Monday, September 29, 2008

Our little angel!

So Bob and I have decided that we had a one year honeymoon with Annie. Sleeping through the night - sweet, loveable personality - easy going nature - required less attention than most kids! She is making us pay now! Annie has had ear infections since she turned 6 months old and we have been back and forth with the docs on whether to put tubes in or wait it out for a while - discomfort and all the child is now a nightmare! She sleeps less than most newborns. Poor Bob is enduring the bulk of Miss Annie's wrath in the form of middle of the night bouts of sleeplessness - she's cute in the middle of the night but still awake none the less. I think we indulged her to a great degree during the whole ear infection thing and have now created a monster! Add to that teething and we have a problem on our hands. The one redeeming factor in the whole mess we have created..........Annie! She is a joy, pure and absolute joy! Her smile makes my heart soar - yes, even at 3 a.m. That being said suggestions are welcome on breaking the bad habits we have formed - we need to deal with this BEFORE Nola gets here!
I'm hoping some of my blog readers (all 4 of you) are readers because I need a few people to read this book I just read and tell me what you think. Be prepared - there is defintely a religious tone - although not necessarily a Catholic one. I read the book in a few days and still can't decide if I loved it, liked it or am ambiguous about it - either way I can not get it out of my head! To read more about the book you can go to If you read it let me know what you think!
I tried to post pictures of the brave souls in the family who roughed it on Saturday and did Hoof It For Haiti but the pictures from my dad are not in the correct form so I'll try again tomorrow! Needless to say I sat home and played with the girls while my 8 year old son and 7 year old nephew - not to mention my father with his 2 metal knees - walked/ran the entire race - I feel pathetic!

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