Saturday, August 9, 2008

My birthday, the girls tea party and frolicking in the front yard!

My wonderful husband made my birthday very special - he even managed to get a few people together down at the beach house to celebrate - like anyone really wants to celebrate a 37 year olds birthday. Either way I had a great day - the kids remembered things I had said months ago and got me very thoughtful gifts and my husband managed to get me a 2 hour nap - with my pregnancy with Annie I used to nap one or two times a week - not as easy with an 11 month old toddling around so it was HEAVEN! I also got lots of phone calls - including my goddaughter, Julia, who left me a very sweet message telling me how much she loved me!
Peter got Abby giggling while he twirled her around!
Everyone around the TV watching the opening ceremony of the olympics - it was amazing!
Auntie Beth and KK stalked Daisy (the kids missed her while on a walk to the secret road!) - and managed to get all the kids an ice cream for a treat - that was after cake, ice cream and strawberries! Molly was thrilled with her pb cup ice cream.
Peter enjoying his favorite - a sno cone!
TPH with his choco taco!
By the time I reached Abaigeal hers was gone!
Even Annie and Papa got in on the fun with a chocolate banana popsicle.And here's Abby getting changed into her pajamas - I love that smile.

Cake time!
Everyone singing happy birthday to me!
All the kids blowing out the candles with me!
Pat and KK hanging out!
Auntie, Papa and the babies!

Our beautiful girls dressed up for their tea party - they were shaking because they were all so excited to be going! AJ rocks - she even brought the girls flowers when she came to pick them up!
I'm blown away by how cute these girls are all dressed up!
I took a few pictures of Molly before everyone got there - she looked so little but so grown up at the same time. She loves her tiara because it looks like the one I wore at my wedding and today was the first time she ever told me that - she's such a sweet baby girl.
Showing off her entire ensemble - Gabriella dress (from the last song in HSM 2), heels and tiara and jewels - and we can't forget her favorite - pearl earrings from KK.
How can you not be in love with this kid - even with that awful tatoo on her arm she is gorgeous!
Peter and Molly posing for Mommy - Peter told Molly she looked "absolutely beautiful - like a princess on Ella Enchanted".
Another cute shot of the big kids - this is the most peaceful they were with each other all day!
We took Annie outside to hang with the kids and try to get the hang of walking - I couldn't stop taking pictures of her because she was SO excited to have free run out there!
One of my favorite Annie smiles - she is pure joy!
Waving to Daddy while she tries to walk!
Concentrating on walking and looking beautiful!
The Dannahey kids came over tonight so Kelly and Frank could go out to dinner - here they are all tackling Uncle Bob/Daddy.
Piggy back rides for Sean.
Now Korin gets her turn with Peter!
All the kids hanging out and looking cute - what a beautiful summer night!
Sean getting a piggy back ride form his big sister!
Annie eventually lost her clothes and her cool while trying to take a picture with her brother and sister - she was too anxious to be moving to sit and pose at this point!
The kids are settled in front of the Olympics eating popsicles and the Wii is off for the night - Alleluiah! I'm not sure who is more addicted Peter or Bob. Molly and I have been doing alot of eye rolling at their competetiveness!
As you can tell I LOVE my new camera and it has improved my picture taking immensely! MY computer is going to crash eventually with all of the pictures I am downloading - just be happy that I don't post all of them!

1 comment:

Whitney said...

The pics of the girls all dressed up are precious! I also enjoyed the ones of Molly in her tiara! Happy Birthday!