Sunday, September 21, 2008

Molly and Tyler's birthday party!

Meg came over and fixed my computer so I can finally upload pictures of the wonderful party yesterday. Molly and Tyler were so gracious with each other as they shared their party and they both seemed to have a great time! The Community Center was the perfect place for the kids to play and dance and have fun!
My beautiful goddaughter has some good form!
Uncle Bob and his goddaughter!
Auntie Kelly hanging with Banana!
Molly's one of a kind Irish Step Dancing cake! Auntie Ann outdid herself with this cake - Molly talked about it all night!
Tyler's superhero cake - he loved it!

Our birthday girl and boy!
The birthday girl and Korin dancing on stage!
Molly and Korin, and Ari dancing on stage to Camp Rock!
My beautiful girl playing basketball - she was so proud of herself because she could walk and carry the basketball at the same time.
The basketball and trampoline - my multi talented girl.
Girlfriends - Molly and Ari!
Molly-girl and her godmother!
Our walking girl! She still amazes me when she toddles around!
Uncle B entertaining Annie!
Annie was having a blast with Uncle B!
Uncle Joe clowning around with Peter!
My goddaughter taking her role in HSM very seriously as the kids put on a show for us.
Check out Julia on the side going crazy - the girl has some moves that make her godmother nervous for the teenage years - I'm not sure I'm oging to be up to being her spiritual guide if she keeps up with this!
I got a huge kick out of Abby singing and being so serious about it.
Julia in one of her more subdued moments.
More singing.
Blowing out the candles on their birthday cakes.
Our handsome birthday boy - love that smile.
I love this one of Molly and Tyler looking over at each other - what sweet kids we have!
Tyler and Molly - is it me or is there a slight family resemblance there?
The girls eating table.
The birthday girl and her daddy!
I love that sweet little face - our birthday girl starts opening presents.
Molly loved all of her presents.
The camp Rock dolls were a big hit with the girls!
Molly and Tyler posing for a picture before presents!
Look at all of those presents - what lucky kids!

Tyler P opening his presents.
He liked this present.
Abby enjoying the wrapping paper.
Molly loved how her present was wrapped with Abby's artwork from school.
Opening presents - Molly loved everything she got and spent the day playing with everything today.
Banana checking out the presents.
Molly opened her Camp Rock dolls the second she got home after her party - she loved them.
The kids listening to their MP3 Players - they looked so old!
The birthday girl with her Cheetah Girls MP3 player.
Molly and Tyler had a great day and were wonderful and kind with all of their cousins and friends. My poor sister in law ended up doing most of the work because I am having some issues with sciatica and complained enough that she took pity on me and let me sit and watch her do everything! We had a lazy day today - the kids helped Bob paint the foundation of the house, we went to the park and at Molly's request and with Bob's vehement approval I made BLT's for dinner for my bacon loving daughter! Molly goes for her 6 year check up tomorrow and Ann is coming along for another ear check!

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