Due to the painting project in the house this weekend I asked my parents to take Ann to the beach for an overnight so that she would not be here breathing in fumes. She couldn't get into the car seat fast enought to get out of town and beamed as she waved goodbye to me. I on the other hand felt weird all night without her. It's amazing how much she adds to the house and how big a void there is when she is gone - especially waking up in the morning without her! Molly had trouble falling asleep last night because she missed her sister - it was very sweet for about an hour - than it got old!
The big kids camped out in the living room so that Bob could prime the rooms last night and they loved it - Pete got the couch and we moved MOlly's mattress into the living room for her - this is how she slept all night!

Molly asleep in the living room.

Annie ready to go to the beach - check out her little shoes. It drives Papa crazy that she never wears shoes so I occasionally indulge him!

My big girl ready for a sleepover!

Headed for the door - can we go now, Mom?

"I'm waiting.........."

Hard to say what we miss most when she isn't here - her smile, her funny face or her rasberries on our cheeks - she is coming home in a few hours!

My company threw a huge picnic for employees and their families at the Wadsworth Mansion - just as they were getting everyone set up for a picture of all 500 people the skies opened up and it started to pour. I felt bad for all the planning that went into it because people just bolted for cover! This is Molly and Peter playing in the rain while we waited for BOb to go get the car for us. The kids were a big hit while we were there. The kids met my boss for the 1st time and MOlly immediately asked if I had to go to work tomorrow(Friday) and Peter told my boss that when he pictured her in his head he always thought she would have brown skin like him! They made quite an impression on everyone dancing in the rain and giggling while everyone else paniked about getting wet! I was so proud of them!

Banana looked so cute in her little dress and she charmed the pants off of everyone who went by while we were at the picnic. She waved her little hands at everyone and if people stopped to say hi she reached out and jumped into their arms. Too cute. My prediction is that she will be walking before her 1st birthday - she stands by herself now. I would tell you about the new sign she learned but my dad will get far too much enjoyment out of making fun of me for it so I'll skip it. I have a good mind to teach her a "Special" sign just for Papa. Just kidding!

Molly girl quenching her thirst from the drops falling off of the leaves. 20 seconds after this picture she spotted a spider on the leaf above her head and freaked out big time!
Since we didn't have time to eat at the picnic we stopped for Taco Bell on the way home and my kids were in heaven - they must be related to my brother because fast food makes them awfully happy! I'll post tonight with pictures of the new rooms and their progress - I forgot to get the before pictures - oops!
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