Sunday, November 30, 2008

Craft night with Auntie Ann!

Auntie Ann held one of her craft nights for the older cousins last night. We all met a SES for 4:30 mass and than came back to our house to make crafts and have dinner while the parents went and got some time for themselves. Karla ended up taking Ann for us so she didn't get a break at all and apparently Annie was NOT on her best behavior for her godmother. I guess she has to show her defiant side sometimes!
Church is getting a bit embarrassing for our large brood as people sit farther and farther away from us when they see us. The big kids just hit their stride at church and began understanding that the quieter they are the better their chances of not going to bed as soon as we get home and Annie has just learned how to get Bob and I to break out in a sweat during the mass. She is constantly chattering and wanting to get down no matter how much we encourage the binky and blankie! This week was particularly difficult because Grammy and Papa were not there to whip the unruly children into shape. The great part about our church is that the music is loud and there's even some dancing and clapping occasionally so no one really notices our particular brand of chaos if they are sitting far enough away - eventually I feel as though there will be several rows between us and the next breathing person in church but we keep trying!

Our little angel!

The girls painting their snowmen! They were very industrious!

Auntie Ann helping Abby with her painting - Auntie Ann has the patience of a saint.

The boys working hard on their snowmen.

My beautiful goddaughter never looked up until she was done!

The kids took a break for ice cream and a show while their snowmen dried!

Julia and her snowman! Auntie Ann and i marveled at how differently the kids went about their projects.

Abby and her snowman!

Molly girl and her snowman!

Tyler Patrick and his snowman!
My little ham, Peter, and his snowman!

The kids had a great time and played really well together! Auntie Ann was wondeful and had all the snacks and crafts prepared for them so the night went very smoothly! Auntie Ann even pretended not to notice my disaster of a house and I felt very privledged to be included in the night and get to see all the kids together. I know I've said it before but many of my best friends are my cousins and craft nights and other nights of bonding like them are a major reason why - it is amazing to me that Auntie Ann still has the time, energy and patience to take on the great nieces and nephews but I am very happy that she does!
BTW - Papa took Lizzie for a few hours last night and brought her home happy but hungry - I fed her for an hour at 11 p.m. and put her in the bassinet - fully expecting that she would be up within an hour - I was happily awakened by her gurgling noises at 5:45 a.m. I proceeded to call my dad to find out what time he is coming to get Lizzie tonight because he clearly has the magic touch!
Molly and I went for pedicures and then grocery shopping where we met about 20 people we knew - Molly proceeded to tell everyone that "we had a little sister on November 11th and Mommy needed to spend some girl time with me." She also told one friend that I'm not pregnant anymore and you can tell because my tummy shrunk a little bit." She was a chatty little thing today and I had a blast with her - hearing her thoughts on the world - including how many children we should have, how John McCain must feel after losing to Obama and what she is going to do if they have a snow day tomorrow - it sounded so good and we had so much fun that I almost wish they would have a snow day tomorrow..........I said, almost!
I'm off to console my husband while we watch the Patriots get creamed by the Steelers! At least we have some good snacks to go with the bad loss!
Another happy note - Uncle Ig is coming home for a few days on Tuesday (his birthday) - he will get to meet Lizzie - yeah!
I'm not going to steal anymore pictures from Todd and Michelle but little Cassidy is adorable so go to their blog and see the updated pictures!

1 comment:

Randi said...

The snowmen look great!! And if I went to your Church, I would sit right next to all of you!