Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Just a few picturs that I couldn't resist!

Less than a week until Baby Elizabeth gets here and we can't wait. I'm doing my usual dance of waivering between extreme excitement and and extreme apprehension. Don't get me wrong a c-section is certainly not a bad surgery and my last experience was actually vcry positive but I think with any surgery a girl's entitled to some neurosis. (Just humor me!)Despite having a full time job I also don't spend long periods of time away from the kids - my job is flexible enough so that 4-6 hours is the maximum and I have admitted before that time away with Bob once in a while is wonderful but we didn't have 4 kids to not be with them most of the time. The best feeling for me is when we are all under one roof together! The four days in the hospital gives me heartburn just thinking about it (especially since Ann is so young and does not understand where I am going and what I am doing)- and then I get tears in my eyes thinking about holding our new daughter in my arms and having those long days and nights with just her and Bob and I - loving on her, hopefully learning to breastfeed her and bonding with her! Our big project for the weekend is big brother/sister t-shirts for the hospital - nothing like waiting for the last minute!

The girls in their matching dresses - too cute! Molly loves dressing like Annie - we even do their hair the same!
The rest of these are some random pictures of Annie goofing around the other day - she has such a great personality and LOVES the camera (and the camera loves her - if I do say so myself!)

Sweet Baby girl!

Uncle B's favorite Annie face!

Taking a page out of the Abby book!

Bob took the kids out for a walk tonight just as it started to rain - even Bob wore his hoody and they all looked so cute that I ran out there to grab a picture! Pretty soon the sweatshirts are going in the closet in favor of big fat winter jackets and hats and gloves but for now we are all enjoying the warm weather!
One of my friends from work just called to ask me if I had any baby boy clothes she could borrow - she and her husband of 4 years have no children but recently completed the DCF course for foster parents. She was liscenced yesterday and got the call tonight for a 3 day old baby boy - I have chills and I want to cry at the same time remembering back to where that phone call (on Karla's birthday 8 years ago!) brought me! I haven't yet gotten the diaper bags from my shower to DCF (that is on my list for tomorrow) so am hoping that no one minds that I am donating one to my friend - and it will be one with a blanket that my Mom made and a burp cloth that Auntie Ann made and all of the love that my family put into that wonderful shower for me!
I'm off to enjoy our Wednesday night bonding with KK !

1 comment:

Randi said...

Brought tears to my eyes.