Sunday, December 7, 2008

Snow Days!

The kids were up at the crack of dawm this morning ready for some snow time! They have been asking when it was gong to snow for weeks now and Bob and I keep smiling at each other because we were loving the warmer weather and lack of precipitation - but here we go again - early morning TV watching to find out if school is cancelled and kids shrieking when they look out the window and see the white stuff on the ground. I have to admit that - since bob does all of the shoveling - my job is incredibly easy - get the kids dressed and undressed 6 times a day and make hot cocoa when they come in the door.
Molly made a book for her cousin Abby and I thought it was so cute - she listed all of the reasons that Abby is her best friend and drew pictures to match them. 1. You love me! 2. We play Sisters! 3. I always stick up for you! 4. We listen to music. 5. We play popstar! 6. I love you! Oh - and the title of the book is "The Abby Book!" I'm not sure that I ever wrote a book like that for my cousin Beth when we were little but I certainly remember feeling like every family party was a chance to play with my best friend and as I got older many of my cousins have become my best friends - I hope that Molly realizes how very lucky she is that she has cousins who are so close to her and who she is able to see and play with all the time!

Grammy and Molly are ready for the Nutcracker - we had a blast! Molly and grammy compared their best parts in the car and their worst. Both of them agreed the man wearing underwear was the worst part - Molly giggled incessantly when he came on stage and 2 hours later when we went to DQ for ice cream she was still giggling and laughing about it! The play was fun and being with Molly and my mom was great - Molly adores my mother and Grammy made the day really special for her with pizza for lunch, a special outfit to wear (sparkly and Hannah Montanaish - just up Molly's alley) and ice cream to top off the night. Other than a stop to nurse Lizzie and my own apprehension that we might not make it home for the next feeding (she goes about 2-3 hours and I was worried that Bob would be stuck with a screaming newborn) the afternoon was perfect and I think it was a much needed bit of attention for my oldest daughter in the wake of her new sibling.
Annie gets to go out in the snow with the big kids!

Not sure what to do but totally enjoying being a big kid!

Molly girl loves her sled and even got Annie on there a few times!

Ready for a sled!
I just love the look on her face as she went down backwards!

Molly holding on to Annie tightly and ready to go down the hill. Annie LOVED it!

Pete trying to help Annie get back up the hill!

Annie covered in snow and loving it!

Molly stopping Annie from going down the hill without the sled - she was great with her sister and the big kids were so excited that this year Annie could play with them out in the snow.

Ready to go!

Peter holding Annie to help her up the stairs!

Peter feel down the hill while snowboarding!

Daddy and Annie!

The kids and Bob having fun in the snow - I had such a good time watching them all play and have fun!

Molly Girl looking rosy and happy in the snow!

Peter so happy to be in the snow and with his sisters and Dad!

This was Lizzie when we came in - calm and content waiting for all of us to be done with our fun so we could hold her and love on her! We all took turns holding her once our hands were warm!
So I guess snow is not so bad - it certainly made for a fun family morning in the H-W house! Now I'm off to my cousin, Kara's baby shower (Baby Reillyn is due in January)and than home for the Patriots game with Bob - I'm trying really hard to enjoy football so Bob and I can spend some time together doing something he enjoys - since most of the time we do what I want!

1 comment:

Randi said...

Um, girlfriend, I took your words to task and have updated el blogo with many many updates. Ch-ch-check it out...