for his weekly visist and hung out with her. She smiles when she sees uncle B now - of course, he also has to make sure Annie gets her fair share of attention since she gets more excited than anyone to see uncle B!

I took lots of this picture because Lizzie looked so cozy on Uncle B's chest. She never really rests her head on someone's shoulder and she stayed this way for a half hour - Just sokaing in her godfather's love!
A picture of love - I am so proud of Brendan and how attentive and loving he is with all of my kids but especially Lizzie.
Lisa came over today with Ella (age 3) and she could not get enough of the babies! Annie is her little playmate but she loves to hang with the little ones too.
The three girls hanging out while Ellie got some attention from Auntie Lisa!

Well someone is squawking away in the bedroom so I need to go feed, change or rock someone - what a life? Does it get any better than this?

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